April 27, 2005

Saw 2 Poster

Saw2Poster.jpgThe sequel to Saw is getting closer, and the marketing machine begins to get underway for Saw 2 with this poster following the same style as the first movies marketing, gruesome.

There's not much else to say about it, it certainly is close to the first movie and again gives away nothing. Like it? I can't say that it's changing any feelings I have for the sequel.

Check out the full size poster at IGN Film Force courtesy of Rope of Silicon.

Posted by at April 27, 2005 06:31 PM


I understand that the first was made ultra-cheap and did really well, but it kinda sucked...a lot.

For me it all fell apart when the 'bad guy' dude took the wife and kid hostage, then it just turned into a real mess.

My favorite part was Cary Elwes screaming at his leg as it's still chained to the pipe at the end..."argh. arghhh. aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!" while 'sawing' away at his leg.

That was CRAZY (and hilarious).

Posted by: trysop at April 28, 2005 01:45 PM

I cant even begin to explain how fantasmic SAW is.I am literalyy shaking because i just found out that there gonna be a sequel...Adam shall be saved.

Posted by: Emma at May 5, 2005 08:51 AM

Saw was bitchen mo fo ! roll on saw 2

Goths rejoice !!!!

Rusty hacksaws at the ready !!!!!

Posted by: john radcliffe at May 10, 2005 05:07 AM

I just recently watched SAW. I thought it was an awesome movie but lacked the scaryness that the previews showed. This movie was more of a suspense type movie. I think SAW 2 will be a success. But i really do think they should continue with the 1st story in telling about what happened to Adam and the doctor. They should also tie all loose ends..in meaning that they should explain exactly what is happening. In the 1st one, it gets really confusing. I myself had to stop the movie just to comprehend what was happening. The worst part of that movie was when the "dead-guy" in the middle just pops up and walks out the door. If he was alive throught the whole movie..wouldnt the people in the room with him noticed he was breathing?? Really confusing! Good luck with SAW 2 -I will definately go see it!


Posted by: Ashley at June 24, 2005 02:32 PM

Yeah.. that movie made a huge impact! I was too scared to watch any movies for like 4 months! It wasn't about ike the scary sound effects and the "suprise come ins". What made it scary was that you thought it could happen to you. It also makes you think about you being in the movie and what you would do. Call me a cry baby if you want to... IT WAS SCARY. Not to mention those awful nightmares I had! Well, I'll be seeing Saw 2 this October.

Posted by: Brittany McNair at August 27, 2005 02:54 PM

This movie was more of a suspence than a thriller but it was still a great movie. and i have heard a lot about adam and doctor gordon not even being part of saw 2 i mean it is still probably going to be a grate movie but it should have the old characters in it and tell what happend to them.

Posted by: Corey at September 23, 2005 11:54 PM

The first movie was great. I didn't think it was going to be anything special. Then i watched it. It was a movie i had to watch more than once because it was so good. Theres a lot of hype about adam and lawrence not being in the second. I think the second movie should start the way the first movie ended. Thats just my thoughts. But anyways can't wait to see the second film in theatres.


Posted by: James at October 18, 2005 11:36 PM

I saw Saw II last night and I was amazed. The editing was even better than the first and more of the movie was done frame-by-frame. Since it was still fairly low-budget, the acting lacked a little but mostly because Beverly Mitchell still can't act a seizure. Overall, I loved the movie. I didn't mind that Adam and Doctor Gordon weren't in the movie, but in a way, Adam was (you will get this when you see the movie). Overall, go see this movie. It was amazing and worth the money.

Posted by: Daniel at October 29, 2005 03:11 PM