April 06, 2005

Sean Penn takes several years out

SeanPenn.jpgSean Penn has just announced a few years out of making movies to recover from exhaustion after his latest movie All the Kings Men. IMDB have the full story:

Oscar winner Sean Penn's latest movie All The King's Men has left him with such severe exhaustion, he's retiring from the movie industry for several years to recover...He explains, "The first week back, you want to make up for all the time you spent away from the kids - mistake. You have to pretend you're still away except you're not, so you just sleep and they come to see you, otherwise you're ill. This one (All The King's Men) has been extremely rough. I'm pretty burnt out and I'm going to have a couple of years off at least now."

This is a real shame, although it has to be said he has his head screwed on the right way. Family first, and he's taking time out for them. However, for us movie going public it's a real shame. Penn is a superb actor and I really can't get enough of him onscreen, he's real, and filled with so much emotion and charisma it's hard not to be engaged by him. I would class him as a real screen icon.

What's the opinion out there of Penn? What's his career high and low to date?

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 6, 2005 05:59 PM


I am not a big fan, but I admire some of his work. I have respect for a real family man if this was indeed the reason he is taking time off. Good for him!

I thought he was powerful in other films than he was in Mystic River when he won Best Actor in 2003.

Posted by: Simone at April 6, 2005 06:19 PM

I've only recently begun to appreciate Penn as an actor. In the past I totally wrote him off, but in the recent years he's been able to prove himself as an actor.
He's come a long way since Fast Times At Ridgemont High, which is a classic movie.

Posted by: Meli at April 7, 2005 01:26 AM

I do like Sean Penn a lot, though I haven't seen many of his movies. I liked "I am Sam" a lot, and I'd say my least favorite of his was "Mystic River". Mystic River was done well, but I the ending was very unsatisfying. I am disappointed that he won't be in another movie for awhile, but I respect him a great deal for putting his family first. :)

Posted by: Deanna at April 7, 2005 02:24 AM

This news totally sucks. In my opinion, Penn is definitely one of greatest actors that have they're primetime going right now. Same caliber with Russell Crowe. It's really shame that this happened, but gotto appriciate his decision. Hope that in year or two, he chances his mind, and makes comeback in some good movies. This was afterall the man who made Mystic River suhc a good movie. Not a great, but good. Without him Mystic River would be in cathegory that is already full: ok-class dramma.

Sorry about my english.

Posted by: Jorse at April 7, 2005 03:32 AM

Oh, woe is me, I'm exhausted! I just spent two months sitting in a climate controlled trailer. Many people dig ditches 40 hours a week and take two weeks off a year if they can afford it! But I...ACTED! And that means that instead of going home for a few months like I always do after a film, I must tell the world that I'm taking a few years off to recuperate. So much for my theory that all it takes to recuperate is a hooker and an eight ball...make that two hookers. F*** Sean Penn! F*** him up his stupid overacting ass!

Posted by: Sean Penn at April 7, 2005 04:17 AM

Well, that is a well researched and factual comment there, thanks for that. I'm sure the constructive critique will be analysed and taken on board.

How do you cope with acting in lead roles back to back and in the production of a movie that no one wants to make? Sounds like in your top line career you are coping with it well.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 7, 2005 07:19 AM

"He's come a long way since Fast Times At Ridgemont High, which is a classic movie."

He sure did Meli! What about "Shanghai Surprise"?

I'm looking forward to see hin in the Nixon assssination film and "The Interpreter".

Posted by: Simone at April 7, 2005 09:10 AM

Carlito's Way, great movie, great Penn perfomance.

Posted by: adam at April 7, 2005 10:04 AM

If sean sticks to this ,it would be tragic there is no one making through provoking movies like he does .i genuinely think he is comparable to de niro when he was at the top of his game.
if there is any doubt -watch 'state of grace' the intense one made this movie work as oppossed to gary oldman who hammed it big style .i really hope sean p changes his mind ,if only to give us some respite from tom cruise 's epic every 6 months trying to convince us he is more than a big mouth full of newly whitened teeth.

Posted by: charu at April 13, 2005 07:27 AM

Sean Penn was great in State of Grace! The gun shoot out was one of the best on film, in my opinion.

Posted by: Townies Movie at June 4, 2005 01:57 PM