April 18, 2005

Rumours that Vinnie Jones is Juggernaut

VinnieJones.jpgSince we've talked about this before I'll post the story, but considering the source and the many false starts from them on the whole Bond saga, I'd recommend a handful of salt.

The Sun, that UK fish and chip carrier, through Ananova says that the deal is done for Vinnie and X-Men:

Vinnie Jones is to play a villain in X-Men 3.

He has agreed to play a baddie called Juggernaut in the film reports The Sun.

He will wear a four-stone latex suit for the role.

A source said: "Vinnie thinks it's a great laugh and can't wait to get into the suit."

I'm not so sure this announcement is straight up yet, especially considering they mention McKellen is also in the movie yet your average decent movie site is still saying that they haven't written Magneto in yet and McKellen is unsure of if he is to return for this movie.

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 18, 2005 08:08 AM


I've heard this also from other sites,I hope its true, hopefully all the characters that should be in there will make an appearance in X3.. (Gambit,Beast,Angel,Juggernaut... etc)

Posted by: Ray` at April 18, 2005 10:06 AM

Unfortunantly, The Sun does seem to be right on many occasion. I wouldn't be surprised if they are right, its not as if this story is going to sell lots of extra papers. They aren't exactly the first with this story either.

Posted by: David Terry at April 18, 2005 10:53 AM

I've heard the rumour that we posted before that he's been seen talking to Vinnie, but every day since then there have been changes to the story throughout the web and it's grown and grown, then today it's that he's signed.

We'll see if they are right I would guess in a few days.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 18, 2005 02:06 PM

Okay, I may stand corrected as Sky News is now carrying the story. From Comic Book Movies:

U.K. news service Sky had this report about Vinnie Jones, who’s playing Juggernaut in X-Men 3:

"Now Vinnie Jones is set to do it all over again - in a four-stone latex suit...

...the Hulk-style Juggernaut - who's 7ft tall and weighs in at 65 stone. Despite Vinnie's pretty solid frame, he'll need to beef up even more with a massive latex suit for full impact.

Well if Sky News are carrying it...damn it, perhaps the Sun was right. Grrrr...

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 18, 2005 02:52 PM

shit man if he is in it the juggernaut would reck some major havock i can see it now just the xmen falling wo the destruction of the mighty juggernaut except they did kinda set up the concept of the dark pheonix in the last one which would be major awsome with the dark pheonix the juggernaut and magneto the xmen wouldent even stand a chance.. also i think they should give collosis or how ever u spell it well they should give him more screen time he is a pretty kickass hero

Posted by: venommm at April 18, 2005 09:08 PM

Yes the rumor mill is running like crazy about the Juggernaut, and yes the Dark Phoenix, but several people connected with X3 have commented Dark Phoenix will be a minor storyline. All of them hinted about a Larger Threat with a new villian....now whether or not Juggernaut is that story is to be seen....both Avi Arad and Singer have commented there will be 3 story lines in the 3rd movie, we already know 2 -- Dark Phoenix and the Love Triangle with Iceman / Rogue / Gambit.............so the third story line has to include both Jackman and Berry since they both said they will not return unless they have a significant part. I'll have to say is MORE COLLOSUS

Posted by: turlie at April 18, 2005 09:45 PM

do the jugggernaut and magneto ever team up or are they ever allies or do they battle in the commics?

Posted by: venommm at April 20, 2005 07:59 AM

from what i have seen of the tv series and from what i have read of the comics, juggernaut is an awsome pick for the new villan. also i dont remember him and magneto ever teaming up, but hey who knows, would be pretty kick ass if they did.
also, gotta love Vinnie. he is just a perfect actor for the part, the intensity, the on screen prescence. even in the lowly 'Eurotrip', he manages to steal the show with his 'balls to the wall' charisma. cant wait to see it!!!!

Posted by: Rich at May 2, 2005 12:28 AM