April 21, 2005

The Net 2.0 starts with Nikki DeLoach

Sequel this, sequel that, and here's another one for you. Net 2.0 - like the new Die Hard - is in progress as we speak and without Sandra Bullock. That'll disappoint my mate Chris who is totally in love with her! Moviehole have the story:

Nikki DeLoach, who plays Mary Jeanne "M.J." Bevans, on TV's "North Shore", has won the lead in "The Net 2.0", the Sandra Bullock-less sequel currently underway in Istanbul, Turkey. DeLoach plays Hope Cassidy, a young computer systems analyst who is thrown into turmoil when, after arriving in Istanbul to start a new job, she finds her credit cards useless, her bank account empty, and her identity stolen.

Keegan Connor Tracy ["Jake 2.0"] and Neil Hopkins ["Lost"] are the other two key U.S players in the follow-up.

Woo. Not much excitement writing that, what do you think reading it? How was The Net for you, and what do you think of the sequel?

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 21, 2005 06:03 AM

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I'd give The Net a five or less for realism, and an 8 or higher for momentum and thriller aspects. I really liked Bullock in this flick. It was her first non-quirky role. I thought she would do more like them, but alas, she simply doesn't get offered those kinds of parts or she doesn't like the scripts she reads with the thriller parts in them. Dunno. I suppose that's why she started her own production company after she did The Net, but so far, her net hasn't caught her any more good parts to expand her range with. :-(

Posted by: Lilly at April 21, 2005 09:02 AM

I enjoyed The Net, but if I was going to do a sequel wouldn't I want to not rehash the script? Sounds like the plot for the first.

Posted by: Bombadil at April 21, 2005 02:17 PM

Loved "The Net". One of my guilty pleasures film it is. I share the same sentiment as Bombadil, it seems to be the same plot, surely they could have broaden it up a bit?

Posted by: Simone at April 22, 2005 06:51 AM