April 23, 2005

Silent Hill casts lead and exclusive set movie

RadhaMitchell.jpgWe got the heads up on some cool outdoor sets for the Silent Hill movie the other day, and as the news arrives of the lead casting it's an apt time to announce both. According to Coming Soon:

Radha Mitchell (Finding Neverland, Melinda and Melinda) will topline the video game adaptation Silent Hill for TriStar Pictures.

Principal photography is due to begin Monday in Toronto on the suspense horror feature, directed by Christophe Gans (Brotherhood of the Wolf), and will run through July 22. The movie is budgeted at $45 million-$50 million, with additional casting to be finalized.

Well the work on the sets has already begun, and an intrepid reader has filmed some of the sets for us. Hopefully we might see more in the coming weeks, but for now here's a link to Harry Clause's set film (39.4Mb\5m48s). There's nothing too much to see yet, apart from signs and rundown buildings, although that archway is intruiging. Unfortunately it's only there for six days, although Harry may be kind enough to repost after that. Hopefully there will be more to come.

What about the casting though? Visually she looks the part. This combined with the set pics and the writing of Roger Avary looks like we could get a fairly close adaptation.

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 23, 2005 10:50 AM


I cant wait for this. I'm a huge fan of the series (SH 2 being the best imo) I pray that they manage to capture the atmosphere that made the games so terrifying. Anyone know who's doing the score for this? If it's Akira Yamaoka then my excitment is gonna hit defcon 1!!!

Posted by: Gus at April 23, 2005 08:41 PM

i was just on set today :) filming is underway in Brantford, Ontario, my hometown :) weee lol.... scary place indeed :P

Posted by: Brenda at April 25, 2005 08:06 PM

i love the silent hill games....they are amazing and take u 2 a world so scary, it makes me feel werid 4 hours after i play it....i hope the movie is just as scary *meaning i want the darkness, and the creatures 2 be the same, and the rusted crated world on the reverse side 2* i can only hope these things and pray that when i see it..im very scaried amd pleased! :)

Posted by: Andrea at April 30, 2005 09:03 PM

I am a big fan of all the silent hill games..the comic books are pretty nicely done too but why is silent hill the movie based on a women trying to find her daughter? isn't it based on the story of the second game? but it looks like more on the first the only difference is why did they change the the guy "star" of the game to a woman?

Posted by: shawn at June 1, 2005 07:18 PM

Silent hill, the best games ever....I Hope The Movie too...

Posted by: Wandes Syahrum at June 16, 2005 01:21 PM

OMGSHNESSS!! i actually cannot beleive this! the best game -with resident evil- is coming out! woot woot i cannot wait at all i hope these ppls hurry up and finish this movie so i can see this! thankgod someone noticed that there was a game out there that still wasnt made to a film well to all the ppls working with the movie....GOOD LUCK because i do beleive this game is hard to make a real atmosphere in a movie.

Posted by: emily at June 24, 2005 05:25 PM

With all do respect, I think the movie is going to be a total bummer. The first Silent Hill game was based on the father in seach for his daughter, by replacing the the charcters already is lame, and not following the original gaming storyline. If you're going to make a movie "based" on the game, then atleast do it right. and by the way Silent Hill 2 is based on "James Sunderland" in searcg for his "dead" wife, for people who are getting confused.

Posted by: Jonathan Elvester at July 1, 2005 06:16 PM