April 03, 2005

Nightstalkers dead and Blade to return?

blade3.jpgI was really disappointed with the direction of the Blade storyline, the whole idea of creating the Nightstalkers spin off and then forgetting about Blade wasn't that appealing for me, and the studio seemed to be abandoning a character that had such good potential in the right hands.

So it's good news to hear Ryan Reynolds is saying that the idea of Nightstalkers is dead and that the sights are still firmly set on Blade. Moviehole carry the story from Zap2it:

"I don't think it's going to happen," Reynolds says. "I gave them a few ideas of how to take our characters off into a different direction away from the vampire thing, but they really want Blade back."

That's great news, as Moviehole quite rightly says, after the talk of falling out between Wesley Snipes and various people behind the scenes, we were left wondering if there ever would be a return for Blade.

It's clear that the Blade character is one of the better handled comic adaptations, and one that has a lot of fans desire to see more. I'm delighted i they're going to keep going with the franchise, and perhaps they'll see the error of their ways and get back to the original Blade.

Posted by at April 3, 2005 09:31 AM


If there is a Blade 4, and the nightstalkers are not a party to it, three words.


A lot of people liked Ryan Renyolds: I was not one of them. Bad jokes and winks to the audience killed the film. I'm still not forgiving of the Tomb Of Dracula comic book rearing its ugly head. And if a little girl isn't afraid of Drake/Dracula, how can the audience?

Now, if there is Blade 4, bite the bullet, have Trinity be part of the film series continuity. No pretending it didn't happen; Bobby Ewing isn't in the shower.

Morbius would make a good opponent for Blade, he can be worked in well. I wouldn't kill off Micheal Morbius, but the Vampire Nation (what's left) could force MM somehow to find a cure for the virus. Something goes wrong, Blade gets in the way, and before you know it, the fight is on.

Posted by: DarrenJ Seeley at April 7, 2005 11:01 PM

Okay there is just a few things I wuld like to say. Blade is suppose to be only about Blade and of course whistler and the vampires, but mostley Blade. If Wesley Snipes is reading this then there is a few things I want to tell you. You are doing great no matter what anybody else says. Just be yourself do what you think is best.If you want to be in Blade 4 do it don't let anyone hold you back even if it's Goyer. Goyer if you are reading this listen up I am on Wesley's side on Trinity. I am just saying what I feel. Okay this may sound wierd, but if there is another Blade movie and he dies I am going to burst out in tears. I am serious. I know these movies are not real, but think about it the daywalker dead. I mean not a lot of peole are gonna want to buy it. I mean who wants to see Blade dead? Not me! I have all the movies I am a huge fan, but if Blade dies I know I'm not getting that movie.

Posted by: Alyssa at June 1, 2005 08:56 PM

I am a fanatic fan of vampire movies. I viewed all three Blade movies and I believe actor Wesley Snipes to be a phenomenal ass kicking vampire hunting the race which he despises. If Wesley Snipes was not to continue on with his legacy as Blade, then the series absolutely would not be the same. The Blade movies can carry on for at least another movie or two. My question would be "who is going to be the new inventor of gadgets for Blade to use?" Now that Whistler is deceased, someone should replace him. Whatever happened to the biologist from the first Blade?

Posted by: Erik at July 17, 2005 10:57 AM

I don't blame Snipes for being pissed, Trinity sucked ass! Probably not his fault!! The First blade was cool, second one was cooler, third just bombed totally! The new actors sucked, most of the fight scenes were totally weak, Arrows? What was that arc blue fire thing she was using (it sucked)? Head monster sucked, the bad chick had potential but basically sucked. Triple-H had potential but ended up sucking also. Whistler really helped the other movies, killing him off so early was stupid.

Posted by: Ray at August 28, 2005 02:10 AM