April 28, 2005

Nightwatch poster released

That's the poster for Nightwatch (Nochnoy dozor) then, and pretty cool it's looking too. I am really excited about seeing this after we posted the trailers for the first two movies. Both had slightly different feels to them, but they were filled with the coolest effects.

However, some people have warned us to expect nothing more than the later Matrix movies, effects with a poorly executed story. I really hope that's wrong as the premise and effects look so good it would be great to see this Russian movie come through on the full package.

Mind you IMDB are carrying a healthy 65% of the votes between 7 and 10, with 10 getting a nice 27.5% with 265 votes. That's definitely got the odds tipped for it when you look at the average voting spread.

Check out the full version of the poster at JoBlo.

Posted by at April 28, 2005 01:48 PM


I am so glad to finally see this is coming to a domestic release. I have been teased by the various russian trailers for what seems like a year or more. The Banilieu 13 film is teasing me as well.

Have you seen the new Crimson Rivers movie? The Le Parkour guy is in the film amazing foot chase scene.

Posted by: Jennifer at April 28, 2005 02:16 PM

Night Watch is awesome. There are a few flaws, mostly having to do with including too many plot tangents, but overall it's a wild and hectic ride with tons of inventive scenes and FX. It definitely appeals to fans of Terry Gilliam and Jean-Pierre Jeunet.

Posted by: Mike at May 1, 2005 02:16 PM

Jennifer, I just added the first Crimson Rivers to my DVD rental list (currently at 273 films, so luckily I can weight them!). I'll get back to you on that comment once I've seen it.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 2, 2005 06:31 AM