April 07, 2005

Site Updates - RSS and Podcasting

Hi all. As you should well have noticed there have been a few updates of late, and I thought I'd just run through them all so you are aware.

Added to the sidebar sometime ago is the list of the last fifteen comments made, each with a link to the post. Underneath that is a link to the ...Last 100 Comments...

This lists the last 100 Comments made on the site, and should help in keeping conversations alive on posts that are long passed the front page.

This page also comes with an RSS feed. It's slightly unpredictable as I've seen it, and tends to mix up the timeline on comments and miss out the odd one or two, so it's still in testing. If you would like to use it and let me know of any issues we can see if we can fix it, or drop it.

We've also increased the amount of posts on the front page by showing another fifteen entries in a shortened format below the fifteen full front page posts.

The Most Commented on Posts also lists the top posts of the last week, month, and year. This shows what the hot topics were and tries to keep the debate going on them.

I guess the latest addition, and really what this update is all about - we'd just never announced the other bits! - are the new syndication feeds. For your ease of use there is now an Audio Edition RSS Feed on both the sidebar and the Audio Edition page itself. Add to that the new Podcasting feed, which is tested and works a dream. Please feel free to use these and distribute among your friends.

If you have any other suggestions or feedback on these, feel free to drop them in as comments, or send either of us an email.

Posted by at April 7, 2005 09:19 AM


last 15 / 100 -posts update really rocks. Makes it very much easier to find intresting topics.

Posted by: Jorse at April 7, 2005 09:53 AM

Just one thing that bugs me is that the left hand grey vertical bar and all it's content should be placed over on the right. It'll make it more comfortable to read the articles.

Posted by: paul at April 7, 2005 10:34 AM

I love everything that has changed since. Its really very user-friendly. I find the Search feature really invaluable.

Great work you guys, what have we done to deserve all this? *winks*

Posted by: Simone at April 7, 2005 04:55 PM

Did y'all just make the RSS feed not full-text? 'Cause that kinda blows. If it was unintentional (e.g., software upgrade), it's easy enough to fix. Please, please consider going back to full text.

Posted by: Greg at April 8, 2005 10:54 AM

Greg - Which feed do you mean, and what are you seeing happen?

Oh...I just noticed it. I'm guessing John has made a further change.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 8, 2005 11:37 AM

The updates are great Richard.. The podcast feed works great.. Thanks alot for that.. Great site as well..

Posted by: Matt at April 9, 2005 04:45 AM