April 25, 2005

Se7en 2?

Se7en.jpgSe7en was just a deadly movie. A lot of "thriller" flicks have since tried hard to copy it's formula... some have been pretty good... but none have equaled the energy and intensity of Se7en.

Now, the good folks over at Freeze Dried Movies are reporting that the studio really wants a sequel. Who can blame them? But director David Fincher in a recent interview that he wasn't thrilled with the concept for the project that the studio pitched to him:

"I read a script two or three years ago that they wanted to make the sequel to Se7en. It didn't make a lot of sense to me. They wanted Morgan to have become clairvoyant in some way and that was the way he was now solving serial-killer cases! And I was like, 'Well, that's handy!' Its the kind of high concept you worry about."
Ummm... excuse me?!?!? A clairvoyant?!?! Are you kidding me?

Anyway, it looks like Fincher gave the idea a thumbs down and said the studio has to come back to him with a different concept. Whheewww! But still... it's good to know they want to do another one. I think there is a real story to be told about Brad Pitt's character after the death of his wife.

Posted by John Campea at April 25, 2005 09:15 AM


Ironic; a friend and I were just discussing Seven this weekend. You see I go out on a weekly DVD hunt with a cohort. We scrounge for cheap discounted DVD's, but the titles have to be worthy of adding them to the collection. This week I found Seven in the 2 for $20 bin (bought with Serpent and the Rainbow), which I thought was a killer buy.

We discussed how no one has toped Seven since its release years ago. Seven changed thrillers as we know them, and that type of style is almost expected with horror/thrillers now a days. But yet nothing has risen to the intensity of the movie Seven.

Brad Pitt was fantastic in the role, still a fairly unknown growing into himself, and truly showing his potential. Morgan Freeman, how can you go wrong. A great mentor type character, and he carried a switch blade (which was ironic considering they are illegal in the U.S). Even Gwyneth Paltrow did very well as the wife.

I hope they pass on the sequel personally. Why does everything have to have a trilogy or sequel now? It completely takes the specialness of the sequel/trilogy away. Look at some of the great sequel/trilogies of the past (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Rocky -5 movies but still-, Aliens, Jaws 2 and the list continues). Everything is prt 1, 2 and 3 and it is rare for the sequels to measure up to the original. Especially with a movie as original as Seven. They will just fall short, and ruin a good thing.

Posted by: Brad at April 25, 2005 10:25 AM

Hey, maybe the could call it 4ourteen.



Posted by: Screen Rant at April 25, 2005 11:14 AM

DumbDumbDumb idea. If it ain't broke, people!

Posted by: Lilly at April 25, 2005 12:19 PM

great movie. i have the video!!

Posted by: B A T M A N at April 25, 2005 12:54 PM

no! this is a gay idea

Posted by: Marla Singer at April 25, 2005 04:15 PM

There had been talk for a series version of Se7en, which fortunately went nowhere either.

It would not have followed the continuity of the movie, but rather started over again, with the "Seven Deadly Sins" serial killer being a continual story arc across the seasons. Think the series Millennium.

Posted by: Mark at April 25, 2005 04:50 PM

Se7en:The Animated Series
Comming Soon to 4Kids TV...

Posted by: Chris at April 25, 2005 05:51 PM

No offense to Brad Pitt fans but I think it was Kevin Spacey that made "Seven" brilliant. Spacey was FANTASTIC! IMHO a sequel is just going to ruin the legacy of this film, please, please leave it alone. There are certain films that just needs to be left as it is, no sequels, no nothing, "Seven" is one of those.

Posted by: Simone at April 26, 2005 05:30 AM

Would they call it EI8HT?

Posted by: JODSTER at April 27, 2005 04:17 PM

oh please please i'd kill to see pitt,freeman and spacey again. whether its 8ight, 4teen, or Se7en2....i'd kill for a sequel

Posted by: Nick at July 17, 2005 07:17 AM