April 13, 2005

Rob Cohen talks Sinbad

SinbadCyclops.jpgWhatever you think of Rob Cohen he does have a flair behind the camera, making action sequences with style and lot's of...well...action! Not so sure about his casting choice on this one, as we've said before, but there's distinct hope for the rest of the movie.

Entertainment Weekly through Coming Soon bring us interesting news from Cohen, as well as his direct confirmation of what I think could be the worst Sinbad ever, but what would I know?

Keanu Reeves will star as Sinbad the sailor...set in eighth-century China, Sinbad and his shipmates embark on a quest to find the Lamp of Aladdin. Along the way, they meet a beautiful empress and battle fantastical creatures as well as a rebellious Chinese general who threatens the kingdom with his supernatural powers.

While setting up the project, Cohen looked up famed special-effects master Ray Harryhausen, who had told Sinbad's story several times before at Sony..."I met with him and said, 'I really would be honored if you would be with me on this, since none of us would be here without you.' What Ray understood in movies like 1958's 'The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad' was how to do action-fantasy-adventure at a time there was no CG. So he's coming out of retirement to be our creative consultant, our godfather," said Cohen.

What convinced the 84-year-old veteran? Keanu Reeves. "He just went, 'Oh, that's so brilliant.' Ray thinks Keanu [could be] the greatest Sinbad ever."

The magazine adds that Cohen thinks Ziyi Zhang (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Hero) is the one for the job of the empress. Plus, Cohen says that "Sinbad's got a crew, so it's gonna be a whole interesting group of actors. I've talked to Jet Li, Djimon Hounsou and Hayden Christensen."

See, what would I know! Interesting choices for the rest of the movie though, and for Christensen it would come at a time when he's openly stating he's concerned he'll be typecast as Darth Vader. Ermmm, sorry mate, no fear of that, his movies are already done.

Despite the initial news of the bad Sinbad, I think this could look quite good after all, Cohen behind the scenes and some interesting actor choices in front. Are there any other fans of the original Sinbad out there? What do you feel about this step in the franchise and the current line up?

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 13, 2005 07:02 AM

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Keanu seems like a studio decision really. Must I must agree that the rest of the cast is pretty good. With Roy on board hopefully it will pay respect to the oriiginal but still be it's own thing. Im interested to see how it turns out.

Posted by: Pudie at April 13, 2005 09:20 AM

Oh, good lord... Keanu as an Arabian pirate? Set in China??? With a cast that's probably going to have every bad Asian stereotype imaginable??????
Give me a break! I take it that the studio wants everything to be as "exotic" as possible. Oh and somehow, everyone's probably going to speak English.

I really hope that Jet Li won't be in this movie.

Posted by: ChrisP at April 13, 2005 06:57 PM

Personally I wonder why every Hollywood person when it comes to casting some possibly "bitchy" asian girl role only think of Zhang Ziyi. Y'know there ARE other Chinese actresses out there. Granted many of her roles have been just that but see the Road Home for her very first poignant performance. It's just that I'd like to see another asian actress get a chance in a mainstream movie.

I'd have to agree that there is the possibility of a bunch of bad Asian stereotypes permeating the movie. I would be intrigued if somehow they managed to snag Jet Li (which I don't think they could). Most of Jet's english movies aren't great but he is still a headliner. I'm not sure how playing second fiddle to Keanu would do. Not to mention Jet's command of english while improving still isn't that great.

Can't wait to see Jet Li in Unleashed!

Posted by: shadopup at April 14, 2005 01:39 AM

I want to convince Mr. Cohen that he should pick Michelle Yeoh to play the empress in "8th Voyage of Sinbad". How do I get in touch with him? Michelle is perfect for that role. She speaks great english, knows martial art, right age for Keanu Reeves, and she is beautiful. Need I say more?

Posted by: michael hagen at April 22, 2005 08:42 PM

Zhang Ziyi should be the empress! Is there going to be a romance between the sailor and empress?

Posted by: mystery at May 2, 2005 01:00 PM

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