April 28, 2005

Marvel sign for more comic adaptations

MarvelTeam.jpgPerhaps you thought that the superhero genre was looking towards a close and that Hollywood would move onto something else? Wrong. News from Variety through Comic Book Movie is that it's the exact opposite, prepare for an onslaught of heroes.

Paramount has signed a lucrative and exclusive deal with Marvel for films based on Marvel's remaining characters...

...Marvel has already put together a half-billion-dollars to create a slate of films with production budgets as high as $180 milion, using their remaining 5,000 comic book characters...

Two of the first classic comic book characters that will hit the big screen are Captain America and Nick Fury...

...The first film is expected to be released in two years and for the largest possible audience none of the films will have a rating above PG-13.

Well Nick Fury might be quite cool, but they're all going to be PG-13 and under? Well, there will be some good entertainment out of some of these, but nothing too dark. The superhero franchise is definitely not dead, I wonder how many of those 5,000 characters we're going to see on screen! What characters would you like to see making it?

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 28, 2005 11:53 AM


You mean there are still some comic books that HAVEN'T been made into movies yet?????????

Posted by: adam at April 28, 2005 08:13 PM

Well to start Cable, Domino, Exiles, Apacalpse, X-Force, Darkman was cool, I'll list more later after im ragged on!

Posted by: Twisty Yayo at April 29, 2005 12:53 AM

Nick Fury is definitely going to be played by Samuel L. Jackson - the new Ultimates comic has his character quite clearly looking like Jackson, which is especially noticeable as it means a change in skin colour. It also has Patrick Stewart as the model for Xavier, etc, so I'm very inclined to believe that Marvel has the signature on the dotted line for that one. I think it's a great casting - it's got to be better than that horrific (but funny) version with David Hasslehoff...

Posted by: Tomas L. Martin at April 29, 2005 11:46 AM

if they want to hit every marvel character then they should do the Onlsaught saga which took the entire marvel universe (good and bad) at the same time to take him out, just a thought

Posted by: vamprin at April 29, 2005 05:38 PM

I'd like to see the 3rd film, or maybe the fourth, in the X series turn out to actually be an X-Factor film. Big names are probably the best to go with, like the Avengers, or Alpha Flight as far as teams go, the New Mutants would be good to see too, I enjoyed the x-generation made for t.v. film but it could've been much better. Cloak & Dagger, Power Pack ... and to name just a few others She-Hulk, Spider-Woman ...

Posted by: Anon at May 1, 2005 10:46 PM


Posted by: Gord at May 4, 2005 05:06 AM


Posted by: AARTTYST at July 10, 2005 11:27 AM