April 18, 2005

Wolverine spin-off script details revealed

WolverineClose.jpgThe script writer for the Wolverine spin off movie David Benioff is talking about what we can expect in the script to Comic Book Movies:

Benioff plans to "rough" Jackman's Wolverine up a bit, showing more of his berserker side only teased at in X2's mansion invasion scenes. The story will be a "bit darker and a bit more brutal" and geared toward an R rating.

That's great news, if the Studio, Producers and Director, will all let that happen too, at least the first step will be in the right direction. He goes on to say...

...my concept of him for this movie is the one I grew up with: He's a gritty character, a tough, working-class Canadian guy who was born with certain special powers and granted more through a series of brutal experiments for more that's my Wolverine reality. Im not going too far from that.

Gone are the more fanciful stories that the character gets involved in, and it looks like it's more down to reality with fighting bad guys and killing them with a bit of violence thrown in. How does that suit?

Posted by at April 18, 2005 06:16 AM


About time this happend, and a R rating makes it sound that much better.

Posted by: Ray` at April 18, 2005 07:11 AM

Well, apart from Jean Grey, I am also a Wolverine fan, and I have to agree that with his adamantium claws, how can you temper him down? I am not into violence but with his character, you have to show some of that.

If this is indeed going to happen, please show Wolverine in Japan, his dealings with The Hand, ladylove Mariko and her family of samurai is in itself a good plot already.

Posted by: Simone at April 18, 2005 07:12 AM

This all sounds great to me. I always like his character the best out of the X2 series right after Sir Ian's.

Posted by: Lilly at April 18, 2005 09:20 AM

this is awesome news... i wanna see him take on a clan of ninjas and more.

Posted by: Movie Props at April 18, 2005 04:24 PM

Japan? Nah.. let him stay in Canada. I want to see some Alpha Flight action. Now that would be awesome.

Considering they kind of fudged any possible Yuriko/Deathstrike action that would take place, because of the second film. She is a little on the dead side, and they never mentioned her as a love interest, much less someone he even knew.

Really though, until X-Men 3 comes out, a Wolverine spinoff is the last thing on my mind. Go Gambit!

Posted by: Ryan at April 19, 2005 10:26 AM

Its not confirmed however that jackman will act as wolverine in this movie.. but i hope its him, if its not him, then theres no point of making a wolverine movie... I mean for real, i think he's the best dude who can capture the real wolverine..
Canada or Japan?? either of the two is good for me, but i hope they reveal the real begennings of wolverine,. The recent story line of wolverine that marvel had just released.. after years of mystery they finally revealed his origins,. His real name isnt even logan, it was something else, gay like name if i remember it correctly, and its not the experiments that made him forget his past, it was his childhood, the experiments just made it worse.. nwie you can read them all at the marvel website.. Since the movie would start from wolverines origin i think its good that they include them, like what they did in the DareDevil Movie.. Unless they are planning a Trilogy or something.. like after 2 wolverine movies they will have a WOLVERINE EPISODE I kind of stuff.. Anyway i just hope the movie is as good as we all want it to be, and i think its pretty good that they would make it a little mature type of movie, an "R" rating, movies like this are good to watch if they were not meant for children, with some over stuffed action scenes.. I mean its the story that matters, not the action, special effects is just a consolation, it just makes a good story more interesting.. =)

Posted by: Draken at October 13, 2005 10:43 AM