April 19, 2005

Equalizer from TV to movie?

Equalizer.jpgWho can forget those immortal words?

Got a problem? Odds against you? Call the Equalizer.

Oh that was such a good series, I loved the Equalizer (US spelling of course!), Edward Woodward was the coolest character on TV, even than Bodie and Doyle and that won't be long away from making a movie post on here either I imagine. I mean he even survived a heart attack and came back to the series!

It's interesting that when I first joined I remember a spate of posts about videogame adaptations, then comic books (both of which are still going on) and now we're into TV series galore. Coming Soon have the awesome news:

The 1980s CBS drama The Equalizer is headed to the big screen, reports Variety. Mace Neufeld, one of the producers of Sahara and the catalyst behind the series of adaptations of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan books, is teaming with series creator and executive producer Michael Sloan and Tony Eldridge on the project.

It's just a real shame that Woodward wasn't immortal and couldn't take up the lead again. He was perfect in the role, restrained, controlled but dark and menacing, and the few times when he lost that control the power on the screen was superb. However, Woodwards performances for me are two, Callan and The Wicker Man. To this day I still remember him grinding his hand into the bucket of sand to strengthen it up.

Back to the Equalizer. I think perhaps they could get away with this, there are powerful actors out there to carry it off, the story is already pretty generic, but there's enough there to build on, it's not out of genre for today's movie goers, and I don't think there's going to be such a strong following of the show as others. Am I wrong?

Posted by at April 19, 2005 06:15 AM


I say let his son, Peter, be the new Equalizer. He was great as Galen on Crusade and in The Patriot. Plus, he is amazingly like his father is voice and mannerism.

Posted by: TheMatt at April 19, 2005 02:36 PM

Oh please, what tv show are they going to do next, "Quantum Leap"?

Posted by: Simone at April 19, 2005 05:20 PM

Victor Garber, who plays Jack Bristow in the hit TV series Alias would make a great McCall if the film was a remake.

Posted by: Richard Neal at April 20, 2005 07:16 AM

Oh drat. I thought that comment from Richard was for who would play the Hitcher in the remake, and I had actually convinced myself it was a good match and wrote about it...

...oh well, you're pretty good there with your casting thought. He would have the perfect style and presence for the role. Very strong replacement. Haven't seen his son in action though.

Simone - Great idea! Quantum Leap would be a superb movie to make - How about a trilogy?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 21, 2005 07:15 AM

This will be a great idea, if they get the right actor for it. Russell Crowe? Mel Gibson?

By the way, does anyone have the old episodes on VHS or DVD??

Posted by: michael at April 22, 2005 12:29 AM

Richard, I was thrilled to hear Robert McCall will be back in action. I too would like to see Edward reprise his role, his portrayal of The Equalizer will never be duplicated. Perhaps a flashback scene, giving Edward a cameo role, would be nice. In your article you mention video games and comics?, are these "Equalizer" items? Fill me in on this if so. Thanks.

Posted by: Patrick at April 22, 2005 06:42 PM

No Patrick, I meant all the other adaptations going on, not just Equalizer.

It would be good to see him back in the role, and I really don't think that a big name should be in here Michael. Victor Garber sounds like a great choice.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 23, 2005 07:11 AM

I agree with your assessment entirely Richard. The Equalizer was a definite high-point of Eighties U.S T.V. for me, if only because I enjoyed seeing a white-haired, over-weight, Middle-aged English Actor beating all the usual received wisdom within U.S. Television that a 'Hero' Has to be young, slim etc etc and that audience's wouldn't be able to relate to this 'type'. I'm inclined to agree about whether there are any current stars who could summon up the necessary world-weariness, gravity etc. With E.W you did actually feel that he had lived through a dubious past he wished he could forget but couldn't.....A nod to Stuart Copeland's superb synth score too.

Posted by: James at April 23, 2005 08:04 AM

No one can replace Edward Woodward as Robert McCall.
Flashback with McCall possibly held somewhere. Having Micky Kosmeyer in the movie would help bring it together.

Posted by: Charles at April 27, 2005 03:55 PM

I would love to see Woodward's son playing the main character, but am saddened that it has taken them so long to consider such a project...and hope Edward can guest star.

Posted by: Kim at May 4, 2005 11:01 AM

Hopefully now the series will be released by Season.

Posted by: Helen at May 16, 2005 03:47 PM

I remember watching reruns of "The Equalizer" (or "McCall" as it was simply called here in Scandinavia) far into the mid nineties.
It always was my favourite tv-show. So different in style from all other american tv-shows, like cheezy MacGyver or childish A-Team.
I still think it is a great show, though I don't see it on TV anymore. Unfortunately... I'd give my left arm for a set of DVD's with the show.
Do I think they could make a movie today out of the original show?
I have to say no there. Unfortuantely. Edward Woodward was, as already mentioned here before, an exceptionally good actor, pulling off a stern and hard character that at the same time was soft and considerate.
You have to admire the man for it.
I don't think there is any actor today that could be the dual-sided person that Woodward characterized. Hard and tough is easy. But the soft side isn't too many that could pull off at the same time, without loosing his characters toughness.
Maybe that guy in Jay-Lo's Angel-something movie? The silent and so quiet guy.
Will be interesting to see what the outcome will be though...

Oh, little known fact: McKulkin (the kid from "Home Alone", "My girl" etc) made his debut in "The Equalizer". "I spy with my own eye something red". "Something Red" I think the episode was called. The answere was his firetruck, but his mom was stressed and frustrated and didn't really want to play... He actually was rather good in that episode. (He starred in two I think)
Amazing how much I remember from this show...
Don't think anyone can make as good a McCall as Woodward. But a DVD-compilation of the old show would be good me thinks.

Posted by: G. Andreas at August 28, 2005 06:31 PM

I think there are a lot of fans of the show. When the movie was announced, most, if not all, of the fans of the show on a list I'm on, were against it, thinking that the movie wouldn't be anywhere near as good as the show, or faithful to it. I tend to agree with that assessment. I don't want the characters of Control, or Mickey Kostmayer to be in it because I want to keep the memory of the wonderful, nuanced performances (by Robert Lansing and Keith Szarabajka respectively) unblemished by imposters.

When I see how the big screen adapts small screen favourites ("Lost In Space", "The Dukes of Hazard" etc.), I'm afraid that the concept will be totally lost and instead of Robert and Mickey helping the little guy, it will be oriented on something happening now, like terrorism and something about to happen in NYC.

For the same reason, although it would be fun to see Edward Woodward, Keith Szarabajka and Billy Zabka together on the big screen for a scene or two, I want none of them to do a cameo. I don't want my memories ruined.

Having said all that, if Keith Szarabajka were to be cast as Robert McCall or Control, I would have to see it, even if it was like a train wreck (not because of the acting, I hasten to add, because I think he's a very talented actor and i always enjoy his performances) because of the script (which I realize probably isn't even written yet). If the producers of the show really wanted to stunt cast it, have Mr. Woodward portray Control, Keith S. play Robert McCall, Billy Zabka portray Mickey, and Gregory Smith or Chris Pratt (from "Everwood") play Scott.

My only hope is that because of the movie, EQ will be released on DVD, and the sales will be so much that all four seasons will be released, including commentaries, trivia, bloopers, etc. I can dream, can't I? Okay, I expect uncut episodes. Any of the rest would be a bonus.

Michael, ten tapes (twenty episodes) were released by Columbia House in the U.S., and nine episodes were released in the U.K. Both show up on eBay.com sometimes. None are released on DVD so if you see any advertised that way, someone has transferred them from tape to DVD.

G. Andreas, that was Macauley Culkin, and he was in the episode "Something Green" which was in the third season.

Posted by: A.S. at September 8, 2005 07:43 AM

I am dying for the equalizer to come out on DVD. Anyone know when?

Nobody can replace woodward...esp. the actor that played his son on the show. I am not sure how I feel about the movie remake. I am such a huge fan of the original series. So often these remakes just don't get it right. But I will definately go and see it. Maybe woodward will have a cameo.


Posted by: Christine at October 15, 2005 02:04 PM