April 04, 2005

Kingdom of Heaven Extended Trailer

Kingdom_of_Heaven_Poster.jpgAs nervous as I am about this project, I must admit I'm looking forward to seeing Kingdom of Heaven very much. The cinematography looks inspired and the cast is solid. Not to mention I'm a sucker for epic scale films.

Yahoo has just put up a new 4 minute extended trailer for the film that you can check out here.

An epic adventure about a common man who finds himself thrust into a decades-long war. A stranger in a strange land, he serves a doomed king, falls in love with an exotic and forbidden queen, and rises to knighthood. Ultimately, he must protect the people of Jerusalem from overwhelming forces while striving to keep a fragile peace.
Yeah, sign me up. Opens on May 6th.

Posted by John Campea at April 4, 2005 06:55 AM


Ok, this is off-topic:
Did anybody catch WWE's WrestleMania 21 yesterday? I'm shocked that the Movie Blog didn't have anything about it, since the theme was 'Wrestlemania goes Hollywood.' And yes, Hulk Hogan was there. As was Rowdy f'n Piper.

Posted by: T h S at April 4, 2005 08:15 AM

i watched the trailer and i think it looks really good. definitely one that i would add to my dvd collection. although i am a big fan of orlando bloom, i just don't think he fits the part. he has such a boyish quality about him, even with facial hair. anyways, i'm for giving anyone a chance, i'll still buy the dvd.

Posted by: Movie Props at April 4, 2005 02:04 PM

I just watched the trailer; it looks like it could be awesome but I've been disappointed by these new Hollywood epics before (cp. King Arthur, Troy), so I don't want to get my hopes up too much.

Posted by: Rem at April 4, 2005 02:22 PM

What a boring trailer! I didnt even bother to finish it, I will see the film anyway because of Irons and Neeson.

Posted by: Simone at April 4, 2005 06:44 PM

Not into epic movies. Not interested.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna at April 4, 2005 11:39 PM

Epic movies pretty much rocks, and when first infos came out, I jumped to the fanwagon. Altough R. Scott is one of my favorite director's and Gladiator is one of the best movie of all times, I still got very big suspisions about this movie.

And it got name. Orlando Bloom hasn't been great in any of his movies. Troy was pretty decent, but Eric Bana totally ruled over Bloom's performance. But I think I still got to give shot to the Bloom. Maybe there is talent after all in those pretty face, that so many young girls ador.

Just hope, that Chris Rock won't say next your "If you can't get Crowe, WAIT! Crusader ain't Gladiator"

Posted by: Jorse at April 6, 2005 02:39 PM

"KIngdom of Heaven"
comment by Jeong cp, Singapore

Epic movies are not always perfect as each movie tend to immortalise and glamourised certain aspects of historical events(with a mixture of fiction and factual elements). To be purely historical may no attract poor viewers worldwide.

The climax of the film focused on the final showdown between the defending crusaders at Jerusalem and the attacking Muslim armies.

Both armies showed remarkable bravery and sincerity towards their faith to the last.
The film does not support nether the armies.
It merely glorifies th eefforts that each of these armies have in common: to prove their love towards their faith and a desire to die for their religion
to uphold justice and peace.

It does not really matters who was the winner or loser. The film as a whole has achieved several objectives. One of the primary objective is the fact that it has generated worldwide attention towards a beter understanding in both Christianity and Islam.

It has fostered a positive cultural and political paradigm shift in the theory of peace and co-existence that invigorates current international peace efforts between east and west with special emphasis on the blistering Palestine & Israel stalemate.

Jeong cp
08th May 2005

Posted by: jeong cp at May 7, 2005 12:19 PM

"KIngdom of Heaven"[re-edited]
comment by Jeong cp, Singapore

Epic movies are not always perfect as each movie tend to immortalise and glamourise certain aspects of historical events with a mixture of fiction and factual elements. To be purely historical may attract poor viewers/audiences worldwide.

The climax of the film focused on the final showdown between the defending crusaders at Jerusalem and the attacking Muslim armies.
Both armies showed remarkable bravery and sincerity towards their faith to the last.

The film does not support neither the armies.
It merely glorifies the efforts that each of these armies have in common: to prove their love towards their faith and a desire to die for their religion
to uphold justice and peace.

It does not really matters who was the winner or loser. The film as a whole has achieved several objectives. One of the primary objective is the fact that it has generated worldwide attention towards a beter understanding in both Christianity and Islam.

It has also fostered a positive cultural and political paradigm shift in the theory of peace and co-existence that invigorates current international peace efforts between east and west with special emphasis on the blistering Palestine & Israel stalemate.

Jeong cp
08th May 2005

Posted by: JEONG CP at May 7, 2005 12:23 PM

"Kingdom of Heaven"

Final comment by Jeong cp,
Singapore, 08th May 2005

Epic movies are not always perfect as each movie tend to immortalise and glamourise certain aspects of historical events with a mixture of fiction and factual elements. To be purely historical may attract poor viewers/audiences worldwide.

The climax of the film focused on the final showdown between the defending crusaders at Jerusalem and the attacking Muslim armies. Both armies showed remarkable bravery and sincerity towards their faith and the sacrifices that inevitably must accompany this unwavering love towards God.

The film does not support neither the armies. It glorifies the honourable efforts of both armies have given so costly a sacrifices and an undying common desire to die for their religion to uphold freedom, justice and peace.

It does not really matters who were the winners or losers. The ramification of this outstanding film as a whole is the fact that it has generated worldwide attention towards a better understanding in both Christianity and Islam. It has also fostered a positive cultural and political paradigm shift in the theory of peace and co-existence that hopefully will invigorate current international peace efforts between East and West with special emphasis on the bloody conflict in the Palestine & Israel stalemate.

Jeong cp
08th May 2005
[email protected]

Posted by: jeong cp at May 7, 2005 12:36 PM