April 15, 2005

Porn Star Jenna Jameson in reality show?

Not strictly movie news, but really I can't see a movie being far off. The Guardian of all places is reporting that the Porn Star Jenna Jameson, star of such movies as The Passion of the Christies and I dream of Jenna, (how the hell I'm going to get away with looking her IMDB listing up at work I'll never know!) is currently going to court over who has the rights to negotiate a reality show of her life.

Not really interested in the court case or anything, just that this show might actually be really interesting, and genuinely I am not referring to the porn side, honestly! While looking for celebrity blogs I discovered hers and what made it interesting was understanding the real person and business behind the acts in the movies, in fact the blog hardly mentioned those at all, it talked of her real life. The sudden revelation that she was a real person, with issues as real as you or me, that she seemed to have a normal life and worries was quite astounding.

I think that's the allure that first worked for reality shows but has now lost it, not because of what the show is doing, but because of the people that they are choosing to follow. What works for Jenna is that your preconceived idea of her is so askew to reality that actually seeing her have a normal day like you or me is a surprise and a welcome relief. Seeing what's behind that preconceived construction of the woman is the interesting part, and the fact that we all have an instant prejudice against her because she is in porn.

I'd find this way more fascinating than some crap about the life of a drugged, drunken, rich waif who has no respect for human life, even without the porn. Thoughts?

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 15, 2005 06:23 AM


just watch the documentary the girl next door featuring stacy valentine. now that is a truly fascinating film about the life of a porn actress.

though it feels condensed with some superfluous naterial, girl next door doesn't hold back and really drives home the message (i will leave for viewers to decipher.)

a documentary like this is more profound than any stupid reality tv show.

Posted by: B A T M A N at April 15, 2005 07:04 AM

Dude ... hook me up with the address for her blog!

Posted by: Penniless B. at April 15, 2005 07:28 AM

Just check the related posts link - that's what it's there for.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 15, 2005 12:44 PM

Wow, who whould have thought that jJ was so up with Internet technology. She's been blogging since the get go. That's impressive.

Posted by: Brad at April 15, 2005 03:07 PM

Not only is she up on her blogging and gadgets check out her official videogame www.virtuallyjenna.com just recently launched :)

Posted by: Brad at April 17, 2005 02:54 AM