April 27, 2005

Serenity Trailer - AWESOME!

Serenity_Poster5.jpgWell... true Joss Whedon's word, the trailer for the upcoming flick Serenity is now online... and it... looks... FANTASTIC!

No need for me to blad about it... you should just go here and download the puppy. I'm excited.

Posted by John Campea at April 27, 2005 04:26 PM


I haven't watched much of, okay, any of Firefly but I still can't shake the the feeling that despite the increased budget that the actors in the movie remind me more of the cast of, uh, Babylon 5. That is, there's no movie stars. No one of real interest, etc.

So for me, ehh.

Posted by: CD at April 27, 2005 04:56 PM

This is going to be a great film. The TV series was excellent, and in no way should have been cancelled. The Cancelation of Firefly is a prime example of when Studios try to interfere with creative aspect of things.

First, they did not air the original pilot which gives all the backstory to the characters. Then they showed the episodes out of order, so they made no sense. And lastely they aired the show on Friday night. I death blow to be sure.

Joss has created some great characters, and a very unique veiw of the future. I believe this movie, and the two that follow it, will ba a true testement to his vision.

I can't wait...

Posted by: Jason M George at April 27, 2005 04:58 PM

looks awsome!
funny thing but, i showed it to a few mates that know nothing of the tv show and they didn't like it?? This movie is going to rock, but i think it will bomb which really isn't fair :(

Posted by: louis at April 27, 2005 05:43 PM

I dont get it. It just looks like Buffy in space to me. I guess if your a fan of the series it'll be one to put on your wish list, but for non fans, it smacks of the usual boring sci-fantasy crap, ala roddick imo.

Posted by: Gus at April 27, 2005 05:45 PM

Firefly was an underrated TV series that was becoming something special as it was cancelled. The Serenity trailer promises more of the same but with a bigger budget. The studio is very much behind the movie as their Can't Stop The Signal campaign shows.

I don't see how the trailer shows it to be "Buffy in Space". It's nothing like Buffy!

Posted by: wayfarer at April 28, 2005 08:17 AM

Now that's a goddam trailer! Buffy's dead, long live the new Whedon.

You know what, I wasn't swayed by the fact that Gina Torres is in it. No sir. Ahem.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 28, 2005 02:03 PM