April 13, 2005

The Amityville Horror Reviews

Amityville_Horror_Poster.jpgThe original Amityville Horror scared the living crap outta me as a kid. That being said, I've been quite interested to see the 2005 version of the story. Also, I've been getting more and more interested in Ryan Reynolds' career as of late, so I'm curious to see how he pulls off a role where he's not a sarcastic pain in the ass.

Now, the reviews are starting to come in... and early word says this is a fun, entertaining and scary flick (that's exactly what I wanted to hear). It's still early yet and many of the heavy hitter critics haven't weighed in yet... but the early reviews look good. Here's what some of them have to say:

"They really put the “horror” back into The Amityville Horror!"
Staci Layne Wilson, HORROR.COM

"Better than the original and scarier than The Grudge or The Ring 2. "
Victoria Alexander, FILMSINREVIEW.COM

"Go see it - the perfect antidote to the overly-intellectual horror films we’ve suffered lately: a scream-a-minute, lighthearted thriller."
David Foucher, EDGE BOSTON

Good stuff. I'll be seeing this one on Friday night... I'll let you know what I think about it... but so far everything looks right on track. To read more reviews of this film go check out the good folks at RottenTomatoes.

Posted by John Campea at April 13, 2005 04:36 PM


my son sam (4 yrs old), wants to see this movie, i dunno how he got into scary movies, must be from all the scooby-doo shows he's watched (cartoons and movies). i think he wants to see it because, he heard the 'house' say, "get out of my house"...oooooohhh spookie! trailer looks pretty good, i might take him with me to watch it....

Posted by: Movie Props at April 13, 2005 05:28 PM

I am a big fan of the first movie, I even read the book when I was kid (which scared me more), so when this project was first announced I cringed and pouted.

With the last trailer released I have to admit I changed my mind and even had thoughts that this could be better than the original. I have my daughter till Saturday, so I'll be waiting till Sunday to see it.(screw evening prices/crowds).
I'll ya know how I feel.

Btw - Movie Props: I would give a lot of consideration to taking a 4yr old to this movie. I saw the original when I was about 8yrs and it freaked me out. If you do take him - prepare yourself for possible nightmares and him wanting to sleep with you.

Posted by: Meli at April 13, 2005 07:58 PM

Ryan Reynolds is going to be a star! I hope he becomes the flash.

Posted by: Alfredo at April 13, 2005 08:47 PM

Going to be star? ;) He already is in my opinion. I have loved him since he was on Two Guys & Girl (ABC tv series) years ago. I am glad that Hollywood is finally sitting up and taking notice of his wide array of talent.

I just bought my tix for this movie online for tomorrow nite...I cannot wait!

Posted by: Meagan at April 14, 2005 12:42 PM

I very rarely watch horror films, but it looks like I will watch this one due to my curiosity of Ryan Reynolds acting skills.

Posted by: Simone at April 14, 2005 06:09 PM

Movie was a lot better than the grudge. It had a lot more scares but I disn't really like the fact that they portrayed George Lutz wrong. I watched this movie because I wanted to get a scare but at the same time was lookig to see how accurate the movie was to the story that was told by George Lutz... oh well...

Posted by: Eric G. at April 15, 2005 09:28 PM

I just saw the movie and I loved it. Ryan Reynolds is such a good actor and he is uber creepy in Amityville.

All in all, this movie rocked my socks off.

Posted by: Sarrah at April 16, 2005 12:34 AM

i didnt see the movie yet... but i was wondering is there any bad gore or anything. my girlfriend thinks it might be too bloody so im just wondering, anyone who saw it please write me.

Posted by: justin at April 17, 2005 02:38 PM

I just got home from seeing this movie, and yeah it's really bloody and graphic. It's not like all based on blood, but it shows people getting shot and chopped up and so on.

see at your own risk!

Posted by: Amanda at April 17, 2005 07:39 PM

"Better than the original "
Victoria Alexander, FILMSINREVIEW.COM

I'd say that is extremely unlikely! The soundtrack won't be anywhere near as scary either.

Posted by: Alice at April 17, 2005 09:29 PM

God. This movie I saw tonight, and I have never been so scared in my life. This movie was awesome. The bathrom scence with that red thing? Frikken awesome. I think I'll see it again, I watch tons of horror movies but this one really put the icing on the cake.

It was scary, fun, and really made every minute tense. I love it!

Posted by: Austin at April 17, 2005 11:05 PM

God. This movie I saw tonight, and I have never been so scared in my life. This movie was awesome. The bathrom scene with that red thing? Frikken awesome. I think I'll see it again, I watch tons of horror movies but this one really put the icing on the cake.

It was scary, fun, and really made every minute tense. I love it!

Posted by: Austin at April 17, 2005 11:05 PM

This movie is racist, it called people Niggers in it. And it said that Niggers have tiny penis's... This movie is bad... It sucks ass.

Posted by: Jack at April 18, 2005 01:24 AM

i really wanna see thismovie..hopefully it'll be good!

Posted by: kc at April 18, 2005 09:32 AM

I have always loved scary movies and have never let out a blood curdling scream before while viewing one...but this one made me and about 15 other people in the theater do it when the little boy had to use the bathroom. On a scale of 1-10, I give it a 20!

Can't wait to rent the original now...

Posted by: Nicole at April 19, 2005 07:58 PM

EXCELLENT!!!!! 10/10

Posted by: daisy at April 20, 2005 01:59 AM

Vastly superior to the original, which was a horror of a different sort anyway. The new 'Amitville Horror' is neither brilliant nor is it plodding. But what it lacks in story line it makes up for in execution. Give it an 'A' for effort. Ryan Reynolds does a great job portraying George Lutz as a good guy turned nut job. Good scares and creepy timing make it a worthwhile horror flick. Also, one of the best horror films in recent memory. Far better than that piece of excrement 'The Grudge'. I liked the original 'Amityville' despite it's boring storyline. My only gripe with the new 'Amityville' is that I didn't get to see Ryan Reynolds proclaim, ala James Brolin, "i'm coming apart, oh mother of god, i'm coming apart". That certainly would have sealed the deal for me. But overall I give it a 3 out of 5 stars.

Posted by: TV Knife Chris at April 20, 2005 10:07 AM

Make sure you dont have to go back to an empty house cos this film will scare the sh$t out of you.

Posted by: ABZ at April 20, 2005 04:07 PM

i wont be seeing this movie

i read the book when i was about 9 and it seriously messed with my head, dreams ect.

later i found out it was all a hoax anyway. i dont know how they get away with saying its true again. ah well, they lied about chainsaw being true too

Posted by: not seeing this at April 20, 2005 11:37 PM

I've just came back to an empty house from seeing this film, all i can imagine that little girl in a empty chair just staring up at me,eyes wide open, i look across at the house thats ment to be haunted next to me, all all i can visualise is that same dead girl staring at me from one of the darkened windows. Its tearing me up inside being alone in the house, esp. since my house has a graveyard on eachside and a house taht is claimed to be haunted since a boy was murdered there....I can't take it! pls dont take ur 4 year old to see it

Posted by: jennifer at April 22, 2005 06:56 PM

Omg i went to see da amittyville horror on friday it is one of da best horror movies yet....i wul derfinatly recommend to go see it...it will have you jumping out of your seat the whole time....IT HAD ME lol!! The very ending is the scraiest i almost gave my arm a concusion because when i jumped i hit the drink holder OUUCH!!i am goin 2 watch it again wif ma friends on next friday nite...cant wait!!!! IF U LYK SCARY MOVIEZ.....GO WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Sara at April 23, 2005 11:39 AM

funny movie...yah it was great...I liked the sex scene. especially when the haunted girl tried to join in for a threesome.
ewwwww. Any way.. the ending was kreepy. It was a funny movie...take your three year old with you. Make sure 10 year olds don't see it though. But it is a family movie (make sure you stare at the popcorn most of the time). I pissed my pants.
It was funny how the baby sitter died..I was crackin up (but I am dementedly sick). so you probably won't laugh. But its funny. But you wont laugh...I am demented. That torture was funny...I heard that there will be a sequel..(guest staring Scooby Doo)and Ryan Renolds. Thank you for the %$#%#^ed up movie BITCHES(oopsy daizy... I didnt sensor that one)j-j-j-j-j unit. Tha best thing about this movie are the previews. they were awesome. I liked the ending too. it was awesome too. but kinda boring. Sorta. Didnt get a fright at all. A very similiar movie to this is shall we dance ( if u like that then you will like this)with Richard Gaybo and Jennifer lezi.

Posted by: Afandi at April 24, 2005 06:07 PM

Hiya Peeps! I saw the movie sat nite. I thought it was far better than the original. That 1's a bit slow moving and boring. This kept me on the edge of my seat.Ryan's acting is brilliant really good seeing him do something serious. Oh n wot a great bod he's got.Yummy! One of my fave scenes is where the little girls on the roof. That would freak me out being that high up.Ryans character (George) scared me to i found him very intimdating.I'd recommend people to go c it. Happy watching!! C Ya xx

Posted by: clare at April 25, 2005 07:55 AM

I think this movie fits the modern day trend of horror films. Half the time intense seens are flooded out by dark tones of music, which leaves the viewer with no imagination of their own. This is the kind of movie that critics will leave in disappointment and simple-minded people, just looking foward to a scare, will rave about to their frinds. I thought that the dialogue was a joke, mostly becasue of the silly lines by Ryan Reynolds said to his step-children and wife. The movie branched too far from the original adaption and storyline to travel into a stupid excuse for the house being haunted that the wife just happened to land upon in the last couple scenes. In the 1979, James Brolin was messed up both inside and outside of the property of the house. Sure, in 1979, the movie was a bit lame and left too much for the viewer, but atleast the characters really appeared to be in shock and torture. I think that if the 1979 James Brolin were to be in this film, the movie would've been better. He didn't need contacts to make his eyes look tired, he truly did a better job than Reynolds. Sorry Ryan Reynolds, you need to stick to comical roles, your just not that good of an actor. Overall, this movie wasn't everything it could,ve been. The only entertaining parts were those of suspense.
Sorry I guess I'm a critic.

Posted by: cory at April 28, 2005 11:02 AM

i havent seen this movie yet, but i have it. i not watching it by myself after i shat myself watching the commercial. so i'm goin tio wait till i have freinds over. i have wanted to see this movie for ages. and all my friends say it tis really scary and gruesome.

Posted by: snoofe at June 15, 2005 11:00 PM

umm this movie was the scariest movie i have ever seen cause its like true but man just killin his whole family idk its crazy

Posted by: miles at August 29, 2005 07:10 PM