April 04, 2005

More talk of Eddie Izzard documentary

EddieIzzard.jpgWe talked about about the Eddie Izzard documentary some time ago, but Mack from Twitch has an update for us. From The Scotsman (not me, the paper!):

Cameras have been following him for the past three years as he has risen to become a star on both sides of the Atlantic.

Combining footage of his shows, backstage scenes and interviews with family and friends, Diva 51 will provide an intimate portrait of the comedian and actor.

It will show his exhaustive efforts to crack America, culminating in two Emmy awards for his stand-up show and a Tony nomination for his performance in A Day In The Death of Joe Egg on Broadway.

Robin Williams, Tim Roth and Eric Idle also feature in the documentary, paying tribute to Izzard’s talents.

"There’s an element of my wild and large, rollicking ego about doing it, but I want the film to dig deep," he told Variety magazine.

Izzard is such a talented comic and a growing talent in the film industry, and seeing him in Oceans Twelve, I would say he has cracked America. This will make for a really funny, insightful and to the bone documentary.

What do non-British think of Izzard? Comic genius or weirdo?

Posted by at April 4, 2005 01:12 AM



Isn't this guy playing Dr. Who right now?

Posted by: Franklin at April 4, 2005 08:37 AM

He's definitely a comedic genius, and a good actor to boot. He probably could have gotten some goofy starring role in a bad comedy a long time ago, but he's stuck it out for smaller meatier parts, and I for one am glad. He's too good to go that route. I, for one, am looking forward to this documentary the same way I looked forward to the DVD release of every stand up show he's had on video.

Posted by: Mojo at April 4, 2005 08:42 AM

Comic genius. I caught his Sexy tour here in Boston. He even took time out to sign my pals and my programs and posters. Lets not forget his great performance as the disco thug in Mystery Men.

Posted by: Nesto13 at April 4, 2005 09:35 AM

No, he's not Dr Who!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 4, 2005 11:35 AM

I LOVE Eddie Izzard, I have all of his albums and they are great on long trips.

He plays Charlie Chaplin in Cat's Meow (great movie) and does a great job. And the only funny thing in All the Queen's Men (with Joey from Friends)

Posted by: Kaitlin862 at April 4, 2005 06:53 PM

I was just going to say the same thing about Izzy in that Joey flick, Kaitlin. He really was the only good thing about it. I find him extremely funny, witty, smart and derisive. I howl with laughter every time I watch him.

Posted by: Lilly at April 4, 2005 08:15 PM

Comic Genius AND Weirdo. And Hottie.

Posted by: Pamelajoon at April 16, 2005 07:35 AM

I love him! He is hilarious, amazing, and very sexy to boot!

Posted by: Natalie at May 15, 2005 05:16 PM