April 08, 2005

Garfield 2

Garfield.jpgThis interests me about as much as Son of the Mask, did anyone go to see that movie, or indeed Garfield?

Well here they are talking about a Garfield sequel. Trashy, cheap and a remake. Who could ask for more? Coming Soon are sad for bringing it out, and we're just as sad for highlighting it.

...20th Century Fox is going to go ahead and make a sequel to last year's minor family hit Garfield and they've just hired a director in Tim Hill.

Hill's directing credits include Disney's Max Keebel's Big Move and the Jim Henson classic Muppets in Space as well as being a writer on the SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.

Why? Oh yeah, $75,367,693 in the US, and $99,800,000 non-US. That'll be why. Myself, I really can't fathom it, and some stories really should be left in their original source.

Posted by at April 8, 2005 06:20 AM


It's people like me who are to blame for this. I took my 2-year-old daughter to see it, and it was horrible. Horrible beyond words. I have seizures now at the mere mention of Breckin Meyer's name.

Posted by: PusBoy at April 8, 2005 11:20 AM

Well did she enjoy it at least?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 8, 2005 11:40 AM

Garfield is my favorite cat. I dont like cats very much but I like Garfield. I saw the trailer and my better sense was to miss the film.

I'll just read the comic strips thank you.

Posted by: Simone at April 8, 2005 11:45 AM

Garfield is really my favorite cat because he is like me. Lazy, Garfield is such a funny cat. And cute too!

Posted by: Elisha at April 9, 2005 05:56 AM

$75 Million based on kids and parents that got forced to see it!

Posted by: jason at April 9, 2005 02:19 PM

To quote Star Trek II, "I've done far worse than kill you. I've hurt you. And, I wish to go on hurting you."

Posted by: Andertoons at April 10, 2005 07:20 AM

you are all idiots...... Garfield the movie was a geat movie and i loved it even being 13 years old... so there!!!!!!! and i'm sorry if some don't like it but most of you people out there didn't like Garfield the movie basically because it was CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!! IT HAD NO BAD LANGUAGE, VILOENCE, OR SEX!!!!!!!!! and i think that this was a good thing because beleive it or not our whole world revolves around those things.... and you people are playing into it!!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!! laugh if you want but it is I who what a real movie should contain... not you. me. so there.

Posted by: garfield fan at April 10, 2005 07:21 PM

i agree..... you are all idiots........ if you don't like clean movies then go watch porn on the internet... or better yet go see movies like "bad education" that has plenty of trash in it!!!!!

Posted by: no name at April 10, 2005 07:24 PM

well unlike some people like pusboy maybe youre two-year old daughter probably liked it but you didn't but the movie was good to me and my whole family thought it was great p.s it wasnthorrible beyond words

Posted by: marlene at May 8, 2005 06:17 PM

we aint all idiots and im 13 years old two but the movie was great hope to see the next one

Posted by: no name at May 8, 2005 06:23 PM

Hi there I just wanted to chime in on this film.

I'm a long time Garfield fan, I read the strips from 1978 to about the early nineties when they suddenly seemed creatively bankrupt. At 28 years old there's one form of Garfield that I'll always love and those are the cartoons from the early eighties with Lorenzo Music (Carlton the doorman from Rhoda) as the voice of the titular fat, lazy cat.

So when I heard they were making a Garfield movie, I noticed that Bill Murray had been chosen to voice the cgi fuzzball and was intrigued as his character of Peter Venkman had been voiced by Lorenzo Music in the Real Ghostbusters cartoons. This seemed a good fit, but when I saw the trailer I avoided the film like the plague. Breckin Meyer as Jon? Jennifer Love Hewitt as the usually plainer than 'plain Jane' Liz the vet and most egregiously Odie was just some real dog who bore little resemblence to the slobbering mutt I grew up with. Even the choice of director Peter Hewitt who directed the fantastic Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey could not sway my decision to give it a miss.

Then this week I saw the film for $12 at the supermarket and I picked it up if for no other reason than that it would be cheaper than a rental + inevitable fine (eat that, videostores). Anyway after putting aside all my preconceieved prejudices I sat down to seventy something minutes of light entertainment, and you know what? I actually really enjoyed it.

It's not such a abad little film and believe me I am used to reviewing bad little films for a living. I guess once you get over the fact that its intended market is more middle range than the cynical kids the strip was originally picked up by then you cvome to realize that it's not a pox on humanity after all. I also enjoyed Tim Hill's Muppets From Space and so if they keep the same cast in place then I personally cannot wait until Garfield 2 hits cinemas or videoshelves.

Besides us grumpy old bastards who remember who things used to be and posit about how things should be done will always have Garfield On The Town, In The Rough et cetera on DVD to sate our nostalgic cravings for the orange-striped, sassy, cynical egomaniac that we read as kids.

Posted by: DarthBinky at May 31, 2005 12:58 AM

I am a big fan of Garfield and I saw it in theater by my own will. I am 18. I really enjoyed the movie. All the actors (ALL OF THEM, even MEYER) did a good job (try to interact with a thing that is NOT EVEN REALLY THERE...) Of course they could have chosen absolutely ugly and plain actors, but that is not a good choice Hollywood-wise.

Moreover, I think that real Odie, Arlene, Nermal and Louis was a very good choice: it brings realism to the story. Of course, a real Garfield would have ruined it all, but the other chars are fine in their real form.

Believe what you want to believe, opinions are something you can build on your own. But please consider something: the artistic support is not the same, so the final product will surely differ too.

Posted by: Bruno M-A at June 17, 2005 08:44 AM

garfield rules now leave him alone your not a cat are you/ you dont make films do you ass.now i watched the movie and it was good fatty.and you know what i will see the other one so shuttup you bunch of tossers.and your not even funny . i bet you watched the film didnt you and you liked it go on admit all of you . he is fat / ginger/ and funny and have that you frigin pile of monkey turd.

Posted by: tomfield at July 18, 2005 05:04 PM

well garfield was good monkeycream you are just pony fuckers. i bet you watched the film didnt you go on admit it and you liked it . you couldnt do no better bumface. u rusty bollocked fuck. now agree garfield rules rules rules. whoooooooooooooooooooo!.hes fat / ginger / and lazy now shut the hell up.

Posted by: jonola69 at July 22, 2005 04:39 PM

I must admit to most of these comments that the First movie of Garfield, was only for 1 year olds. Im sure they thought of this after they released it and hopefully are making a better one. He wasnt Garfield in the first movie. Where did all the Sleeping and being lazy go? We cant blame Jim Davis for it though, he just gave the rights to make it.

Posted by: Patryk at August 14, 2005 02:44 PM

Look People,
Garfield Rules and Iam a big fan of him. I still dont think though that Garfield the movie did much good. It was a movie for kids and not for teens or adults. So for all the people in this forum that called me an idiot, moron etc: This is what I have to say : Go Suck Your Finger !

Posted by: Patryk at September 9, 2005 09:20 AM

garfield rules and anyone who dosnt like it sucks i cannot wait till the 2nd one comes out whoever created it is a god

Posted by: spen at November 12, 2005 05:09 AM

oh yer right i dont tink that guy at the top is having seziers he is such a drama queen garfield is not that badd! :)

Posted by: spen at November 12, 2005 05:14 AM


Posted by: pooky at November 12, 2005 10:43 PM

Hey guys,i think im related to Breckin

Posted by: pooky at November 12, 2005 10:46 PM