April 01, 2005

Superman Returns Teaser Poster

Superman_teaser_poster.jpgI don't know if I like the growing trend of studios starting to promote films further and further in advance. But oh well... here we are talking about it and I'm sure that's exactly what the studio wanted.

The awesome folks over at FilmRot have pointed us to this dandy little teaser poster for the upcoming (and fantastically cast) Superman Returns. To me, it seems to be just right for a teaser poster. It's simple and gets the idea across. Groooovey. I think this film (with Bryan Singer at the helm) is going to rock.

You can check out a much larger version of the poster here.

UPDATE - Yup, turns out this one isn't real, it's fan art. Too bad, I kindda liked it.

Posted by John Campea at April 1, 2005 07:17 AM


who is goin to play supermans enemy?
If you ask me i def. don't think it should be Lex Luthor the guys a choke as a baddie. I think it would be pretty cool to see like appoclypse or someone big like that i dont really know to many of supermans enemies hes pretty much the only one becides lex but who is that one guy who is half metal half human i think he would make a good fit 2 considering thats his only enemies

Posted by: venommm at April 1, 2005 08:20 AM

Is this April 1st joke? ;) That poster has been around for a while and it's fan made.

Posted by: vision_afar at April 1, 2005 11:53 AM

looks like an alex ross illustration.

Posted by: Movie Props at April 1, 2005 12:23 PM

Drop the actors faces and just show the out streatched hands....the faces suck

Posted by: jason at April 1, 2005 01:44 PM

April fools it is it seems:

EDIT (4-2-05): Turns out this teaser poster isn't. Nope...just clipped fan art. Can I call 'em or can't I? Check out the original fan art here.


Thanks to CB Forum member 7thError for rooting out the source.

Posted by: Ram-Jaane at April 2, 2005 06:09 AM

Did someone just say Luthor is a choke as a villain? Definetly not, and as a matter of fact he terrifies me ... especially with Kevin Spacey doing the part.

Oh yeah, and the poster did look cool. But Warners will probably focuz there teaser trailer on the symbol. Allows for earlier toy and clothing marketing.

Posted by: run robot run at April 3, 2005 09:22 AM

This movie would be incredible if they did it on the Death of Superman. Doomsday battle all the way baby. It would be crazy intense.

Posted by: Mark30 at April 4, 2005 06:15 PM

hi all,
thanks for the correction, i've been aware one of my art has been circulating on several websites, claiming or thought it as the official teaser.
hey, why don't you come over to my new website at www.iskandarsalim.com. thanks a bunch!

Posted by: iskandar at April 5, 2005 12:43 AM

my name is Ben Aspey, i first knew about this superman movie when i came on the net to find any info on the great action comic, i am a part time actor and went to audition for the part of the young clark kent, unfortunetly i did not get the part, but i would like to congradulate the guy who got the part, i hope he realises how awesome of a part he has recieved, i hope he knows that he is playing a part of comic book history the beginning of supermans life, good on ya mate hope it goes well.

i am sooo excited about having the man of steel reborn and i think they chose the right man to play the hero, i hope the movie goes great, cant wait to view the special effects for the flying should be awesome.

thnx Ben Aspey

Posted by: Ben Aspey at April 19, 2005 10:24 PM

Doomsday is definately going to be the villain because he's the only living thing strong enough to harm Superman.Lex Luthor can't even take over the world without help.It has to be Doomsday.I'm 100% sure because there are some Doomsday skeeches over at a website.The name of the website is supermanhomepage.com and now that this spoiler says that Superman will be injured or killed,I know that I'm right and that Doomsday is going to be the villain.I can't wait!!!

Posted by: Joshua Jones at April 22, 2005 09:11 PM