April 08, 2005

Transformers Release Date

I can't get the theme song outta my head ("Transformers.... more than meets the eyyyyeeee"). Anyway, I was practically giddy when I first heard the news of a live action/CGI heavy Transformers movie... and I'm still giggling like an idiot.

It appears a target date for the release of the movie has been set... and it's a lot closer than I thought it would be. Apparently production on the film will start THIS fall with a thanksgiving 2006 release. Just one more thing to be thankful for I guess.

Doug (co-host of The Audio Edition) is right... as long as they don't totally screw this up, this film will make loads of green off of 25-35 year old fans boys who never grew up (like me).

Posted by John Campea at April 8, 2005 07:08 AM


I can't wait for this Movie! I am glad that they waited though as they could have ruined it. Anyone remember the first Fantastic Four? Anyway in the UK there is a fabulous Citroen Car advert of a dancing car that transforms into a robot (sorta looks like Wheeljack/Prowl). If the people behind Optimus Prime and the gang can get this fluid motion on the big screen I think that it will be as cool as the cartoon was when I first heard Soundwaves voice! The link is below:


Posted by: Lazz at April 8, 2005 11:18 AM

2006, hmmm, I'm not nearly from America so I'm not so sure when thanksgiving is :)

In my childhood, there're three great piece of action comics / toys: He-man, Transformers and GI Joe. He-man movie wasn't that great, GI Joe can be seen in every action movie that ain't so good. And then there's Transformers. Possibilites are limitless. Optimus Prime was great but my piece of cake was always Megatron. Man, I really can't wait to see him on bigscreen. It must be amazing.

With right style, good director (Bay can do the job) and even decent story this can be one of the great summerbusters. I'm very much looking forward to this piece of action!

Posted by: Jorse at April 8, 2005 02:17 PM

Jorse, you may be in luck. I have heard that John Woo is doing a He-Man Movie...

Posted by: Jason M George at April 8, 2005 07:20 PM

Michael F'n Bay!!!!!! thIS IS GOING TO BE hYPE WITHOUT PLOT!

Posted by: jason at April 9, 2005 02:17 PM

Jason M George: althoug I liked very much about He-man universe, I don't really see it as a great movie. I've also heard that Woo / Master of Universe -rumor, but I'm not sure how to think about that. I think He-man is little bit (in fact, pretty much) too childish to make it good movie for those who have enjoyed comics and toys in the 80's / begin of the 90's.

Posted by: Jorse at April 10, 2005 09:35 AM