May 25, 2005

Alan Moore shuns V for Vendetta

V4Vendetta.jpgThis is either a really bad sign for V for Vendetta or just a continuing view of Alan Moore that he will not rubber stamp any movie adaptation of his graphic novel work, but Comic Book Movie has the news that he's not going to endorse the Vendetta movie.

Alan Moore is distancing himself from the Wachowski Brothers' adaptation of his V for Vendetta maxi-series...

...Moore also refused to endorse film versions of his From Hell or The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Now, he's moved plans for a third volume of The League ("Dark Dossier") from DC to indy publisher Top Shelf in a continuing dispute over censorship and royalties Moore said he and artist David Gibbons were owed from The Watchmen.

They go on to say...

It's not been stated, but it's clear that Moore won’t approve of The Watchmen film adaptation either if that film ever gets made.

I'm not sure where that's come from, I've not seen anything to date that would say he's actively not talking to the makers of the movie. In fact the team behind it have said that they're seeking to keep him involved. However, looking at the past history, I think it could be fair to assume that he won't get involved on principle, but for the Watchmen, come on surely.

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 25, 2005 11:09 AM


"However, looking at the past history, I think it could be fair to assume that he won't get involved on principle, but for the Watchmen, come on surely."

Nope, I can just about guarantee you that Moore WON'T let his name on the Watchmen movie if it ever comes out--ESPECIALLY a Watchmen movie. If there's one thing Moore's notorious for (other than exceptional quality of his writing), it's sticking to his guns when he feels he's been wronged (as he does with DC Comics). If he's said that he's not going to allow his name on any more movies based on his work, then he means it.

Posted by: Allen Holt at May 25, 2005 12:06 PM

I understand where Moore is coming from on not wanting his comics adapted to the big screen. But that just aint happening. Thats how the monster works. So instead of being stubborn I think he should work with the movie makers to make sure it is as faithful as possible to the source. Just my 2 cents.

Posted by: Pudie at May 25, 2005 03:17 PM

I agree that this is how the monster works.I would not however want my name on say Sin City if I had the feeling it was going to be crap.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at May 25, 2005 03:33 PM

Sin City is a great movie and was well executed due in part to the filmakers working with and even letting the writer of the souce material direct.
Moore may not have directorial aspirations but DC may be screwing him over ownership and licensing.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at May 25, 2005 03:41 PM

Am I the only one who thought the movie League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was *superior* to the comic? The graphic novel was so full of hate and dripping with bile that I felt violated after finishing it. Doubly so since I paid for it.

Why didn't Moore just write "I hate the British" on every single frame and be done with it? He raped literary history. I can see why Disney wants to prevent Mickey Mouse and the like from entering the public domain. Moore would probably turn Goofy into a drug dealer and Daffy Duck into a serial killer.

Posted by: darkbhudda at May 26, 2005 11:12 PM