April 19, 2005

The Da Vinci Code starring Christopher Ecclestone?

The casting ot date on The Da Vinci Code hasn't proved entirely popular, and the debate is still on going - see the related links below - but now we're about to add another name to the list for debate.

According to The Guardian, Christopher Eccleston, fresh from reviving Doctor Who in the UK is in negotiations to play the Opus Dei assassin, Silas.

An anonymous source told the Sunday Mirror: "As soon as film producers spotted Chris on Doctor Who they knew they had to go for him - he has everything they want. He is a very serious and respected actor who always gives a great performance. He would be brilliant as Silas."

I totally agree, I can visualise Ecclestone in this role without much difficulty.

The source added: "Chris has now been sent a script and is mulling it over - but he has been told he may have to wear a long white wig."

Not sure how serious I feel about this now that comment has been made, but if this has a hint of truth about it, and I hope it does, it could spell a decent casting move amongst the controversial.

As an aside the trustees of Rosslyn Chapel (not very far from where I live) have agreed to allow filming there for the closing pages of the book (and was that disappointment for me, only a few pages of a mention!). I have to love this attitude though, Andrew Russell, Chairman of the trust said:

"We do not want a situation where people, having travelled thousands of miles to visit Rosslyn, then find out they cannot get in because Tom Hanks is filming."

Damn straight! Tourists first, film stars second. Everyone has been, and still are being, very vocal about the casting to date, so what about this latest suggestion? Is Ecclestone a good Silas?

Posted by at April 19, 2005 11:41 AM


Uh-oh, I had another actor in mind to play Silas, not him though.

Posted by: Simone at April 19, 2005 05:18 PM

Then who Simone?
I still not sure about Tom Hanks in the leading role. I cant imagine him playing that part.

Posted by: Daysleeper at April 19, 2005 05:34 PM

Yeah, who? Hanks is miscast, totally. He's in there for the big name and that alone.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 21, 2005 07:27 AM

I was thinking of Daniel Craig. Remember him as the pudgy priest in "Elizabeth"?

Or, Jake Busey, if father Gary seems too old.

Posted by: Simone at April 22, 2005 10:30 AM

Tom Hanks? Not the right voice at all...Robert Langdon is supposed to be a handsome Harrison Ford type of guy, Just don't see Hanks as such, must be the big name that got him the part, a very good actor, but not for this part.

Posted by: Sophie at May 10, 2005 12:21 PM

Tom Hanks is perfect. Langdon is an academic not Indiana Jones. He doesn't even like guns.

Posted by: Paul at May 11, 2005 12:51 PM

Just finished reading the book and I'm totally intrigued by who will play both Silas and Leigh Teabing. They seem to be the only two important characters who have not been confirmed. The media seem convinced Ecclestone will play Silas but I immediately thought of Ralph Fiennes. Perhaps you could start a poll about who would be the best actor to portray Silas?

I also began thinking about who should play Teabing. A name that came to mind was Sir Richard Attenburgh. Names I've heard mentioned include Michael Cane as well. I think Attenburgh would pass on the excentric nature of Teabing very well!

Let me know what you think, Andy

Posted by: Andrew Lambert at May 17, 2005 11:38 AM

What about Silas? The media reckon Chris Ecclestone has the part wrapped up. I though immmediately of Ralph Fiennes. Does Ecclestone have the physical prowess to pull of Silas? And how about Sir Richard Attenburgh for Leigh Teabing?

Posted by: Andrew Lambert at May 17, 2005 11:40 AM

Teabing will be played by Sir Ian McKellen Andrew. Silas has not been cast as yet.

Posted by: Simone at May 17, 2005 11:58 AM