April 07, 2005

Ian McDiarmid on Palpatine

Ian_McDiarmid.jpgIan McDiarmid, the man who will forever be "The Emperor" in the Star Wars saga has done an interview over at Sci Fi Wire. Here's an excerpt:

"I think it's terrific for me that the final film is also my character's apotheosis. He really explodes in all his unbridled evil. Hypocrisy goes to one side and you see this creature for what he really is. It's been interesting to play the character in the last two movies on the sidelines, and now he moves into the middle. It's a very satisfying personal climax and a privilege."
Its actually a very good interview. Ian also gives some details on how George offered him the role and the experience of shooting down under. Go on over and give it a read.

Posted by John Campea at April 7, 2005 08:32 AM


Without a doubt, Palpatine will rule in Episode III. I still have goosebumps everytime I watch the full trailer when he jumped like a cat onto Mace Windu lightsabre in tow ready for the kill. I seldom swear, but I did right there and then.


Posted by: Simone at April 7, 2005 09:06 AM

I think the emperor is my favourite character in the Star Wars saga. And Ian Mcdiarmid plays him so well!

Posted by: Sami at April 7, 2005 09:58 AM

Heh, indeed he is pivotal in episode III, his comments in the interview are accurate, and he can be proud of his role. Evil unleashed... that sounds good.

Posted by: Peter at April 7, 2005 12:03 PM

My favorite character is Salacious Crumb.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 7, 2005 03:19 PM

Okay, I lied. It's Yaddle.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 7, 2005 03:24 PM

No, I mean it - my favorite character is Kit Fisto. I will be sad when Palpy removes his bug eyes and sh** eating grin with his lightsaber.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 7, 2005 03:34 PM

Has Palpatine ever been good? That is a good question (modesty goes to one side). Siths are said to be renegade Jedis. Who is Palpatine and where does he come from? Has he visited Korriban? Does he own a Khyber Crystal?

"He's a Sith from way back"...

Posted by: Peter at April 7, 2005 04:17 PM

Lucus has been busy resolving the main storylines we all pretty much know already but for sure one of the oddest and most unexplained is really the central role The Emperor plays in the whole saga. He is the only truly evil character in the whole narrative yet it is never explained what his motivation is or where he came from.

Posted by: dave at April 8, 2005 05:49 AM

Wasnt there a theory about the Sith as being Jedi once and became disgruntled, thus turning to the dark side? There couldnt be more than 2 Siths at a time cause they tend to destroy one another.

I find that scene in TPM when Mace Windu said during Qui Gon's burial after Darth Maul was killed, "but who was destroyed, the Master or the apprentice?" then the camera zooms into Palpatine. CHILLING!

Posted by: Simone at April 8, 2005 09:33 AM

I'm not sure about what will end up in the movie, but in the novelization, Palpatine tells Anakin the story of Darth Plagueius and how he learned to control the midi-clorians and create and save life. Palpy tells him Plagueius' apprentice snuck up on him while he was sleeping and killed him (and then he smirks). My understanding is Palpy has been alive for quite some time...waiting...and watching...for the right time to kick the Jedi's collective asses.

Another interesting point. Obi-Wan is less of a nagging wife in this movie to Anakin and more sympathetic to Anakin's abilities, primarily because of Anakin's friendship and loyality to him. It sort of seems the Jedi's arrogance in keeping the "most powerful Jedi ever" off the Jedi council played a part in the Jedi's extinction. They were certainly elistest.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 9, 2005 09:10 PM

My favorite character is the sarlacc. It has the ability to relive your memories and keep you alive for a slow 1000 year digestive desolve. Plus he/she has tenticles that reach out and grab its prey and pull it to its freaky hole of a mouth....unless you count the cgi octopus bird beak in the redux version. Yea that sucked as bad as greedo firing on han, or sucked as bad as jar jar doing anything...Sarlacc lives in the freaking desert and also eats sand. HOW COOL IS A SAND EATER! What you doing? "Eating some sand." wow how much? "Well about 16 years ago I ate a ton of sand and some sail barge and a bunch of screaming flunkies...oh yea and a bounty hunter. he was a pussy."

Posted by: marty sexton at April 29, 2005 08:23 PM

Hands down - the emperor is one of the coolest, most powerful characters...in Return of the Jedi. In the prequels, Palpatine is cool as the manipulative senator, but then (and I know there are debates) he seems to really wimp out in Revenge of the Sith. Yes, he kills Jedi, yes he convinces Anakin, but he seemed to come off as weak, almost dependant of Vader, not the ultimate dark lord that held Vader on a leash in Return of the Jedi. His battle with Windu - awesome idea, but he scene itself was carried out kind of poorly - jedi killed with ease like any other human, whining and begging (fake or not, george only know, but it was disappointing). I expected some calm and cool evil, not a sniveling weasel who manipulated everyone Wormtongue style. Dooku could have killed him, or Maul, if he was truly that weak. And they would have, being Sith. If he wasn't that weak, the film didn't seem to portray it well. That's my beef. Disagree if you must, but there it is. No fault on Sir Ian, I blame Lucas. Should have been just a bit different.

Posted by: Disgruntled but still a fan at May 28, 2005 07:00 PM

Dude! WTH! He was putting on a show for Anakin, that's part of the seduction, of his machinations to seduce Anakin, to confuse him even more, of course he's not really weak. He even said "ultimate power" as he killed off Windu. See it again.

Posted by: Simone at May 28, 2005 08:43 PM

I'm pretty sure you're right - despite the fact that Lucas doesn't seem capable of subtly anymore. It's just that the Emperor of Return of the Jedi, even when younger, shouldn't have had to rely on cheap theatrics to win over a disciple. But again, it's only my opinion, which at the end of the day means very little, I'm just drawing on motifs and themes of certain character types that make up other great stories. Meh.

Posted by: disgruntled but still a fan at May 30, 2005 02:48 PM