April 07, 2005

The Devil's Rejects Clips Online

File this one under "So Stupid It Defies Belief". The sequel to Rob Zombie's pile of crap known as House of 1000 Corpses (aka House of 1000 yawns... or House of 1000 rolling eyes... or House of 1000 regrets I didn't do something else with my evening), The Devil's Rejects is coming out June 22nd. For the life of me I can't figure out why it was made at all.

Anyway, the good folks over at FilmForce have just posted up your first look at Rejects. The clip looks just stupid. But oh well... I always say the most beautiful thing about film is the pure subjectivity of it. FilmForce also offers this little stupid synopsis of the stupid looking stupid film:

In the aftermath of the Dr. Satan Cult Murders, the story continues with the vengeance of Sheriff John Wydell (played by William Forsythe). It's payback time for the death of his brother, and he'll stop at nothing to bring down the Firefly family. To assist him in his bloody endeavor he employs a pair of bounty hunters know as The Unholy Two. Their mission culminates in what Zombie bills as "one of the most depraved and terrifying showdowns in cinematic history."
Don't you just love it when celebrities tell you how awesome they are? Anyway, I'm not even going to bother with this. I took a chance on the first one and got burned for $10 and a wasted evening that I would have rather spent chewing on someones toe nail clippings.

Posted by John Campea at April 7, 2005 09:18 AM


Well i've got to disagree with you here John. I mean the circumstances i was in while watching the House of 1000 Corpses probably made the movie better than it really is. I saw it in a Night Of Terror, with three other horrormovies, from 12 at night till 8 in the morning, but still i thought this movie was rather good. Ok probably you could see it as a cheap rip-off of TCM but i thought it was a very good, read sick, intense horrormovie that wasn't trying to be scary but just was. Without focussing on soundfx of sfx the characters were just very intruiging while looking sort of clownesk.

I truly consider this one of my favorite American horrormovies. For reference other ones for example are The Thing, Evil Dead, The Shining, Rosemary's Baby and more.

So i am looking forward to this movie despite the arrogant words of Rob Zombie.

Posted by: venger at April 7, 2005 10:16 AM

the first movie was a hell of a lot of fun.
very keen to see this second movie.
Rob Zombie rocks!

Posted by: louis at April 7, 2005 05:39 PM

hey, don't knock toenail clippings by comparing them to this flick!

Posted by: s in g at April 7, 2005 06:28 PM

this movie sucked i think this is the worst f'ing movie iv ever seen i mean Dr. satin what kind of gay homo makes something up like that my friends two year old daughter is more creative than that that i think watching sponge bob is better than this shit.

Posted by: flad at April 9, 2005 04:34 PM

John I would not want to try to assume why you have such a hatred for Rob Zombie. However for the last 15 years he's been in the public eye as somebody who has a higher understanding for what seems to have gone unnoticed for the most part(in Hollywood) of that time: A combination of traditional style horror and non fictional plots.

Zombie first really came to my attention in about 1992 because of his original hard rock band, White Zombie (named after the old movie). Personally I still think White Zombie was not only a major influential and innovative rock band of their time. But also provided Zombie with the means to levitate to a high named solo rock act, and build the name and get the funding to produce such an original way of madness and mayhem. Some people don't like his style of movie or music, however i do. The fact of originality and creativity was enough to what I thought would the pants off people. However huge mixed reviews and opinions emerged and I realised Zombie might be doomed to the music biz.

Ive seen three trailers and am relieved to find that the movie seems to pick up right where 1000 Corpses left off. The madness seems to peak in this film with a result of massive mayhem. In a time when sequels are starting to be well produced and worth another movie ticket I'm glad to see RejEcts fall in with the times.

In House of 1000 Corpses, it felt like I was riding along for the Manson murders, or some other equally brutal and fiendish crime (texas chainsaw?). I know some people might think wtf is he talking about but I look for that realism. Maybe you don't like the fact that the whole family is completely wacked out and out of their minds. If I wanted to swear here I'd say "it was some ______ up shit."

It doesnt take much to have a lack of respect for everything and everyone. You can respect somebody without liking them or their art. However I don't want to waste my time trying to teach some pre-teen ignorant American repect and values, of which you or your country seem to know nothing about.

Freespeech is a thing of beauty, but to use it in such a pointless and unthought out way, deprives people who actually have something to say the chance to be heard.

Good Riddance.

Posted by: Malystryx at April 16, 2005 10:49 PM

to malystryx...

i totally agreed with everything you said... up until:

"However I don't want to waste my time trying to teach some pre-teen ignorant American repect and values, of which you or your country seem to know nothing about."

...you can't base a whole country off of one person's opinion... the problem with america and the rest of the world is every other country forms their opinions of americans on the political and entertainment celebrities.. most americans have great values and repect for all cultures; i am irish and scottish, with a Filipino aunt, chinese step-siblings and african american cousins... and i wouldn't have it any other way... so please, to the people around the world: not all americans are like politicians!

however, this statement was awesome... and so, so true...

"Freespeech is a thing of beauty, but to use it in such a pointless and unthought out way, deprives people who actually have something to say the chance to be heard."

oh, and by the way: rob zombie rocks... house of 1000 corpses was one of the most creative and original horror movies i've ever seen... i agree again with you, malystryx, the "realism" in the movie was crazy, i love movies where you leave thinking "are there really people out there like that??!?!?" not, "oh my gosh, im scared to go to sleep cause freddy might get me" ...im so pumped for the second one!

Posted by: amy at May 7, 2005 03:25 PM

Like Sid Haig said "if I want to listen to an asshole I'd fart"

Posted by: irv at July 25, 2005 09:05 AM

The Devil's Rejects was the best.

Posted by: Matthew at July 26, 2005 06:50 PM

People, Devil's Rejects is gunna be the shit, whoever disagrees with that is f'ing nutz. Its the secong part to 1000 corpses, it starts off right at the end of the first film, Zombie is a genious, and should be prayzed! His movies are based so real, and are not all fake like most horror films are! He has major intellect, and that is well-known. I believe that this film will be more than worth 10$ to go see, i mean it has a real-life idea in it and ppl out there are actually like this. They can be sick demented and tourn-up all at the same time. Rob, you are AWESOME!!!!! KEEP UP THE KICKA** WORK MAN.....ROCK ON!!!!!!

Posted by: Stelios at September 1, 2005 01:26 PM