May 26, 2005

Adam Sandler to remake Killer Tomatoes

AdamSandler.jpgYes, I could hardly believe it when I read it the first time, but now I've had time to digest it (so to speak) I actually think it's a cool idea. According to Bloody Disgusting through Coming Soon Adam Sandler was caught...

...saying one of his favorite remakes was the "Dawn of the Dead" remake. I asked him if he had considered doing a remake of a horror movie and he said "We actually talked, still do, about Killer Tomatoes. I think we should do that one - lots of gore, but lots of laughs too. Robby's in. That's a classic man....we definitely goin to look at that again soon."

The bizarre humour of Sandler and the movie itself make an excellent coupling I think. Despite Attack of the Killer Tomatoes not being that big a hit you could really see something off the wall being done and it being remade with Sandler. It has a strange kind of appeal for me.

Posted by at May 26, 2005 02:50 PM


I would love to see this happen! The original movie is crazy...but a cult favorite to be sure. I think this is one movie that could be a fun remake.

Posted by: Meli at May 26, 2005 03:10 PM

is it really necessary to remake everything? do we really need 2 (or more) versions of every movie? jesus, man. cut it out already. i love killer tomatoes and i LOVE return even more (cloony and aston, brilliant). i just hate seeing things remade. it's pointless and proves nothing.

Posted by: jason at May 26, 2005 10:35 PM

Jason: Agreed.

For the love of all things holy...stop with the remakes...An original film goes a long way these days...

Posted by: Triflic at May 26, 2005 11:07 PM

i think we should suggest that hollywood sends a message to all script writers informing them that they are no longer required.

All they have to do is start at the bottom of the exisiting list of films and re-make away at the hearts content. By the time they get to the top they can just re-make the re-makes and so on.

Great display of human ingenuity ...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Posted by: Pablo at May 27, 2005 04:46 AM