April 12, 2005

Daywatch (Nightwatch 2) trailer online

Just the other day we posted about the Russian movie Nightwatch, and we mentioned it was part of a trilogy. Well the next in the series is hot on the heels for a Russian release - oh the puns - and JoBlo have the trailer linked from the cool Twitch, who carry the trailer link.

Daywatch (Nochnoy dozor 2) is the second in the series, and to be honest I can't watch it at work, but I will when I get home this evening. If Nightwatch was anything to go by, it will be stunning.

I really can't wait for these movies, and I think this is peaking my interest in Russian cinema. Has anyone any recent experience of Russian movies, in particular the more modern such as Nightwatch? Let us all know.

Posted by Richard Brunton at April 12, 2005 04:19 AM


Having lived in Russia for a significant amount of time, I can assure you that you have missed nothing important as of late. In fact, these three movies are simply getting the right budget for a change and the right advertising support to make it thus far (breaking out beyond Russian cinema). Following Nightwatch (the only movie released in Russia at the moment), there have been several attempts to make somethign that matches in special effects. I didn't find the plot very thrilling, although yes - the effects are reason enough to at least watch it. Not sure how the rest of the world will react to something which received mixed response from Russian audience. :)

Posted by: Stu at April 12, 2005 01:22 PM

Okay the trailer has gone after the site lost bandwidth, now it's back hosted elsewhere (see same Twitch link), so now I've seen it.

There's some impressive stuff going on here, absolutely no idea what everything is about, but there's some seriously cool scenes.

All style and no substance, Matrix anyone?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 12, 2005 03:37 PM

The movie is not called Daywatch it's Nightwatch 2,
Daywatch is part 4! They are planning on making 9 movies based on 3 books. each book has 3 parts. Book 1 is going to be Nightwatch 1, 2 & 3
Book 2 is Daywatch and book 3 is Twilight watch.

Posted by: hank at May 9, 2005 02:43 PM

There was not much of a story line in Kill Bill-1 either, you have to watch the second one. Night Watch is a trilogy and not everything is said or done in the first movie. The story is excellent and original, the movie is beautifully directed and shot. You definately have to go and see it on a big screen in July 2005. It's already on DVD in Russia, but they say it will be edited and "recut" a bit for the American audience. There's an official site of The Night Watch. Check it out, and please watch the trailer. http://www2.foxsearchlight.com/nwnd/

Posted by: krasavchik at May 12, 2005 10:58 PM