April 19, 2005

The Rock to play He-Man?

TheRock.jpgHere's another rumour, this time not from a UK tabloid but from Latino Review through Rope of Silicon. According to their rumour mill Rock is up to play He-Man. Strange in that Jason Lewis I is still listed as the lead on IMDB. However, here's what they say:

Mr John Woo is making a movie version of "Masters of the Universe" and he is getting The Rock to play He-Man. It says it'd be the second of the films he has done with Rock, they are doing one called "Spy Hunter" together. He-Man planned for Summer 2006 release it says.

ROS like the idea, myself I'm not so sure. One good thing perhaps is that he's very different from the series version, and he's got the physique. A good pointer is that John Woo and he are already working together, so it might not be a stretch. So what's with the IMDB listing? Wrong? Is Rock right to play He-Man?

Posted by at April 19, 2005 06:45 AM


Rock is not a good choice for He-man...

another wrestler, Triple H, is a better fit, he's got the body and he even has the iron cross as his logo...

Posted by: Goon at April 19, 2005 07:35 AM

Why not? Cause the Rock isnt White?

Posted by: jason at April 19, 2005 08:10 AM

I just can't see the Rock playing Prince Adam.

Posted by: Franklin at April 19, 2005 08:12 AM

Dolph Lundgren isn't doing to much. How about him? =)

Posted by: Nala at April 19, 2005 08:36 AM

Triple H is taylor made for playing a villain. Playing a hero just doesn't suit him. Are they going to stick The Rock in a blond wig?

Posted by: Ben at April 19, 2005 09:21 AM

Well even though 'The Rock' may not look much like the 'traditional' He-Man, this could work. Audiences would have the name recognition of The Rock and I can't think of any really 'popular' stars who could draw crowds for a MOTU movie.

Not the best fit, but marketing wise a smart move. If it ever happens, which I hope it will 'cause I'm crazy for MOTU stuff!

Posted by: trysop at April 19, 2005 01:25 PM

I can't help but giggle when I think of The Rock in a blonde wig. I think he has the ability to play He-Man, but I do have a problem with the fact that he looks no where near close to the character.

He has the build and name recongintion, which is typically enough for a studio exec.

Personally, I'm all about unknowns. Let's find a well built pretty boy who can act, he doesn't have to be a "name" as long as the movie is character driven and doesn't play out like a Power Rangers episode.

Posted by: Meli at April 19, 2005 03:42 PM

C'mon what a waste of time. Is anyone in here really dying to see another He-Man movie? If you are, get out of mom and dad's basement, find a job, and go get laid. I had the toys when I was a kid and I watched the cartoon. The Dolph Lundgren movie sucked but look at the material-LAME. Kids today are not interested in He-Man. Let it go. Why does a movie have to made about every stupid comic book/cartoon/toy/video game ever made?? Here's a thought LET'S MAKE A MOVIE BASED ON AN ORIGINAL IDEA THAT DOESN'T SUCK TO BEGIN WITH.

Posted by: adam at April 19, 2005 04:59 PM

Wow, that's an original perspective. I fit none of those tired stereotypes and am kinda surprised by your tone...so you took the time to post about a 'Masters movie but you scoff at the idea? I like to spend my time and energy doing more constructive things.

ANYWAY, as a designer, I find lots of inspiration from both the old and new versions of MOTU. I'm sure that when properly developed it could be great.

Or it could turn our like the '87 version...not so great.

Posted by: trysop at April 19, 2005 11:21 PM

The Rock is a huge drawcard. Compared to Triple H he is less of a risk to studios. They arent interested in staying true to a storyline or purists opinions - They want to know that people are going to see it (Bums on seats). Frankly I dont think Triple is likely to fill any theatres as a lead character, at this moment anyway. The Rock is one of the leading action guys out now so I can see why he would be considered. I would personally like to see him as Prince Namor the Submariner.

Posted by: Lazz at April 20, 2005 09:26 AM

Is it just me or is the rock being underused? I mean this guy can act and so far he's just been used in a bunch of PG-13 action movies. He-man would be the same but still cool. He should be taking the roles that Bruce Willis is to old to play. Would an R rating kill his image I don'r think so.

Posted by: Alfredo at April 20, 2005 03:06 PM

Alfredo, I do agree with you. The Rock can actually act, and I think it's about time they recognise that and bring up the calibre of the roles he's being offered.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 21, 2005 07:25 AM

I've read the comments about The Rock not being white and playing He-Man/Prince Adam. First of all, that was brought up when he did "Walking Tall". They changed the storyline so it wasn't stretch of the truth hollywood style. I'm sure the script writers will do there best so it seems real enough for the Prospected Audience. Those who think that the Rock can't do it.....its there opion, but, talk to The Rock,: You bring the ass, and he'll bring the whuppin! Just Kidding.

Posted by: Mojo at April 29, 2005 04:18 PM

I would prefer Ralph Moeller as He-Man. He's big, he's white, he's blonde, he's He-Man.

Posted by: SiMo at May 9, 2005 03:47 AM

i think brock lesnar is the right choice and complete choice for he man

Posted by: ramaldeep at July 21, 2005 02:09 PM