April 09, 2005

Ridley Scott on Aliens 5

Ridley_Scott.jpgWhat chance is there of another Aliens movie then? Well perhaps it's high if it's another Anderson type affair, because a return to form looks far from alive.

Through Moviehole, IGN Filmforce have a quote from Ridley Scott about Signourney Weaver's previous suggestion that she would do another one if Scott would get in at the helm, and it isn't too hopeful.

"She should have asked me the second time," Scott says, sounding slightly resentful that he was never asked to steer the sequel.

Asked whether he'd be keen to direct an "Alien 5", Scott said : "It's all to do with the material. If the script is great, of course."

Seems like he's referring to Aliens there, and suggesting that there's a little bit of frustration somewhere in there. We can but speculate why. Suffice to say he doesn't look too keen with the stock script answer.

Let's say he doesn't do it - and if he's looking at such a bad idea as Gladiator 2, then let's hope to god he isn't! - who would you think could pull off a final Aliens movie, and I mean a proper, return to form, Alien movie. Perhaps as Weaver suggested, in the mould of the first movie but on the Alien homeworld, with Weaver back in the lead for the last time. Directors?

Posted by at April 9, 2005 06:41 AM


Instead of making a 5th Alien film why not just expand it further more and make it a spin-off tv series?

Posted by: Simone at April 9, 2005 06:46 AM

Here is my stock answer for any original thought: let Tarrantino do it! He would bring freshness to it,it might be scarry again,I would see it,ect......just dont let Music Video Directors do. Hell....let Paul Verhoven do it....he isnt working!

Posted by: jason at April 9, 2005 10:39 AM

Hmmm, I'm huge Alien-fan. In my opinion, Aliens is the greatest movie of all time, and Alien is also great 5 out of 5 movie, without anything to complain. Third one is still good, with great visual and nice ending. After the third movie, they should have stopped making Alien-movies. Man, after that they haven't been able to make anything even nearly as good as the first three movies. Alien: resurrection just sucked. Ok, it wasn't THAT bad, but afterall, it wasn't any good. Especially the basic idea and the one of the most horrible endings ever made it just waste of time.

No need to comment AvP but I'm still kind of looking forward to the next Alien-movie. I don't think they're gonna make it in next two years, but sometime, yeah. It's just too succesful saga to kill down (although they have done pretty good job in to last Alien-based movies). I don't know what could be good idea to the next movie, but I'm not sure if it even must include Sigourney. Instead of sequel with horrible close-Ripley and all that stuff, prequel could be nice idea. Show all about Aliens and their way of life. Maybe visit to some Alien-based planet could be nice. Or make a sequel but without Ripley. I don't really see need for any more Ripley-based movie. Yeah, great character and everything but I think his story got completed in third Alien-movie. Now it's going second circle.

Posted by: Jorse at April 9, 2005 01:26 PM

I'd actually prefer to see a prequel to the first Alien. It seems to me that the evidence presented in the films about the xenomorph - their ability to adapt, their hostility, their Uncanny Way of Being Perfectly Suited for Use as Biological Weapons - indicate that they were genetically engineered in the first place, probably by human military scientists. So, I'd like to see a prequel on a space station where human scientists are creating this genetically engineered weapon and it gets radically out of their control. And show the whole story of how the xenomorph got on the alien craft we see in the first movie. An origin story - WITHOUT Sigourney Weaver - seems like the best chance at an actually decent movie.

And M. Night Shyamalan to direct.

Posted by: Mark at April 9, 2005 03:46 PM

Marks idea ain't bad. Just one problem. The fourth movie makes statement that they needed Ripley to create Alien in a first place. Or did I miss something. Althoug I agree that it sounds like company got some information about xenomorphs before sending crew to LV-426 in first Alien-movie.

Posted by: Jorse at April 9, 2005 05:24 PM

jason -- I don't see how Tarantino's experience would suit him at ALL for this kind of thing. I enjoy his stuff (even if he's a pretentious wad) - but Aliens? No.

I don't know your beef about Music Vid directors either; Michel Gondry is one of the most talented directors of today. Granted, Aliens wouldn't be his thing either.

Posted by: John at April 9, 2005 06:38 PM

I'm probably waaaay in the minority, but as Music Director's go, I'm a huge fan of David Fincher's Alien3. Yes the studio hacked it a bit and Fincher never properly got to finish it, but it has a darkness and gothic feel that really sets it apart from the other two, and the religious/apocalyse element is fantastic...So it is not necesserily the music video directors, it's the the ideas/concept and the script that is the issue. Alien 4 was awful despite a visonary director (Jeunet).

Posted by: Triflic at April 9, 2005 07:41 PM

Triflic - Actually I agree, I don't see anything wrong with where a Director learns their art, it doesn't instantly mean that they are a bad Director. It's what's inside them once they learn to Direct, that's the issue.

Alien3, interesting that I revisited recently as I worked my way through the boxset I found that it's actually rather good, and when viewed with the other movies in mind you actually rate it a lot higher. A lot of that is to do with the negative media it was given at the time.

As for 5, a sequel makes a lot of sense actually. However I agree with Jorse, the Corporation had no idea how to get an Alien and had to use Ripley's DNA, so that wouldn't keep the storyline intact.

Another point, the spaceship discovered in Alien was itself, Alien. Remember the huge creature in the pilot seat that had it's chest ripped out. That ship too was taken over and a Queen laid all those eggs to wait.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 10, 2005 07:49 AM

John....all I'm saying is that alien needs someone to the QT end of the Directors scale and less of the Michael Bay,McG,Ect.....director. Hell....give it to Brett Ratner....at least give it to someone with passion.

Posted by: jason at April 10, 2005 09:20 AM


"give it to Brett Ratner"...OUCH, I don't know what is worse, a Michael Bay who goes out of his way to make Boom, Boom nonsense or Ratner, who just makes extremely mediocre films which are so disposable you forget them before you even leave the cinema....At least Bay has the ability to offend the audience...Ratner just makes you go, "ho hum".....I wouldn't exactly say he gives 'passion' to a film, he just is a hire-a-hack on the order of Paul W.S. Anderson...

Posted by: Triflic at April 10, 2005 09:50 AM

Alien3 is a brilliant end to the saga. It should have stopped there, creatively speaking. Anyway, even Alien 4 was a masterpiece compared with the Anderson abomination.

Posted by: Peter at April 10, 2005 10:02 AM

Why can't Scott just come out and say he isn't gonna do it because its a 4th sequel and he thinks it'll bomb no matter what... i reckon thats the truth... hell i wouldn't want that responsibility! Its impossible to bring any freshness into the series now... Anderson proved that... i don't think this movie is ever gonna get made!

Posted by: tom at April 10, 2005 12:43 PM

Anderson? How can you rank him fairly with any of the other Alien directors? He couldn't bring freshness to a packet of mints! He didn't prove anything, other that a Director with a history of producing rubbish, continues to produce rubbish despite being given the reigns of a strong and popular franchise.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 10, 2005 01:20 PM

Yeah, saying that Alien-saga is death because Anderson couln't make it greater, doesn't proof anything. ANYTHING. Anderson ain't even b-class director. He should make movies that doesn't mean anything to anyone. Alien and Predator, most greatest space monsters ever, meaned lots of thing to lots of people. Most of moviegoers see Alien as one of the greatest horror films, and anyone with balls just loves Predator.

With good script and good director (please, someone who has already proved that he / she's talented) Alien 5 could be great movie. It's got to do miracle to be as good as two first movies, but it can be great, nevertheless.

Posted by: Jorse at April 10, 2005 03:17 PM

I would like to see an Alien prequel, but then it would be without Sigourney, who did a pretty dawn good Ripley. But still, a good story is more important than to make favours for each other. A prequel would be good because then you bring back the intrigue within the story, which was totally lost in the sequels. The 4th one was pretty well directed for a stupid script and a ridiculous alien at the end. I want to know the story from the marines who shot down an alien ship and struggled to stay alive in a deadly deathmatch, and who are hoping that nobody will ever find them. No that would be a great science-fiction horror !!!

Posted by: Darko at April 10, 2005 07:29 PM

I think Alex Proyas has what it takes. He's not terribly prolific as far as directors go, but what he does produce, he does to an increadible ability. I know that there's a pretty big angry-streak towards I Robot, and that's understandable concidering the script Alex had to work with. But the the way his shots come together, the unusual way he builds up to the main characters, there's alot that Alex does that I think is really particular. Watch Dark City, and tell me this director isn't ripe to make the 5th movie happen.

Or maybe I'm insane. The Crow did rock, after all, and others tried and failed to capture that perfect mix of color, form and mood that Alex put together with even a limited budget.

Posted by: Clockwork Vagabond at April 13, 2005 12:56 PM

So what is left to develop in the Aliens series? I narrowed this down into 4 questions.

My biggest question is, how are the Queen's eggs get fertilized? There doesn’t seem to be any male aliens. The drones or warriors (normal aliens) are genderless. If she operates like a Queen Bee, she needs males to fertilize her. Maybe like a praying mantis she kills them? Or they die after fertilization? I have an Ausome Idea for how this might all work... but its to complicatd and cool to post :-P

Second question is, what happens once they have taken over a place? If say Earth was taken over by aliens, there would be billions of them, Thousands of hives. Do they start to fight each other at this point? Each Queen gathers her drones for war? And maybe the aliens all fight until one Queen is the roller? If this is true, they might need more than drones and runners and pred-aliens. Is there a whole other mysteries layer to the aliens once they accomplish this level of hive power?

Third Question: Who are the Pilots (from Alien, the original High-tech overseers of the aliens, who owned the derelict spacecraft crashed on LV-426)? Did they create the Aliens? Control the aliens like a weapon (as suggested by AVP Primal Hunt video game, and the fact that the derelict spacecraft in Alien was carrying them to someplace)? What is the Pilot’s relation to the Predators? Did they create the Predators? Did they create Humans? Are the pilots all dead or do they have their own home world someplace?

Forth Question: What happens when a face hugger impregnates a Predator with a queen? Does it create a pred-alien Queen that is different from a normal Queen alien? Does it lay different eggs? A whole new beast?

From these four questions... at least four movies could be made. Maybe put a couple of them together into a great movie? Something Fresh I hope? E-mail me if you want My idea for a sequal. :-P I'll help Ridley Scott make it the best movie ever!

Posted by: Neoculturalist at June 21, 2005 05:17 PM

I have a question for (neoculturalist). whats a (runner)?

And isnt (LV-426) the planet they explored on the first alien movie?

Posted by: Agent george at July 8, 2005 07:43 PM

Ok so many questions,

To the first one Alien are either fertilized by, the whole face hugger host thing, or are already fertile, I think, all though I have heard about Aliens battling to mate with the queen, but I don't know if this has to be done to make her fertile.

I don't know the second, and the third no one really knows all though most people thing the pilots made the Aliens as weapons but they evolved past there original, in other words they where meant to die after killing off the life forms on a planet, but they began to live longer, and killed the Pilots/Spacejockies (I think that is the propername).

I dont think it matters what species it infects, with a queen because it keeps basicly the orignal DNA to become a pretorian then a queen, but in extinction a scientist makes a predqueen, with pred Dna which looks slightly different, slightly muscular, spikes, mandable things, brown colour.

Posted by: Goonewadena at July 26, 2005 09:03 AM

I just think they oughtta declare 3 & 4 as dreams Ripley had whilst in the chamber as Aliens showed she was having bad dreams.

Then the films can pick up where they should have done.

Worked for Dallas.


Posted by: sadas at November 11, 2005 04:14 PM