April 11, 2005

Sex and the City Movie - Forget it

A few weeks ago we posted that a Sex and the City film project could be back in the works. Yeah... well... we shouldn't hold our breath.

The good folks at The Globe and Mail did an interview with one of the stars of the show, Kim Cattrall, and some very interesting, and bitter, remarks came out. Here's a snippet of what was said:

Last year there was much talk that Cattrall was the only member of the cast who didn't want to make a Sex and the City movie, largely because she felt she wasn't getting a fair deal. She does not refute that now. "If there is a movie, it will have to be a really good script, because there hasn't been a script, and also a very fair deal for everybody. Not just" and here her eyebrow climbs as high as the Empire State Building "some people."

Speaking of "some people," what about the reports that there was a rapprochement between her and the other cast members at Sarah Jessica Parker's 40th birthday party in New York? "Believe me, I would not be at that birthday party." Well, this certainly calls for a bit more prodding.

"Look," Cattrall sighs, "we had our time together. And the real truth of it is that we weren't best friends. We were colleagues. We had a common ground and a common purpose."

Meeeoowwww! Sounds like it wasn't all fun and giggles on the set of Sex and the City. I can see where Cattrall is coming from. If your team is what makes the show work... then why should one member of the team get 50% more than the rest. The cast of Seinfeld always made equal money on the show. Just a thought.

Posted by John Campea at April 11, 2005 06:54 AM


Umm no they didn't. Jerry made like twice as much...

Posted by: Gerrit at April 11, 2005 09:41 AM

I agree with you on this, John. Like the cast of Friends, if you are in an ensemble, you should stick together and act like one in business, too. Why should one be elevated by their PR and publicist when you are doing the same job and work? It's not fair. I have to back Kim on this. Just because SJP did the narrative for the show doesn't mean they didn't give Kim less time onscreen or delve into her character any less. In fact, Samantha had a great chunk of storyline in the latter part of the series that was less than comedic and she pulled it off brilliantly. Fair's fair. Like the Friends cast who stuck together during contract negotiations, so should the cast for S&C;, but we don't hear anyone else talking about it in this respect from that ensemble, do we? Why is that? Why aren't the other two just as cut dry about being screwed over like Kim is? I would be just as matter of fact if it were me. It's only good business sense.

And she aslo made another great point. No one has approached anyone with even a rough draft of a workable script. How is she to agree to a sight unseen script when she could find herself locked into a shitty project after they work out the dollar figure? I wouldn't do it. I would be a first class fool to do that. And that isn't a slight on the production team or showing a lack of faith in them, but let's be real here. Very few shows translate well to the big screen. And with a character like Samantha, who has been scripted to do very wild things on the small screen, you just know they would have to up the ante to a place where even Kim might feel very uncomfortable going with her body on the big screen.

Posted by: Lilly at April 11, 2005 09:43 AM

I only look at Sex in the City for Kim Cattrall. If she is out, I am out.

Posted by: Dave at April 11, 2005 12:40 PM

Sarah Jessica Parker is rumored to be a huge b****. (Censored by me, not John.) She bad-mouthed GAP and teen R&B; singer Joss Stone for dropping her and replacing her with Stone.

Parker's next career move is probably to guest star in an episode of Fat Actress.

Posted by: Franklin at April 11, 2005 03:27 PM

Well, although I agree with some of the above sentiments I also have to say 'Shame on Kim'. She is not exactly starving and if it weren't for Sex and the City she'd be remembered most for Mannequin!

Posted by: jerry at April 23, 2005 03:38 PM

Well I dont care What any of you think they were all Absofuckinglutely FABULOUS. I loVem em ALl. Anbd the end of series 6 was perfect but I majorly Back a Movie Because i am a huge fan. I need some closure.

Posted by: Zane at May 16, 2005 05:29 AM

Kim needs to stop being a bitch and suck it up! Do the damn movie Kim....you ain't doin SH*& else. Jerry got paid way more than the rest of the cast and they did'nt complain. SJP was also exec producer so of course she gets more.

Posted by: Mitchy at May 24, 2005 10:30 AM