April 22, 2005

Revenge of the Sith is finished!

ROTS-Skywalker-Vader.jpgOkay, everyone please make sure you're sitting and there are no objects above your head should you leap up in excitement. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is finished. Coming Soon have brought us:

...producer Rick McCallum announced at the "Star Wars Celebration III" convention in Indianapolis, IN, that the third and final prequel was finished on Wednesday. McCallum mentioned that the film was streamed that day for Steven Spielberg with George Lucas and McCallum present.

That's that then. I'm getting my 19/05 00:35 tickets booked and I'll be sitting through the very first showing in Edinburgh...does that mean I see it hours before the US? The excitement builds, huge fan or not, happy with the first two or not, you've still got to admit the excitement for this one is big.

It's the final chapter in one of the greatest movie series of all time, spanning a mammoth 28 years of cinema. Come on, even the non-believers must feel a twinge at that.

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 22, 2005 03:31 PM


Uh... yay.



Posted by: Screen Rant at April 22, 2005 04:04 PM

Oh brother I can't wait another minute. I have been so excited about this movie for years. The ultimate metamorphosis will culminate right before our eyes. For those of you who are into spoilers you can read the screen play here. It's all images, but a good read.

This one is going to be messy, every one gets all messed up. We are going to see what the Jedi are truly capable of and how emotionally numb the Sith are. My favorite parts of the script were the moments where Palpatine was turning on the seductive juices of the darkside to Anykin. I really don't think any SW fan is going to be upset with this one. And hey if it is a disappointment at least we will have final closure.

"RISE LORD VADER" oooh; I get chills suck'a.

Posted by: Brad at April 22, 2005 04:15 PM

Awwwwwwwwww Rich, I will shut up now, or else I would ruin a wonderful post. :-)

Posted by: Simone at April 22, 2005 04:24 PM

Honestly - and I mean that, honestly - I couldn't care less. And most people I know, some of whom are total film freaks, would react just the same. Complete and utter indifference.

But that's just me...

Posted by: Judge Jonathan at April 22, 2005 04:25 PM

Trolls. What can we do about them eh?

Ehr, can I just ask you guys who feel indifferent towards Episode III to kindly leave this thread alone and not ruin it for the rest of us who are actually in so much anticipation for this?

Come out again when this Episode again fails your very high expectations.

Vic, I cant believe you beat me first!!! LOL

Posted by: Simone at April 22, 2005 04:30 PM

Actually, I didn't like the first, I felt really cheated and that a series was ruined. Two was better, but nowhere near as good. Yet I am excited about this one, first that's PG, very dark, promising loads of Jedi vs Dark Side and coming full circle to the one we oldies all know and love? No way I'd miss it.

Oh, and I have many friends who feel like that, but none of them are wanting to ignore this one. I don't know anyone (apart from people who post here) who would want to miss it.

Simone, anyone can join in the post, even if they want to argue. That's what we're here for, discussion good or bad.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 22, 2005 05:18 PM

i'm much more keen to see Kung-Fu Hustle that SW3. It opens a few day before SW3 dows here in Australia.

Posted by: louis at April 22, 2005 06:46 PM

My apologies. I do get carried away especially with Star Wars. I will try not to do that again. Ouch, that really hurt to say. *laughs*

So Richard, youre watching the midnight screening too? *winks*

Posted by: Simone at April 22, 2005 07:18 PM

Louis, Kung Fu Hustle was AWESOME!

For me right now the big movie I'm looking forward to is Batman Begins, although I'll probably be a sheep and go see Episode III on opening day. :-\


Posted by: Screen Rant at April 23, 2005 01:02 PM

Oh come on Vic, you know you really want to watch Episode III on opening day! :-)

Posted by: Simone at April 23, 2005 02:40 PM

At least, I won´t say bashers are non-cinema aficionados, like some Tim Burton and Shyalaman fans do.

Personally speaking, I KNOW I will feel kinda sad at the end of the movie. Not only because it will be a full gear cosmic tragedy, because... it´s the end of the saga.

It was the first film I saw in the cinema, I grew with it, and these 30 years (or 28) are exactly the years of my life. And it is about to end. I will feel mixed emotions... Today I bought Clone Wars and I begin to feel that weird sensation.

For me, it will be a closure, the end of a cycle, or the completion of a circle if u want. I know there will be future amazing films, but never, and I say never, have had the expectations I always have with a Star Wars episode.

It is said than when Gibbon ended his book, he felt empty. Will Lucas feel that way? Will I? I don´t know, but right now, this year, I am C3PO dismantled in pieces.

And these are not my favourite movies! In fact, most of my favourite movies are classic ones, LOL. But Lucas invented modern cinema, the cinema with which I have lived.

Oh damn... another long nostalgic post nobody will care about. Excuse me, but I thought Richard´s thpughts deserved an echo on mine´s.

Posted by: Peter at April 23, 2005 03:28 PM

"It is said than when Gibbon ended his book, he felt empty. Will Lucas feel that way? Will I? I don´t know, but right now, this year, I am C3PO dismantled in pieces."

Waxing poetic on Star Wars now are we Peter? ;-)

I also thought that it was such a lovely post Richard. One of my favorites. *smiles*

Posted by: Simone at April 23, 2005 03:46 PM

Oh, man, I agree with Peter...Richard wish you had written about how you think the film will turn out. From all the spoilers I have seen, the dialogue in this one should be far better than TPM and AOTC.

I am ecstatic about Vader becoming mechanised. I don't know if I buy how Anakin turns to Vader tho (not divulging any spoiler here).

Still, like Peter said, we have been waiting 30 years for this. 30 years almost to find out how that freaky mechanised manbot who boarded the Tantive IV in A New Hope became who he is.

Star Wars should not be taken lightly. It, ironically, paved the way for Star Trek movies, Battlestar Galactic, even Stargate.

Diss it or dissect it, it has changed the way we watch movies forever and created the most recognised movie villain in cinema history.

Even LOTR would not have been possible had Lucas not paved the way with sci-fi/fantasy epics...

Posted by: metalordie at April 24, 2005 02:49 PM

that's awesome! i just got back from cIII and i wish i was in the same room with the rest of the other fans to share the excitement.

Posted by: Movie Props at April 24, 2005 11:02 PM

"Star Wars should not be taken lightly. It, ironically, paved the way for Star Trek movies, Battlestar Galactic, even Stargate. Diss it or dissect it, it has changed the way we watch movies forever and created the most recognised movie villain in cinema history".

Hugs to metalordie and Movie Props! Tell us more about the convention Movie Props, David aka Trysop was there too!

More and more Star Wars fans are coming out, nice to meet you all! :-)

Posted by: Simone at April 25, 2005 05:57 AM

I am heartbroken, I didnt even get a single ticket. Did they really started selling at 9 am or way before that???

Anyway, I am licking my wounds at the moment, but for those who managed to get their galactic passports, share with us your experience for a lifetime. I'd prolly die of envy! LOL

Posted by: Simone at April 25, 2005 10:02 AM

I bought tix for the midnight show of ROTS and tix for the following day. I finally have the fever for the flavor of a Jar Jar. Yes, I'm geekedly stoked now. That's what 30 days of Star Wars promotions and products will to do one's defense. I will personally take a dump on the porch at Skywalker Ranch if this movie sucks.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 27, 2005 02:39 PM

I now have tickets for the Thursday morning at 00:35 GMT\UTC. I'll be straight back to write about it, although I'll probably hold back posting and combine it with John's thoughts for one big Star Wars posting.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 27, 2005 04:56 PM

I also have tickets for the midnight screening, then back again for the 10:30 am showing. I shall try to be able to get some sleep before I come back for the first showing screening which in the last prequel's showing promises a lot of treat for hard-core fans.

I shall be looking forward to both John and Richard's comments and of course everybody else's.


Posted by: Simone at April 28, 2005 09:39 AM

Well I'm sure so many of the parents of Star Wars dorks will be happy their little geeks will be out of their basements at least for a couple hours.

Posted by: Scrawl at May 21, 2005 08:49 PM