April 20, 2005

Star Wars marathon in London

StarWarsIII-Duel.jpgAll Star Wars fans need to get themselves over to London for a mammoth showing of all the Star Wars movies back to back, yes, all six! According to the story on Yahoo it will take place the day after the premiere of the movie at Cannes:

During the unique daylong Leicester Square extravaganza, London's premier theaters -- UCI Empire, the Odeon Leicester Square and Vue -- will unspool screenings of the previous five movies before the day culminates in the U.K. premiere of the sixth installment at the Odeon Leicester Square, the largest theater in the United Kingdom. Fans who have bought special passes for all six movies will be able to view Sith" in the UCI Empire after the five previous movies.

Not only that, but there are a horde of extras too. Stormtroopers around the entire square (non-armed of course), the London Philharmonic performing the music of Star Wars free for fans in a special concert, as well as seeing the stars at the Sith preview at which the session will end.

Superb. John, get yourself a ticket! How's this for the ultimate showing? Is anyone going and fancy giving us a rundown of the event either afterwards or live between movies?

Posted by at April 20, 2005 05:14 AM


I don't mean to nitpick ... but wouldn't it make more sense if they showed them chronologically? I know that it would kill the build up to the release of RotS, but wouldn't it be more logical to run them from TPM to RotJ with the premiere of RotS in the middle where it fits in the series?

Ok, ok ... I'll shut up.

Posted by: Greg at April 20, 2005 08:34 AM

Great Rich, I was hoping one of you will pick this up and share it here. :-)

This is one of those times when it actually
pays off living in London.

As a huge STAR WARS geek I am going to this one, and this is despite the fact that I have already booked tickets for the midnight screening, and for the first screening on opening day at the ODEON. When this news came out on The Force.net yesterday, it was all I can think about, I can't wait to get hold of my GALACTIC PASSPORT which will be sold off online and in the box office on 25 April, I hope to be able to get my tix, oh, and the buzz is that George Lucas and Hayden Christensen will grace this STAR WARS Marathon. Mannnnnnnnnnnnn!

I will report back here Admiral Brunton! LOL


Posted by: Simone at April 20, 2005 10:29 AM

How I envy you Simone! *winks* This is why living in London is so worthy. And don´t forget to report!!!

Chances are that I will see episode III in an ordinary cinema some ordinary day... sigh...sigh...

Posted by: Peter at April 20, 2005 12:56 PM

Simone! I'm so jealous! But it's super cool you get to do this.
Can't wait to hear the details.

Posted by: Meli at April 20, 2005 03:40 PM

Meli: Well it all depends if I can get the tickets to it, I had a hard time just booking my 10:30 am screening for the first day showing, although surprisingly the midnight screening was easy to book.

Peter: I am sure your spirit will be with me. *Winks*

Posted by: Simone at April 20, 2005 07:22 PM

Wow, yeah Simone that is awesome - there's gonna be tons of stuff going on all day it sounds like! I'm glad there's finally going to be some awesome international stuff going on with this last film, so enjoy!

Posted by: trysop at April 20, 2005 11:46 PM

i think that sounds like a lot of fun!

Posted by: Movie Props at April 21, 2005 02:28 PM

David!!!!! How's it going with the Star Wars convention- tell us as soon as you get back pal!

Posted by: Simone at April 22, 2005 07:29 PM

I'm hoping to get tickets when they come on sale early next week. Only 1000 available, but I made sure I don't start work til later in the day so I have time to phone up along with the other few million that wants tix!

Posted by: Scott at April 23, 2005 07:32 AM

Oy Scott, maybe we can meet up, it will be nice to share a cuppa in between films! *winks* Are you based in London?

Posted by: Simone at April 23, 2005 08:25 AM

Hi all, I am excited too - just hope I can get tix - its going to be tough!! Get ur pcs on line and your fingers dialling. Lets all meet up if we get in - what do you think?

Posted by: Oliver at April 24, 2005 06:10 PM

I was there at 7 this morning and I got one of the last tickets - yee-ha! I heard internet and phonelines were sold out after 13 mins...

Posted by: ren at April 25, 2005 06:07 AM

if anyone wants to sell its ticket for star wars marathon, I will buy it for 100 pounds!!!! please!!!lat me [email protected]

Posted by: Angelo at April 25, 2005 06:22 AM

I've managed to secure some tickets for the star wars 6 movie marathon and am considering in letting some go if my family aren't too keen in doing a back2back for 16 hours.

I'll be collecting the tics in a few days time and I have no idea where the seats are, so pls don't ask that question. By that time I'll know how many tickets to release for sale. Tickets will go live on e-bay this coming Friday on http://www.ebay.co.uk

I'll update on the weblink then

Posted by: Jonathan at April 25, 2005 07:10 AM

The FORCE is not very strong with me today.

:-( I am utterly heartbroken, I didnt even get a single ticket. Did they really started selling at 9 am or way before that???

Anyway, I am licking my wounds at the moment, but for those who managed to get their galactic passports, share with us your experience for a lifetime. I'd prolly die of envy! LOL

Posted by: Simone at April 25, 2005 10:06 AM

I got tickets! I got tickets!

Posted by: MindTrick at April 25, 2005 10:14 AM

Need 2 tickets for clients from the States.
Serious offer.

Posted by: c star at April 28, 2005 08:45 PM

Hey everybody,
got 2 tickets for sell for the marathon screening. Unfortunatly I will not be able to go. Please email me if interested and tell me what you are willing to pay. Tickets seated together.
Regards Sarah
[email protected]

Posted by: Sarah at April 29, 2005 04:31 PM

Hi, I'm looking for 2 tickets. I would be willing to pay £150+ each for them :)

Posted by: Devlin at May 5, 2005 04:05 PM

Hey everyone, I got a ticket for anyone interested. 100 pounds is the offer so far. Happy hunting. email me at [email protected] if you're interested. Good seat. I do have to meet you in London, though, so hopefully you are in town this week.

Posted by: Dan at May 9, 2005 01:36 PM

Looking for 1 ticket to go and see this. Will pay £100 for it. Cant beleive the ebay prices for these things. Well let me know if you have a ticket for sale
[email protected]

Posted by: Simon Burfield at May 11, 2005 07:56 AM

To those going to the SW marathon, check out the guidelines posted at The Force.net

Posted by: Simone at May 11, 2005 09:11 AM

Hiya i wish i was there i was going but college i had to go :( my mates are there lol at me all day ive been texting to see whats going on down there ill have to wait till thursday noooooooooooooooooo thankyou for your internet college lol

Posted by: Doddy at May 16, 2005 10:14 AM

I was going but i had to go to college noooooo and my mates are there chilling with celebs :( i want to go but damm you course work!! all day ive been texting in class asking them whats going on down there in London. so today ive been texting and not learning lol

Posted by: Doddy at May 16, 2005 10:25 AM

Oh blimey Doddy! Ditch college and go there nowwwwwwwww! You know the FORCE will sort it out for ya! :-) I am here at work but my mind is not really here but with our fellow geeks at the Leicester Square.

Any news about it so far? *winks*

Posted by: Simone at May 16, 2005 11:11 AM