April 15, 2005

Stan Collymore joins Basic Instinct: Risk Addiction

BasicInstinct.jpgI think this is going to be a complete stinker of a movie, and this little titbit from the BBC just continues to prove my point.

The footballer Stan Collymore is signed up to play a part in the new Basic Instinct: Risk Addiction. For those of you who don't know, he's famous in the UK for a few things other than football:

In an eventful footballing career, Collymore was on the books of 11 different clubs - including Nottingham Forest, Liverpool and Leicester - and earned three England caps. He became equally well-known for his off-field behaviour. Collymore gained notoriety in 1998 when he hit his then-girlfriend, TV presenter Ulrika Jonsson. Last year he admitted participating in "dogging" - voyeuristic sex with strangers, which led to him losing his job as a pundit with BBC Radio Five Live.

Why did he loose his job? He wasn't indulging in the sex acts at work, and if they did this to someone who was gay or a lesbian for their sex acts they'd be straight to the courts, but not a celebrity, oh no.

Anyway, I digress. He's only got a small part and seems to be an initial incidental character, but to me this is just reeking of "let's get someone with media baggage related to the storyline and chuck them in". "Oh, and let's get someone from the UK to help sales over there".

Filming starts on Monday...

...careers end when it hits the cinema.

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 15, 2005 01:34 PM

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It looks like this film is already doomed to fail.

Posted by: Simone at April 16, 2005 07:06 AM