April 12, 2005

Mel Gibson next movie Pope John Paul II?

MelGibson.jpgAccording to Ananova Mel Gibson is off on another religious epic, this time in a slightly more down to earth character.

Mel Gibson is reportedly set to turn Pope John Paul II's story into a Hollywood movie.

The New York Post reports Gibson has already filmed the ending to the movie.

He also reportedly despatched a production crew to Rome to film the pope's funeral.

Well Pope John Paul II was certainly one of the most popular Pope's of recent history and there are some interesting moments in his Papal life. Not least being repeatedly shot and surviving, but also some of his more controversial proclamations and audiences, will Bono and his sunglasses play himself?

I wonder what the appetite is for a movie of the Pope and his life? Is it a movie for religiously tied moviegoers, or is it a film that might attract a more widespread audience? Personally I really wouldn't find it interesting, but I'm sure there are many who would.

It also strikes me as slightly odd that there was a need to send out a camera crew to get footage of one of the most covered events of the last century. There'll be footage everywhere. It either makes me think he managed to secure footage no one else could, or that the story is a bit of a wind up.

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 12, 2005 03:59 PM


I would find this film VERY interesting. I'm not Catholic... but you have to at least be a little in awe of the only man in history to be highly respected by Christians, Jews and Muslims all at the same time.

Think all you want about his theology or politics (I certainly don't agree with much of his), the man was a true ambassador of peace. The world can still learn alot from him. I think Gibson would be the guy to do it too.

Interesting thought... Gibson, although Catholic, belonged toa small Catholic sect that actually disagrees with much of John Paul II's ideology. It would be neat to see how this turned out.

Posted by: John Campea at April 12, 2005 05:05 PM

The footage that everyone has is on Video Tape. The footage that Mel probably shot is on film.

Posted by: Kenn at April 12, 2005 05:53 PM

Kenn, the major news agencies were there, I didn't mean the mourners and tourists. The entire ceremony was filmed from multiple different angles, film and digital no doubt.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 12, 2005 06:08 PM

Still Gibson has a very distinct visual style. There may be tons of footage but he's thinking about angle's, still shots, pans, etc... It only makes sense to get his own creative shots of the funeral

Posted by: Mantiss at April 12, 2005 06:55 PM

I still don't buy it. Can't see how he would have managed to get his crew in a decent position and set-up in front of all the major news agencies carrying it live or set-up anything close to decent angles, etc. He wasn't even there for a start!

John's got some good points though, I didn't realise there was a bit of contention between Gibson's beliefs and the Pope's edicts.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 13, 2005 07:39 AM

Wow, this is a baaad idea. Hopefully this is just to make headlines/keep mad-Mel's name in the news in the short-term and will never come to fruition...

Posted by: Triflic at April 13, 2005 08:14 AM

I think that Gibson is only using the same successful formula from The Passion of The Christ, he saw that lots of people wanted to see it, and he wants to repeat the success, taking advantage of Pope's death, Gibson knows that many people will want to see it... for me, that is only a "full-bussiness".

Posted by: m3g4tr0n at April 13, 2005 10:56 AM

Please dont do it Mel, I'd rather you reprise your role as Martin Riggs in a 5th Lethal Weapon movie.

Posted by: Simone at April 13, 2005 11:00 AM

Hmph, can't really understand why there should be movie about Pope John Paul (Paavi Johannes Paavali in finnish, btw :). What smells here, is pure money. Passion of Christ made it big time, and there's definetely audition for this kind of movie. First of all those who want to see everything that Gibson touches (smallest group). Secondly, those who thinks highly of religion and Pope. And third very important group, those who dislike the idea and want to see how the movie is being made.

I think Gibson should wait at least 5 years until now.

Posted by: Jorse at April 13, 2005 01:43 PM

I really would like to see that movie. Why Mel would make it is insignificant. If he makes good movie, than he deserves to get payed for his work (and he is one of few who spends his wealth wisely). It seems like you people just luv sensation and to dig for negativ things. I liked most of Mels movies and I am pretty sure I will like this one too.

Jorse wrote: "I think Gibson should wait at least 5 years until now."

I might agree with this...but than again it dosn`t take a week to make a movie either.

All good Mladen =)

Posted by: Mladen at April 15, 2005 07:01 AM

I'd love to see a film on the late Pope's life. Its the kind of story that would, if presented as a fictional plot line to a studio, be considered too exciting to be true:
Karol Wojtyla the orphaned son of a soldier; poet, mystic, philosopher, polyglot, actor, footballer... growing up under successive totalitarian dictatorships, narrowly missing getting sent ot Auschwitz, the underground theatre, seeing many friends die in the holocaust, defying Communism, assassination attempts, orchestrating the rise of Solidarity... Thrills and spills every minute - what more could a director ask for?

This man changed the course of history, it would make (on paper at least) a frickin' amazing film!

ps. Gibson's father is known to be an ardent 'Latin Catholic' ie. he doesn't recognise the authority of the post-Vatican II papacy. However, Gibson himself, is far more mainstream. His lack of orthodoxy seems to extend only to a preference for the Latin Mass - which the late Pope did much to re-institute anyway.

Posted by: Zap at April 15, 2005 09:26 AM

Would love to see a good docudrama about JPII. He is without a doubt, one of the most remarkable men in the history of the Catholic Church, and I would venture to say.....world history.....His passing is a sign of the times.....but, in the words of John Paul II....."Be Not Afraid!"

Posted by: Joan at April 17, 2005 08:19 PM

Personally, I am so disappointed about Mr. Gibson. I really thought he was a true Christian, a believer of Jesus Christ. So, the Passion was just a movie in the making... He can fool me but not God!

Posted by: Lena Lee at April 20, 2005 12:56 AM

fyi, go to http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1383198/posts. It supposely reports that Mel has said "NO" about making the Pope movie. So, is it a scheme by the media???

Posted by: Lena Lee at April 20, 2005 01:08 AM

I think that Mel Gibson would consider to Viggo Mortensen as the actor who plays Father Wojtila. There is a lot of physical resemblenses, both share a great love for Latin America. In other half, since Father Wojtila is a hero who saved jewish children from the nazi death fields in his youth, there is an interesting relation with the Aragorn character that Mortensen played in the LOTR saga: Aragorn was ranger, a strong and tough man that inconditionally risked his life to save the hobbits (they are like children because of their naivete and their size). Father Wojtila had a strong link with Mary, as Aragorn had with the heavenly elf Arwen, although in a romantic way. The final choice will be in Mel, but I trust in his good artistic criterion for making film.

Posted by: David at May 23, 2005 05:36 PM

Wow dam good blog. He looking so handsome.

Posted by: Mac at July 23, 2005 01:25 AM

Hello everyone,

I'm quite new here so please let me introduce myself.I'm 25 yrs old student from Poland who eventually is supposed to say something about the idea of the movie about John Paul II.In my country The Pope is said to be The Great Father of my nation and you wouldn't believe what happened in Poland after Pope's death.He's very respected by most of my folks and I can also say that without Him many nations would be still strugling to become free as He helped Poland to break through the communism and make people believe!Many of my friends as well as me were present at The Pope's Funeral and all I can say is that I saw many people crying,not only Polish,but people from many other countries!I think that He played a significant role in world's history as well as in polish history!I'd love to see the movie but there had already been made a movie in Poland about His life so let us see how it goes...

Greetings from Poland

Posted by: marius at August 16, 2005 01:37 PM

I think a film on the late Pontiff would be wonderful. I'm only 16 and from the United Kingdom and Pope John Paul has deeply touched me. I am a born catholic but didn't believe until a year or so ago. The Pope was a great man, regardless of his theories and philosophy. There have been films on Mother Theresa, Ghandi, it would make sence to have one on the Pope, by a catholic which can capture his life events even to his death.

Take care all and cheers!

Posted by: Shaun Bailham at September 26, 2005 03:52 PM