April 05, 2005

Emmerich or Bay for Transformers?

There's been a few stories over the last couple of days about who is going to direct Transformers. Filmfodder carry the summary of Ain't it cool:

Ain't It Cool News says two directors have been rumored to oversee Dreamworks' live-action "Transformers" movie: Roland Emmerich ("Independence Day," "The Day After Tomorrow") and Michael "BOOM" Bay ("Bad Boys," "Armageddon"). The same report claims Bay is the front-runner, which is good because Emmerich's penchant for proselytizing would suck the fun out of a "Transformers" flick.

This is a difficult one because there are plus and minus points on both sides. Despite everyone slamming him Emmerich isn't all that bad, for me Stargate was good, Independance Day, Godzilla and The Day after Tomorrow were all quite good, cheesy in places, but good.

So we're comparing these to movies of Bay like Bad Boys, Bad Boys II, The Rock and Armageddon. Well these movies are just as cheesy in my mind, just a bit slicker.

So why the immediate write off of Emmerich? Yeah, okay Bay would edge ahead, but there's not that much different in these movies. Big and cheese.

Let's not forget, they've both had their stinkers too, Emmerich isn't the only holder of that one, Pearl (cough) Harbour.

Frankly if I was such a huge fan of Transformers I wouldn't want either of these Directors doing it. Who are you siding for? Let's see which Director wins for you guys. If not either of them, who else would do a decent job?

Posted by at April 5, 2005 04:06 PM


Besdies ID4 I can't stand anything Roland Emmerich has done. Micheal Bay is beter , but still not great. Then again this is his type of movie. Big things blowing shit up.

Posted by: Pudie at April 5, 2005 04:21 PM

I owuld rather see Emmrich because I wont have to worry AS MUCH about fast moving camera cuts....thats not to say that I didnt like The Rock or some of the others...but I still think Speilberg should do it....he has a way of being respectful to the original work not redoing it like other directors.

Posted by: jason at April 5, 2005 04:24 PM

Transformers is beneath Spielberg. It should be Bay because he is master of the over-the-top action-film. Plus, his name generates buzz. Notice how with TDAT, they never said "from director Roland Emmerich" they just said "from the director of Independance Day." Emmerich is a hack and an idiot with an agenda.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 5, 2005 04:46 PM

Hey Fredo

I disagree. Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to utter Emmerich's name with the bog names... but he's ok.

TDAT was a fun flick and not really given the credit it deserves... ID4 was stupid, but also a lot of fun at the same time. Sure, it's in style to slam it these days, but when it was in the theatre is grossed HUGE numbers.

Personally, I think either one would be fine. Just give it lots of action, lots of 'splosions and some cool one liners... what else can you ask from from an 80's cartoon flick?

Posted by: John Campea at April 5, 2005 05:51 PM

I will still watch it whoever decides to helm it.

Posted by: Simone at April 5, 2005 05:53 PM

Don't forget Emmerich also directed Gibson in The Patriot. Schmaltzy, yes. Historically accurate? Questionable. Entertaining? You bet. Emmerich isn't a poor director- he just needs his scripts massaged a little ala George Lucas.

Bay would bring more to this film, however. He can make cheese and corn look and sound so good you forget it's stupid.

Posted by: Dudeoreason at April 5, 2005 06:14 PM

ID4 was much better than TDAT. Honestly, I hadn't seen a popcorn flick as good as ID4 since 1993's Jurassic Park. TDAT felt forced and incomplete (although the visuals were pretty nice).

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at April 5, 2005 07:04 PM

Michael Bay... Period

Posted by: Jason M George at April 5, 2005 07:34 PM

Michael Bay, all the way,
Michael bar, all the way

Can I get an A-MEN?

Posted by: Xun Shin at April 5, 2005 08:11 PM

out of the two, i'd rather have bay crap on me. both have their cheesy moments, but emmerich has more cringe-worthy ones. but then again, emmerich never had affleck play with animal crackers on liv tyler's boobies.

Posted by: ShoeStringBudget at April 5, 2005 10:48 PM

What, Paul WS Anderson wasn't available?

Posted by: Franklin at April 6, 2005 02:17 AM

"You got the POWER! You got the TOUCH...!"

((rock on!))

Posted by: DirkDiggler at April 6, 2005 02:21 AM

Hey Franklin, don't joke. Could've been Uwe Boll!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 6, 2005 12:14 PM

I liked very much about Bad Boys 2 and the Rock. Haven't seen Armageddon and Pearl Harbor sucks, but when it comes to making big action movies with little or no drama, Bay is your man. I think his next production (the island) will rock.

Emmerrich is pretty decent director also, I liked pretty much about IE4. It got it's worst moments (President speaking ot air forces, anyone?), but as a package, it was great action movie with good effects. But, that's pretty much it. Godzilla is ok with horrible acting and Day After Tomorrow lives with it's effects, the storytelling still sucks. But the credit about that goes also to screenwriter.

I vote for Bay

Posted by: Jorse at April 6, 2005 02:21 PM

And so it is. Bay is directing.


Posted by: dudeoreason at April 6, 2005 06:04 PM

Franklin - you've been particularly funny this week. =)

Director wise for this flick I'm going to have to say Bay ...I like him more than Emmerrich.

Though for me it's like choosing the lesser of two evils..

Posted by: Meli at April 7, 2005 01:37 AM

Now Im really fuckin scared!

Armageddon - Cool.

Bad Boys 1 - Cool.

But Bay is too over the top & has Jerry Bruchiemer so far up his ass he cant see straight. I like certain movies by all these guys but they are so wrong for this.

All my dreams are going down the pan the past two years. Im a wanna be screen writer/Director who does actually work at it & Ive always wanted to do the transformers & I was convinced that someday, SOMEDAY - IF I EVER MADE IT that the transformers would be there, that nobody else would ever want to make it - NUTS, NUTS, NUTS!!!

Whoever does it better not ruin it & kill the franchise. If its done it should include most of the Generation One Robots & most of the voices should be true to the cartoon if Possible

- Megatron, Starscream, Prime, Ironhide, Soundwave, Jazz, GRIMLOCK!!! (Love That Guy!)These guys are defined by thjeir voice, Especially Prime & Megatron.

Also it should Follow the original Cartoon for inspiration

- The Ark Crashing to Earth During a Decepticon Raid in Mid Space, Just Ploughing into the Earth, Prime Dies his eyes grow Dark - FADE TO BLACK!

Teletran one is awoken by a Prehistoric volcanic eruption & creates the Dinobots to blend into the surroundings as well as possible.

(I know thats not what happened in the toon!)

Teletran gets lonley & slowly goes crazy in isolation for thousands of years creating Really Fucked up Frankenstien abominations of robots untill its knocked out by a tectonic shift under the ark.

Modern Day - Teletran Awakens after a long rest & reconstructs the autobots & Decepticons into earth forms.

And we kick off From there Prime Kicking ten shades of shit out of Megatron
- The Energon Wars Are On and Autobots Kick Decepticon Butt!!!

This thing should be a slap bang riot of full on robot wrestling & gunfights & over the top Boo Hissy-ness.

Bay could do over the top quite well but his cuts are to fast & the action cant be savoured that way. For example in the cinema the action near the end of Hellboy or in the dire Van Helsing to me seemed like a completely undefined digital Blur, throwing money at a CG budget dosent solve shit especially if there isnt a solid core idea & a natural progression on from that core idea.

Part of the process of writing and/or watching a movie is expectation, we as an audience expect certain things of a film that were interested in and that should be built into a movie, im not talking about pandering to audience expectation as regards actual content of a film, moreso the structure, the way it unfolds & draws you in & ratchets up tension & expectation of a scene untill the final payoff.

But increasingly today films are just feeble uninteresting bland senarios to build effects around for a cheap thrill thats as satisfying as bad passionless sex - it has no feeling, no bones, no meat - its just an empty scrotum of infertile mush that neither engages or satiates and leaves you dreading the next encounter - But youll still do it anyway because something is better than nothing at all!

This is what will happen with Micheal Bay - Hell just fuck us & leave us unsatisfied as fans.

So, finally Bay = Slick High Octane - But mindless crowd pleasing mush that will appeal to spy kids fans

Emmerich = Tighter story arc but predictable moral structure, and with respect to the quite good Stargate & to ID4 & TDATM he can do action, but not at the adrenaline levels needed for a frenetic heavy metal smashing romper stomper like this.

I think The Wachowskis should do it - Transformers do the zion seige - BRING IT ON MUTHERFUCKER!!!!

Vote Wachowski - you know it makes sense!

ps: sorry you guys but I havnt gotten round to reading the other posts yet other than the main one at the top, I havnt heard shit about the movie yet so my post/rant is probably completely irrelevant but just in case I'd like to state that if this thing is based on the current incarnation of the Transformers cartoon - than my childhood has been raped & were all fucked!

Posted by: Ray at April 8, 2005 12:53 AM

action is great but being one who went along with the story in the comics has left me with the Transformers history and evolvenments with humans that are far more important than simply blowing things up, and it seems that the two directors in question have been chosen because they know how to make things big and explosive.
But Transformers is still a story and if one director could pull it off that will create a massive film to reach all audiances it would by Luc Besson. (Leon, Fifth Element, Taxi)
Well I think that Luc is already knowledgeable about Transformers as he involves them on clips upon the TV in the film Leon, and Fifth Element is in fact a simular story line to the 1986 Transformers The Movie. Also he scores his own music that goes along brilliantly with his films.
otherwise if I HAD to choose between Bay and the other one. It would have to be Bay.

Posted by: beege at April 12, 2005 03:43 PM