April 22, 2005

X-Men hints from Matthew Vaughn

MatthewVaughn.jpgMatthew Vaughn has spoken with Coming Soon about a few things he has on the go, and although nothing amazing is revealed, there are a couple of titbits I thought it might be wise to copy in.

While talking about how his approach will differ from Bryan Singer's for X-Men, he said:

I think Singer probably treats it in a more simplistic manner then I'm going to. It's going to expand on things. There's three or four scenes I know people will just be shocked and close to tears.

Might be easy to guess which these might be, unless he's killing off another character, these are probably the Dark Pheonix scenes with the leading X-Men. Although, maybe not:

He said that he had been looking into the Dark Phoenix story, but admitted that he thought "bits of it are great but other bits are a mess

Oh dear, is that why it's a small thread, or does he mean he's reworking it from the small thread? Who knows as no more was said on the subject.

We've been talking quite a lot over the Juggernaut - Vinnie Jones debate, and thankfully...

What's interesting about Juggernaut is that he's the brother of Professor X, and that's why I thought it would be interesting having an English thug opposite Patrick Stewart." Vaughn wasn't too familiar with the origin of the character, but he didn't think it would have anything to do with Vietnam, as with Stan Lee's origin.

Overall though, it sounds like he's going to take the series in an interesting direction. Yet how many times has a franchise which we like and enjoy suddenly had a new team onboard who promise an exciting revamp and then...

I'm just going to make the film as good as I can, and hopefully, they'll like it. I know that there's going to be elements I'm going to be bringing to it that will worry the fans in the sense that I want to make a movie that stands up in twenty, thirty years time basically. The film I'm doing is more in the tone of [the Clint Eastwood Western] 'Unforgiven'." He wasn't too worried about the bigness of this type of project compared to his smaller-scale debut. "I just want to make films that I think are entertaining. I like the idea of doing big budget films with a heart."

There's not that much said here, but a lot of hints. I'm a bit more sold on the Juggernaut idea than I was, I like the gritty realist ideas from Unforgiven, but are they going to fit in this franchise and work?

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 22, 2005 06:44 AM


Hey, as long as Gambit gets a cameo im there!!(and of course wolverine has to be in it)

Posted by: Ray` at April 22, 2005 10:20 AM

My guess is that Vaughn feels like the Phoenix arc is just way too complex and all over the place to distill into one movie. That's how I feel about the arc, and which is why I don't think it should be directly dealt with in X3, but instead set up throughout the next sequel between the events of the main plot. Then, deal with it head on in X4.

Posted by: Mark at April 22, 2005 12:21 PM