April 12, 2005

Superman vs Batman on the big screen

SupermanVsBatman_fanlogo.jpgThis story is everywhere just now, and totally unconfirmed, but what the hell it's a superbly exciting one and something that we can only dream is true. I got this from Bombadil at FilmRot:

'Frequent Flyer' claims to have met the lovely Christian Bale at Heathrow last week and dropped in this: "He's still quite bulky from the Batman part! Anyway, I said Hi, got an autograph, wished him luck with Batman (asked me if I was going to see it - like, duh) and I said I hoped he's back for Batman again. "Two more actually, and then Brandon Routh, the new Superman, and I, are doing Batman vs. Superman as a movie". Is that a scoop?".

I hope it is, and if he gets confirmation (and he doesn't also add it on to this post in a comment) then I'll credit it here too, but if it is true it's amazing. Another Batman and then a versus? I can just see a Dark Knight Returns type storyline but when they're both younger...the first clash of the two. Super powers against martial arts and a dark inner strength. I'm salivating at the prospect, what about you lot? What are the chances?

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 12, 2005 04:11 AM


I've been waiting to see a live action battle between the two titans ever since Batman kicked supes ass in "The Dark Night Returns"

Posted by: Herby at April 12, 2005 04:42 AM

Paging Paul WS Anderson! Paging Paul WS Anderson!

Posted by: Franklin at April 12, 2005 05:05 AM

Sorry but I don't believe this story as ever having happened. Sounds like fanboi-made up BS.

Posted by: Franklin at April 12, 2005 05:12 AM

Oh no, seems indeed like a hoax. How are they gonna match gothic with metropolis. Spiderman vs. Superman, ok. But Batman, I just have problems seeing it happen without changing the original character.

Posted by: dave at April 12, 2005 07:25 AM

Hoax it may be, but stranger things have happened. Would you have believed my a few years ago if I'd said that HHGTTG was being made, or even the Watchmen?

Even if it is a hoax, think on this. The more talk there is and the more people speak out about wanting a movie, the more the Studio will see a cash return looming.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 12, 2005 07:38 AM

Very true John, ...I mean RICHARD !

Posted by: dave at April 12, 2005 07:41 AM

Im no Superherotologist(made up name for people who study superhero's)...but arn't both superman and batman good while they also protect people?.. so why would they go after eachother?.. if anything wouldn't they work together?..... Im confused...

Posted by: Ray` at April 12, 2005 09:38 AM

Well then, if it is indeed true, who will you be batting for boys?

BATMAN for me because of the gadgets and eherm the SUIT! *drools* It has to be said that I love Christian Bale!!!

Posted by: Simone at April 12, 2005 10:22 AM

"Im no Superherotologist(made up name for people who study superhero's)...but arn't both superman and batman good while they also protect people?.. so why would they go after eachother?.. if anything wouldn't they work together?..... Im confused..."

Superman as a baby was launched from the doomed planet Krypton landing in smallville where Ma and Pa Kent raised the little "S" in true Norman Rockwell fasion.

Where as Bruce Wayne as a young boy witnessed the murder of his parents in the dark mean streets of Gothem and grew up more Norman Bates.

Where Superman relies on mainly his stregth to defeat the bad guys. Batman is a detective and uses his deductive skills to get inside the mind of the criminally insane.

Superman is a boy scout and always does the right thing within the letter of the law.

Batman is a vigilante and will get his prey by any means possible.

It doen't take a stretch of the imagination to see how a confrontation between the two could happen.

Posted by: Herby at April 12, 2005 10:25 AM

My money is on Batman. Superman will rush into battle, wheras Batman will be far better prepared.

Classic Brains vs. Brawn. Batman will figure out how to outmanuver Supes.

Go read (or re-read) "The Dark Knight Returns to see Frank Miller's take on a Batman/Superman battle.

Posted by: Herby at April 12, 2005 10:31 AM

Don't get me wrong, I wish Batman could kick Superman's ass but I don't really see how it's physically possible.I mean as far as I know Superman could destroy the entire planet with his powers if he wanted to... isn't that a bit too much for a superhero without real powers (even one as smart as Bruce Wayne) to handle?Having said that, I'll gladly have a look at "The Dark Night Returns"...

Posted by: Judge Jonathan at April 12, 2005 11:17 AM

Hmmm, this doesn't really sound any good. Mostly because Superman has allways been the superhero, that hasn't given me any kicks whatsoever. I see him as the most boring superhero that there can be. No style at all. Batman is much better, although I'm not in his fanclub either.

I'm not really fan of these x vs. x -movies, maybe because there hasn't been any great so far. Also in comics I haven't liked those "quest stars", like Spider-man in Ultimate X-Men. Not my piece of cake.

Posted by: Jorse at April 12, 2005 11:17 AM

Cheers dave! ;)

Looking at the comic lore, which is where this battle comes about. Superman is good in the sense that he does what his bosses tell him, his bosses in this sense end up being the American Government and ultimately the President. Batman is good in the sense of a vigilante and actually hurts as many people as he saves, albeit they are technically bad people.

Batman carries a dark heart and he believes in black and white justice, and that being in the form of vengance and violent vengance. That's something that often gets him on the wrong side of the law, and hence the Government, and in his bigger stories he often comes to the notice of the President. So he gets his main good ol' US Superhero to go pay him a visit and have a word with him, which is where the friction pops up.

Me, I'm rooting for Batman. Supes is dull, too goody goody and ends up as a pawn. Batman's about real emotions of real people. Revenge.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 12, 2005 11:38 AM

i would be very excited if it does happen. the only negative feelings i have are other "iconic" characters pitted against each other, ex. jason vs. freddy, alien vs predator. i hope batman vs superman doesn't follow suit.

Posted by: Movie Props at April 12, 2005 02:06 PM

In a word this is going to ROCK!. Superman is the arctype superhero but Batman is the arctype badass. Superman sits at home and reads To Kill a Mockingbrid and waits for bank to get knocked over. While Batman sits at home and sticks a knife in his arm to see how long he can stand the pain. Superman fights for truth and justice and all that good stuff. Batman fights to win.

Posted by: Alfredo at April 12, 2005 02:38 PM

This has to be the stupidest idea for a movie I've ever heard. Superman can lift hundreds of tons..he's from another planet, can fly, has heat and X ray vision..and Batman is just a guy who works out. Absolutely no match. The movie'll be 2 minutes long. The opening credits, the Batman killing punch, and the end credits.

Posted by: Jason at April 12, 2005 06:49 PM

not if batman has kryptonite.

Posted by: B A T M A N at April 12, 2005 07:02 PM

And with all the wealth and connections Bruce Wayne has, you don't think he already has some of "The Green Stuff" Not to mention Red and any other colors from the big "S"'s home planet.

Posted by: Herby at April 12, 2005 07:10 PM

Superman would definitely win. He could just crush Batman with a train or something. Besides Batman doesn't even have any super powers. He just has gadgets.

Posted by: Joe at April 12, 2005 08:55 PM

Read the classic graphic novel "The Dark Knight Returns". That's the source of inspiration for "Superman vs. Batman". Batman wins, by the way, in DKR.

Warner Bros. was originally planning to do a SvB and made an official announcement about it a few years ago, with Wolfgang Peterson helming. Since then, it's been put on hold.

But I agree this report of Christian Bale talking about this sounds like a fanboy fantasy. I seriously doubt Bale even knows anything about there being a SvB project on the backburner at Warner Bros. He probably did sign for a trilogy of Batflicks, but I doubt he's thinking about anything beyond these films for now.

Posted by: Mark at April 13, 2005 12:41 AM

Oh come on, give Mr Bale some credit I'm sure he researched his role, the movie, the character and also the Business deal itself. You'd want to know how far it might go.

Let me reiterate everyone's comments, go read The Dark Knight Returns. I've reviewed it on my own site and it's positively glowing.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 13, 2005 07:35 AM

Oh Jason, Batman is just a guy who works out, and also invest millions in leading research for development of cutting edge military hardware. That's the key right there and is prevelant in the Dark Knight - read it to understand how this could possibly happen.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 13, 2005 07:41 AM

Batman vs Superman just sounds stupid....Superman is one of the worst superhero characters ever created... he's just super... very boring.. But lets get this straight... as far as superhero's go, there is no more interesting character then Batman... but even batman won't stop this movie from its impending suckiness... I know it was explained above... but I really don't get why they would fight.. i guess im just a doofus...

Posted by: Ray` at April 13, 2005 01:11 PM

im starting to catch on to this site... this is another ploy to get new people into the site isn't it Richard?... another "Spider-Man 2 Download" post....sneaky sneaky.... I knew it sounded fishy....

Posted by: Ray` at April 13, 2005 09:21 PM

I think its a hoax, but that would be tight to see Batman woop on Superman.

Posted by: James at April 14, 2005 03:36 AM

Nah Ray, not a ploy at all, a genuine story I saw and thought it worthy of a discussion, and boy has it been so far!

Whatever anyone has said, and whichever side they are on, this is a superb idea and it really should get made.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 14, 2005 01:29 PM

I originally posted this elsewhere on the site, but I decided to include it in post that was more relevant.

This whole "vs." thing in movies is starting to get out of control. Not only should Batman and Superman NOT be competing against each other, any casual reader of either comic would tell you that Batman and Superman are good friends and have repeatedly teamed up with each other to fight crime. With a few exceptions, "A Death in the Family," "The Dark Knight Returns," etc., Batman and Superman crossovers usually mean they both need each other's help to solve a crime. They're even founding members of the JLA for pete's sake!

Sorry, don't mean to go all geeky on everyone. I just think we should nip this "vs." movie thing in the bud before it gets out of hand. Otherwise we could end up someday seeing Leathal Weapon vs. Rush Hour, Austin Powers vs. Flint, Forrest Gump vs. sam, Twister vs. Volcano. Come on people, we all know Hollywood.

One movie cross-over I would like to see, however...Neo vs. The Terminators. Think about it. Both movies deal with AI going out of control, taking over the world, and leaving humans fighting a seemingly endless war for survival against a relentless robot army. Anyone else agree?

Anyway, speaking of Superman, I think everyone should go back to the Superman movie logo post and look at the logo again, see if I'm the only one who noticed something unique about it.

Posted by: Justin at April 17, 2005 10:30 AM

everyone keeps telling me to read the dark night returns... anyone know of a place online I could go read it?

Posted by: Ray` at April 19, 2005 10:44 AM

No way Ray! Go and buy it or get it out of your local library. It's a keeper anyway.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 19, 2005 10:52 AM

I dont get people. I totally understand the fact that Batman as a character is more exciteing but to think he can BEAT Superman is a joke. Batman is lucky that Superman cares otherwise he would BURN his ass from miles or FREEZE batman and break him to bits or KILL him with one high speed punch. Batman on the other hand has to wait to out manuvere him...YEAH OK. All he stuff about the green stuff...PLEASE as its only wishful thinking. If he really wanted to then he wouldnt need to get near Batman to kill him or anyone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Taz at April 23, 2005 11:42 AM

superman can whoop batmans ass all the way to the moon.I mean superman
can freeze him and then smash him to little bits and batmans human the only thing he has is his technology.See my friend his a big fan of batman and he thinks that batman can whoop supermans but and i told him to shut up i mean come on supermans gotta win and even if superman lost to batman he was probably just faking to loose.Also dc comics need to make a deal with cartoon network so they can put a superman:the animated series on and + they need to make superman darker like batman giv him the name like superman the dark prince of krypton like what they did with batman.

Posted by: kieran at May 30, 2005 07:23 AM

Hey who ever reads this who do you think would win out of DareDevil vrs Batman or SuperMan vrs Captian America

My email address is [email protected]
so contact me

Posted by: kieran at May 30, 2005 07:45 AM

The only way batman could possably win, is if he had some kryptonite, but if you put the 2 of them in a room and told them to fight it out.... superman can sleep though all the best batman can do.. and then wait for batman to catch a cold and die being he is 100% human..... and if it already happend in some comic book... dont matter.... that was one writters version of the story... alittle bit of an underdog story... it would be like Mike Tyson vs Tiger Woods.

Posted by: Temper at June 10, 2005 09:47 AM

tyson vs woods thats a good one but true it would be like that and even if batman had kryptonite superman would jus be able to use his stregth to through something at the dark knight from a distance or jus shoot the the kryptonite out of bruces hand or supes can wear a led suit then beat the crap out of the batman and i don care what hapened in any batman comic thats jus someones imaginative story but anyone with common sense knows batman would lose and supes would win but heres an idea superman vs hulk movie now theres a movie

Posted by: matt at August 1, 2005 04:16 AM

I agree. Im a Superman fan, but i still follow Batman and the other good heroes, but end of the day batman vs superman is stupid, its a no contest, Superman can move @ light speed if he wanted to and throw batman into outer space or something lol. If batman had kryptonite then yea, but that would be to easy and the film would just be boring. Hulk vs Superman thats much better, even still tho the bottom line is, no hero can match the speed n strength that superman has.

Posted by: Rob at August 9, 2005 07:27 AM

Ok here is the thing batman is just a regualer human like u and me all batman relies on is gadgets and some fighting techniqs on the other hand superman is from a diffrent planet and superman carrys his own power just like they said on smallville clark is able to do anything that means anything shooting fire out of his hands and eyes flying at the speed of sound flyting arouind the world to take back time thou whos captian of the justice leuage its superman you wanna know why its because he is the strongest and because he never lies but if batman was to fight superman it would be very oviuos who would win Superman would because He carrys his powers and batman relis on gadgets thou if batman got kryptonight then the onley superman could do is run and super man is also faster then batman to in the End Superman Would Win Thou a good mathc would be The Hulk Vs superman i still say superman would beat hulk

Posted by: Superman at August 10, 2005 04:31 PM

Superman by the way wins this battle... after getting hit with the kryptonite arrow in dark knight returns, superman comes back and kicks Bruce Waynes ass so hard that he fakes his own death by taking some stupid pill... some superhero, he backs out of fights he cant win i guess... what a pussy

Posted by: Superman at August 29, 2005 02:05 AM

I am very exited 2 see the movie. Superman vs Batman will be spine-chilling experience. let see.. how the Director direct the film. Get ready 4 the ultimate action.......'Brandon Routh vs Chritian Bale'

Posted by: Pankaj Naik at October 11, 2005 02:20 PM