April 08, 2005

Gladiator 2

Oh my goodness, this has "bad idea" written all over it. Gladiator was a wonderful film. Gladiator was a fun film. Gladiator (although not really deserving) won best picture of the year. Gladiator made a lot of money. So a Gladiator sequel is a good idea right? No chance in hell.

Gladiator was a story revolving around 1 character, General Maximus. Maximus, the Gladiator, is dead. So how do you do a sequel of a film without the namesake of the film around anymore? Even Ridley Scott admits that's a difficult task, and yet seems to be pushing ahead with the project anyway. The good folks at Dark Horizons give us this:

The "Gladiator" sequels status is "nothing at the moment, but we're trying to find a good solution for a sequel" says Scott. Logan's script is "not quite there yet. Remember theres no Maximus anymore, I think the task is quite difficult...there is a next generation idea but it's very loose at the moment."
Yes Ridley... it would be hard. And it's also a BAD BAD BAD idea. Don't ruin a good film by making a sequel just for the sake of making a sequel. Gladiators 2 is a horrible idea, and frankly I'm surprised a man with the film intelligence of Ridley Scott would even entertain such a stupid idea. Bad bad bad I say.

Posted by John Campea at April 8, 2005 08:26 AM


Not without Maximus.

Posted by: Simone at April 8, 2005 09:38 AM

I see Ben Affleck as Maximus, Jr. and Jonathan Lipnicki as Maximus III. Morgan Freeman could be the new Emperor. The possibilities are endless!

Posted by: PusBoy at April 8, 2005 11:14 AM

Love the Gladiator, it's clearly in my TOP15-list of all time movies. Russell Crowes performance is one the greatest actors of his time, and in this particular movie he's pretty amazing. And Scott, well, also one of my favorite directors. Great visualizer.

But sequel, hell no. Without Maximus this movie can't be that great, it would be better to make prequel if they really must be second Gladiator movie. Ok, the ending can't be that dramatical but it could still be great epic. Movies that even don't try to copy their father. It could be seen in Alien movies. Fist three Alien-movies rocks (althoug third one ain't that great, still good) and especially first two movies are totally different.

So, without Russell, no thanks.

Posted by: Jorse at April 8, 2005 02:11 PM

And this problem is what is faced by 99% of movies made. There really ISN'T any compelling reason to make a sequel of an original besides money.

Posted by: Arethusa at April 8, 2005 03:24 PM

He fought, he died, but the gods wouldn't take him. Now now he's scrawny, nutty and horny:

Rob Schneider is "Deuce Maximus: Resurrected Gigalo"

Just an idea.

Posted by: Chevy Prefect at April 8, 2005 04:38 PM

By and by as I read over my comment there should have been a colon in between those two sentences, rather than a period. I really did go to school though.

As for Chevy's idea, maybe that will finally be the role that gets Schneider into the Academy! Or whatever he wanted.

Posted by: Arethusa at April 8, 2005 06:57 PM

Actually, a prequel could work out really well. Something that explained where he came from, maybe used his family a bit more, and definitely something that showed more fighting (a la the first ten minutes of the movie). I don't there's been a well made "sword and sandal" epic in a few years, but there've been plenty of poor ones. With that group of people working on it, it could be most impressive.

Posted by: It's Seitz at April 8, 2005 09:05 PM

Strength and Dishonor.

Posted by: DarrenJ Seeley at April 8, 2005 10:38 PM

Would be interesting to see a movie about the change of an empire. How they transition from a single leader (caesar) to senate control. I would imagine thats not as clean an undertaking as the end of the movie leaves us to believe.

If its done right, another period epic in the same line of Gladiator telling the tale of a struggling new senate would be worth watching.

Just call it Senator or something impressive and let everyone else figure out its a sequel. Like the Patriot Games. Clear and Present Danger etc movies. They were not sequels, but obviously connected.

Posted by: Rodney at April 9, 2005 01:32 AM

any compelling reason to make a sequel of an original besides money

This is Hollywood. What further compelling reason do they need?

Posted by: James Russell at April 9, 2005 02:58 AM

kinda OT, but a sequel i would gladly want to see another one of is the hannibal lecter series.

Posted by: B A T M A N at April 10, 2005 06:23 AM

Rodney got a point, but correct me if I'm wrong, it goed kind of backward. In a Roman empire there was first senate and two consuls. In the time of crices, a sole leader could be elected. After crise passed, he wasn't anymore leader.

But control of senate wasn't any strong, further the time go. After Julius Caesar died, senate gain control again just to lose it to Augustus, who became dictator. He led senate to lead in theory, but practically he kept all critical decisions at his hands. And after that, emperors power only rise, and senate became kind of puppet leader, without any real power. In the end of Roman empire, there were lots of emperors that just killed each others to gain power. Maybe there's chance to make film about fall of rome ("barbarians" victorius invasions and so on), but that could be totally different movie than Gladiator 2.

If they really choose to make sequel to Gladiator, I don't see any another possibilites thatn prequel with Maximus played by Russell Crowe and lots of political playing with epic battles and all that staff. Maybe not that dramatic, but still great epic movie. Something that Alexander and Troy without success tryed to be.

Posted by: Jorse at April 10, 2005 09:21 AM

I thought the couner conspiracy with the Empress-girl and the senators was a very interesting, and underdeveloped subplot. I wouldn't mind seeing more of them. As Rodney said, there is so much more to to that period than the gladiatorial games.

Posted by: Rem at April 10, 2005 06:17 PM

Bad Idea Period.

Posted by: Jason M George at April 13, 2005 01:09 PM

ok.....If you all think making a gladiator sequal is a bad idea then you were smacked upside the head one to many times...I personally think its a great idea and if you want proof i can have alot more comments on here from other people saying how great it would be to have a sequal to one of the greatest films ever made....so ex-squeeze me....

P.S. The movie wont be as good without russel crow but theres always the next best thing..thats why its a sequal

Posted by: Dustin at April 14, 2005 06:50 AM

actually as you can tell by my name i agree with makeing a sequal....i also agree with that Dustin person gladiator 2 is a brilliant idea...

Posted by: gladiator at April 14, 2005 06:53 AM

Oh wow "gladiator", you agree with Dustin huh? That's a shock since you're both the same guy with the same IP address.

I hate it when losers try to make themselves look right by posting agreeing comments of themselves. What an idoit.

Posted by: John Campea at April 14, 2005 07:01 AM

While they're at it, why not make a sequel to Lawrence of Arabia? There's still original stories out there to film. Hell, why not just put together Ringworld? Straight forward plot (crashland on alien 'world' and get off) with great visuals and lots of action.

Posted by: Gilmoure at May 4, 2005 02:32 PM

u fucking idiots this is the best movie ever. u americans are shitfaces dont know anything about anything losers

Posted by: Andrius at May 10, 2005 10:48 PM

Gladiator, an excellent movie fully deserving the title of movie of the year , should not have a sequel. Now this is just my opinion, and Ridley Scott is a genius, so anything can happen so dont make and rash comments before Mr.Scott makes up his mind. Ridley Scotts movies are some of the best i've ever seen, the new movie, Kingdom of Heaven is now one of my favorite movies. I think we should wait to see what Mr.Scott does and hell, let him make a sequel, because hes the expert director and film maker, not any of you.

Posted by: Nikolai at May 11, 2005 01:49 PM

Better that Ridley Scott got a change to direct Russell in a sequel to Master & Commander. :)

But I do agree if they do this project a prequel would be the best idea. Or even better go back 400 years to the early history of Rome.

Posted by: Jim at May 25, 2005 11:34 AM

a prequel charting maximus's rise to fame and maybe the early days of his generalship and the beggining of his re;ationship with markus aurelius/his daughter etc

Posted by: game over man at May 26, 2005 07:48 AM

The original gladiator worked on a number of levels that could be repeated, but as mentioned by other people discussing "the actual topic", maximus would need to be worked into the film somehow.

I'd agree that a gladiators 2(i.e. a film that starts directly at the end of Gladiators 1(G1), would be tempting bad returns from said box office) is a bad idea, i would think that a "21 grams" style film that tells a story in an interesting way(whether its a prequel/sequel/combination of the two) could work if well scripted.

There's a load of material available for the making of "decandant rome" as depicted in G1, the trick will be for someone to write a script worth filming and the interesting script then actually making it onto our screens.

Also agree there are many other "epic" areas available for producing as well. A story about the gods and how they view their human subjects maybe!!! A game of god chess... Come on producers/writers/movie making people take a chance with somebody elses money and CREATE.

Posted by: pablo at May 26, 2005 08:37 AM


Posted by: alcohol aint the answer but it makes u forget the question at June 9, 2005 09:27 AM

The only talk I've heard is that it IS a prequel.

If Russell won't do it though, probably not woth seeing.

Somehow I don't see Russell as a sequel kinda guy.

(Unless he just wants to fund his kid's college fund,
Cinderella Man isn't going to do that.)

Posted by: Movie Goer at July 22, 2005 10:49 PM

Serieux gladiateur a été le meilleur film et restera la plus belle production de tout les temps....une suite aurais été formidable avec maximus mais sans russel crowe comme general on ne retrouvera j'ammais un succès digne du premier gladiateur..

Je suis vraiment décu qu'on n'ose proposer une suite a se film grandiose tout en supprimant russel crowe(maximus)..après tout, c'est en grande partie grâce a lui que gladiateur a connu un tel succès...

Posted by: David at July 31, 2005 07:46 PM

i like to think they would bring back maxximus you know like he went into coma from bloodloss it would explain that he thought he was being reunited with his family second it makes sense because during those days doctors weren't exactly the smartest ever known. like picture this you see maxximus he's lying down ur in a burial rite it zooms in on maxximus's face you know sad music in the background then it turns to hope as maxximus's eye's slowly open i know it sounds retarded but isn't that what sequels mostly are with a few exceptions.

Posted by: glad-for-gladiator at August 20, 2005 12:21 AM