April 01, 2005

Get Smart: The Movie

Steve_Carell.jpgI remember as a kid watching the old Get Smart show. At the time I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Oh man I would crack up every single time he talked into that shoe.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Get Smart... think of Inspector Gadget (which was modeled after the show Get Smart and even had Don Adams, the star of Get Smart, doing the voice of Gadget).

It appears that a new film for Get Smart is in development and will star Steve Carell. PERFECT casting. If you're not sure who that is, just look for he guy who stole the show with small roles in both Bruce Almighty and Anchorman. This guy has just killer comedic timing. Anyway, Mac over at Twitch pointed me to the story at ComingSoon:

"They're developing right now, and they are in the process of writing the script so it's somewhere down the road. Right now, the approach is modern day. The basic premise is that both CONTROL and KAOS have fallen on hard times and are not being funded by the government. They're not getting the same kind of funding as (the) CIA. They have one last mission to try to get back on top…it's not retro at all."
This is the first "TV show to Movie" adaptation that I've been excited about in a long time... if you don't count The Transformers. You can also catch Steve Carell in the US version of The Office.

Posted by John Campea at April 1, 2005 08:17 AM


He would be perfect.....cant wait to see him use the Shoe phone! He is great in the office and was one of the few things that were enjoyable in Achorman....I would even say.....he has better comedic timing than Will Ferrell.

Posted by: jason at April 1, 2005 09:05 AM

He is very subtle and natural in his comedic timing. A very organic actor if there ever was one. He rocks. Oh, and don't forget his great work on The Daily Show as a sometimes news correspondent.

Posted by: Lilly at April 1, 2005 09:28 AM

Christ.. I wish Hollywood would get their dick out of my childhood ass. Seriously, can they rape one more of my favorite shows please? Thanks.

Maybe it will be okay.. I doubt it. On that note what was the last movie that came out that was actually an original idea? Beats me.

Posted by: Ryan at April 1, 2005 11:30 AM

I wonder if Buck Henry, who created and wrote the pilot episode of the Series with Mel Brooks. I don't think Mel would be involved, that would be too much to ask for.

Posted by: Herby at April 1, 2005 01:34 PM

It would work IF IF IF IF IF BIG IF they treat it like they di in the show.....Maxwell Smart plays it straight laced and everyone else knows he's a little off....dont ham it up....ya know? That is why the new Pink Panther will SUCK....cause Steve Martin is going to be a big gage act the whole time....

Posted by: jason at April 1, 2005 01:42 PM

He's "jumping the shark" with this one.

Posted by: adam at April 1, 2005 06:48 PM

How cool that a movie is being made about one of the best tv shows out of the cold war era. Steve Carrell is an excellent choice to play maxwell smart. He is a very funny man and will work for this part. This is awesome in my opinion.

Posted by: les at October 24, 2005 08:52 PM