April 08, 2005

Orlando Bloom says no to young Bond

So much for getting away from Bond rumours, well this is slightly different, it's quashing one. At least for now.

Orlando Bloom has hinted that he won't be the young Bond through the BBC:

"I'm not doing young James Bond!" said the curly one. "My manager, my agent have never mentioned it to me - not to date. Young or old, it has never been mentioned to me." And just to reiterate, "I don't know where that came from, but I've never heard a whiff of it."

Okay, let's think for a moment, what do you think he's really trying to say? Well to be honest with the speculation about new, old, female and a young Bond, no one knows what anything means anymore. I have to say, judging from your comments alone and my feelings about writing these stories, I'm getting really fed up of Bond already. Couldn't they announce something and just let the speculation die out until one of the movies comes along? Be it young, old or female?

I wonder if we should place an embargo on all rumours relating to Bond until there is a hard announcement or Bloom grows some real facial hair?

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 8, 2005 06:31 AM


Well, anything that they rumor, can't really surprise. Maybe they next wanna make stories about older bond, starring Clint Eastwood, directed by Martin Scorsese? Who knows.

I'm not even sure what that could give us, if there were new series of Bond. Ok, maybe they're trying to do Casino Royale more "realistic" and down-to-earth, but still. Why make another Bond-serie? Just an another place to make all those "cool" stunts and stuff without anything else. Not my cup of tea. But with Orlando starring, those could be huge hit-movies, no doubt.

Posted by: Jorse at April 8, 2005 02:23 PM