April 12, 2005

Superman shield revealed

Superman_teaser_poster.jpgAnticipation is a funny thing, you have to deliver. So when I was reading the story in Coming Soon about the new Superman shield, I was excited, dead excited. This could be really cool, and I thought that without really considering what the shield would be, then I saw it. Anticipation and no delivery. Still, I thought I would let you have the link to Superherohype, and like Coming Soon, not show you the image initially. I'll let you have the same anticipation. Come back and let us know what you think, I'll wait...

...Everyone say wooo. I much prefer the fake teaser poster John found than this.

Posted by at April 12, 2005 04:03 AM


Eh...I'm unimpressed. It looks good, but it's pretty much what one would expect.

Posted by: Diaz at April 12, 2005 08:28 AM

So...they ran it thru Photoshop huh...made it metal...woot!...(sigh)

Posted by: Chris at April 12, 2005 05:50 PM

Anyone else notice that the Shield logo is physically impossible? Look at it very carefully and track the 3D elements of it.

Posted by: Justin at April 12, 2005 09:48 PM

kinda looks like its bulging... in a bad way

Posted by: BGman2x at June 17, 2005 06:27 PM