April 27, 2005

Push, a darker superhero script

During my comic years I read a UK series called The New Statesmen (I'm missing the final episode, so if anyone has it...) which showed the US genetically engineering superhero types to fight the wars that were ongoing. Once the wars were over there was no real need for them, so each was assigned a State to look after and keep civil obedience. Well things happened and eventually the US outlaw them and hunt them down. It was a dark and very well written series, and it reminds me of a new script announced over at Done Deal.

A group of young American expats with telekinetic and clairvoyant abilities hide from a U.S. government agency in Beijing. They must use their different talents and band together for a final job enabling them to escape the agency forever.

It's written by David Bourla who hasn't got much to his name. The script is currently called Push and has been bought by Infinity Media and despite my concern over the similar blurb, it does seem like it will make a good movie. We're all so taken with the darker side of the superhero, just look at the anticipation for Batman Begins, that I think this look at a bunch of outlawed superheroes could go down very well.

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 27, 2005 07:01 PM
