April 28, 2005

The Mummy 3

The_Mummy8.jpgFor me, the Mummy films just sorta represent good fun Saturday afternoon fun. I don't think anyone is crying foul that neither of them have won any Oscars... but they are enjoyable popcorn flicks.

Now, the good folks over at JoBlo are reporting that a third installment of the series is coming sooner rather than later. Here's what they had to say:

Stephen Sommers has completed a script for a third MUMMY sequel and is looking to start shooting at the end of this year and early 2006. There's no word yet as to whether Brendan Fraser or Rachel Weisz will be back for this sequel but if Universal knows what's good for them, they willl be. This is good or bad news depending on your feeling on the MUMMY franchise but it may just be happening so get used to it, kids.
Yeah sign me up. Yes, there were a lot of things wrong with the second one... but there was still enough nutty fun to justify a third (in my opinion). They're also the only films that Brendan Fraser has really been in where he plays a "manly man" (unless you count George of the Jungle). I'll get a ticket.

The only question I have is... exactly how often can you accidentally bring the mummy back to life without being considered a total idiot?

Posted by John Campea at April 28, 2005 09:10 AM


I like both The Mummy 1 and 2. I hope that this one will be good as well.

Posted by: Mike at April 28, 2005 11:36 AM

mummy 1 was good. mummy 2 was an overblown piece of crap (re those running dogs lol.) and rachel weisz is a babe!! last movie i saw her in was constantine. both herself and the film rocked!

Posted by: B A T M A N at April 29, 2005 03:35 AM

This movie will fuckin suck like all the other ones and the director can go toss the mummys salad

Posted by: i hate this movie at April 29, 2005 10:20 PM

Toss the Mummy's Salad? Ohhhhkeeeay.

This is a bad idea and so was the second Mummy movie. The first was great and fresh and should have been left alone.

And yes, Weitz is a babe.

Posted by: Fredo at May 2, 2005 02:31 AM

I suppose it's possible to invoke some other Egyptian gods or goddesses to wake the sleeping mummy. There's an entire list of said gods/godesses from which we can choose! And once we've woken the immortal thing, we can always use the cat from Mummy 1 to send him right back down into the liquidy abyss from both movies.

Ooo, ooo....we can resurect (sp?)the Scorpion King to bring the largest known mamalian toliet paper roll back to life! Eat your heart out animated bears from the Charmin commericals...

Either way (and my wits are exhausted from all this creativity I've spilled), as long as the original characters -- i.e. Fraser, Weitz, the sexy mummy dude (of course when he's actually human), and the south american girl who played the Mummy's love interest -- are used I will be completly satisfied to watch the third installment. There's nothing as tacky as trying to bring in someone else to carry on the cinema psyche of Fraser's character in the Mummy.

Posted by: SuperGrover at May 5, 2005 10:07 PM

i want this movi!!!

Posted by: shiran at May 6, 2005 05:59 PM

I love the Mummy Movies, I didn't think you could top the 1st Mummy Movie but you did and I can't wait till Mummy 3 is out. Thank You

Posted by: Maria at May 9, 2005 09:22 PM

i like all the mummy movies and i will like the third one

Posted by: dawn at May 18, 2005 12:51 PM

I Love the Mummy movies they are great and when the second one came out i loved them even more i just cant wait until the third one comes out of course with the original charicters

Posted by: Israel Robinson at May 19, 2005 06:40 PM

I thought that the movies were the best... if they dont bring Brendan Fraser back thats okay they could have his son alex be the star... but I really like Brendan

Posted by: Duncan at May 21, 2005 08:22 PM

For all who say the Mummy sucks or wasnt worth the time watching:: Why the hell did you even look at the movie?!!!! Better yet, why did you bother seeing the sequel??? You are all asses!!!

Posted by: nunya1800 at June 5, 2005 08:00 PM

I loved the first two movies and will willingly go for the third, but ONLY if the original cast is back. No one else can do as a great a job as they have done.

Posted by: Jamie Brennan at June 7, 2005 04:44 PM

The Mummy movies are up quite high on my favourites list! I am very excited to learn that there is going to be a third. I hope that they keep the original actors tho, because with anyone else it will just not work. I don't think that they have exhausted the movie by any means - there is a lot of mystery surrounding Egypt. The script could go most any direction and still prove to be a fantastic movie like the others.

Posted by: lvnfld at July 5, 2005 11:00 AM

I think your mummy movies are fuckin awesome you should make a third one!

Posted by: tyler at July 15, 2005 10:42 PM

i think the mummy filmes are fuking cool and i can't wate an tell the therd one comes at

Posted by: john at July 18, 2005 07:48 PM

i think the mummy filmes are fuking cool and i can't wate an tell the therd one comes at cool man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: john at July 18, 2005 07:51 PM

The Mummy was great, the second was enjoyable until the end where they had the crappy Scorpion King. The Scorpion King sucked as a whole and I could not see how it got its own movie. An actually third Mummy film? I'm all for it.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 18, 2005 10:52 PM

I loved the first two movies! As soon as I watched The Mummy 1, I fell in love with it. I couldn't wait until The Mummy 2 came out. And I can't wait until this one comes out. I do hope that Fraser and Weisz return (and the rest of the cast, for that matter) because it's not the same without them. Yes, I understand the aging issue, but there are many ways to get through that problem! I hope Mr. Stephen Sommers continues his great work with this series of movies!

Posted by: ~B~ at July 18, 2005 11:46 PM

I think if they do make the mummy 3, it should be a longer and more longer and promising story as well as the same kick as the first movie had. Everyone knows by now that Imotep was completly destroyed in The Mummy 2 so the story has to change either a worse enemy than Imotep or someone going back in time and bringing imotep back which sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

Posted by: D Sharrock at August 7, 2005 07:00 AM

i love the mummy 1 and 2 i have a crush on brenin fasier he is really cool i cant wait till the next one comes out i think the old cast should be in it it wont be the same im going to be the first one to see it

Posted by: sally at August 25, 2005 08:16 PM

ooooh, i cant wait for the third one, i love the mummies, and i love brendan fraser i meen he is so hot :) i couldnt think of any one better, i really really hope there is a new mummy.

Posted by: chelsey simcock at September 18, 2005 05:20 PM

You guys are soo right! I liked the mummy 1 & 2 too coz they are so cool! Hearing that there's gonna be a third installment i'm so excited! I can't wait for it to come out but only with one condition>>the original casts have got to be in it,do you hear that Mr. Stephen Sommers??? that's if he's directing the mummy 3...hihihihii

Posted by: mariam at September 23, 2005 12:26 PM

i loved the first mummy. the mummy 2 was ok except for the scorpion king. i mean, the rock is a good actor (though u cant exactly tell with this movie) but they seriously overused the special effects.
brendan fraser, rachel weisz, the GORGEOUS mummy guy, and john hannah have to come back or else the third movie will be worth nothing. without them, u'd actually pay attention to the plot and then see all of the holes it has.

Posted by: bernice at October 24, 2005 01:10 AM