April 24, 2005

Cinema etiquette - The guide to behaving in the cinema

CinemaSeats.jpgJohn's recent post on the best tips for a movie first date got me thinking, no, not in that way! First thought was that we should collate all the answers and build a nice little FAQ out of it, I can hear John already, "Cool. On you go then.". That's my next job, along with all the others.

My second thought was that it would be good to do the same for cinema etiquette. I mean we're (and I mean me primarily) are always moaning about badly behaved people in the cinema, and the comments we get pretty much back that up. So instead of being negative, I thought we could be positive and let's create the FAQ for how to behave in the cinema.

First off, I'll list the main points then comment like mad. Offer new ones, argue with mine, anything you like, and sometime in the future when the posting relaxes I'll create the final FAQ's with the hope that people around the world see the light and start to follow them. Fat chance, but then it would be nice to dream. So in no particular order:

1. Phones: Switch them off. Totally. Not even vibrate. I quite agree with blocking signals in the cinema. I do not want to hear Ride of the Valkyrie, or some beeping version of Nelly or Brittney screaming away during the movie. The only phones I want to hear ringing are on the Orange commercials, or the ones in the movie.

2. Talking: Do not speak once the movie starts or the trailers (previews) are showing. There's no need to tell your girlfriend why something has happened, she can sit and wait for it to be revealed as well. Teach her this process at home so she understands. There's also no need to recap on everything that just happened, or to turn round and tell your friend\partner what is about to happen. No one in the theater paid for an Audio Commentary, and if they had they would surely prefer it from the Director or Actors involved.

3. Food: Do not eat anything that is contained in a noisy wrapper. Do not bring it into the cinema and sit behind someone and rustle and crackle away during the film, especially the quiet moments. If you really, really have to do it, sit far away from anyone else and don't try to be clever and draw out the process, go for it. In and out.

4. Toilet: Go before, and go after. If you need to, go in your drinks carton or don't drink so much before or during the movie. I don't want someone getting up and walking in front of me three or four times in the movie. Once is acceptable.

5. Feet: If you are sitting behind someone, or someone is seated in the row in front of you, do not start kicking the chair in front, the vibrations can go down the row and if someone is in the seats around the one you are kicking they'll get mad. If the cinema has bass speakers fitted in the seats then leave that job to them, and if it doesn't, then don't try and add your own. It's not a roller coaster ride.

6. Timing: If you're going to go see a movie can you get there on time? There's nothing worse than a bunch of people arriving during the movie and the struggling to find seats or an usher flashing you in the face with a torch as they look for empty seats.

7. Watches: Please switch off your beep on the hour musical watch, and don't sit through the movie flashing on and off your ultra bright glow in the dark watch just to check the time.

8. Seats: If the performance is seated, and your ticket is numbered, go and sit in the seats given to you. The number of times I've found my seats taken, sat somewhere else, only to find I'm sitting in someone else's seats and they are making a fuss with me about my selfishness. Let's face it, if you want a better seat, ask when you buy the tickets and if the film is just about to begin you could think about moving, if everyone else obeys No.6!

Now there's a thing, there's the etiquette for the cinema goers, what about the cinemas themselves? Let me delve into that one, and also let me just remind you that I have encountered all of these problems.

1. Audio: Sort out the sound so that there is a balance around the theater and that all speakers are heard at the correct level, without distortion or cross feed, from as large an area as possible in the center of the theater.

2. Picture: Keep it sharp, clear and the screen not marked with huge dust marks or tears.

3. Cleanliness: Keeping the theater in a reasonable state of cleanliness is always a good thing. Overly sticky floors and seats are not nice, nor attractive nor even comfortable. Popcorn strewn across the walkways is awful and a huge distraction when someone walks over it, not that they should be!

4. Cost: Come on, we know you have to recoup costs in the cinema, but please push back on the distributors to bring their costs down, etc. We go less because it's expensive (and there are more crap remakes, but that's another matter!), so keep the costs down a little.

5. Food: Put food that's in noisy containers into quieter ones. For example, anything that rustles, put it in a cardboard container, recyclable of course! Also, how about catering for those of us who like coffee, tea, and don't just want a huge sugar drink with a bucket of sugar, alongside a bucket of fake cheese and processed horses hooves in a tube.

6. Waiters: No! Do not offer a waiter service when the seating layout is traditional and means that the waiter walks into the theater down at the front of the screen and has to sidle across the rows of people, upsetting their viewing, just to hand over some drinks. If you're going to offer this service then re-think the layout.

7. Seats: Please have comfortable seats. A numb-bum half way through a movie is a killer, as are crushed legs because yours are too long to squeeze in the narrow leg room offered.

8. Customer: Think of the customer, think of what they are there for and what they want out of their experience. Then give them it. That'll ensure loyalty, healthy returns and cash for you.

Okay, those are mine. I've obviously gone to the extremes of my experience, but I thought I would cover everything in one go! Phew, that was good. Now, what do you think? Disagree, agree or have more to add, get them in and let's build our FAQ's.

Posted by at April 24, 2005 04:58 PM


I think you need a life. No one really cares.

Posted by: snacks at April 24, 2005 03:51 PM

A little strict on the rules. I think it's ok to be excited during the trailers and talk a bit, only in a whisper of course. Plus, many people arrive during the trailers because they don't care to see those ridiculously uninformative teasers that don't tell you anything except that the movie is coming to theatres sometime next decade.

Posted by: chengautomatic at April 24, 2005 04:05 PM

I totally agree with you on these. But then again, when you go out to watch a movie with the masses, there will be some stupidity on moviegoers. Coming in during the trailers is give or take for me; I can usually check them on the Internet. During the movie is totally unacceptable though. I dunno how bad it is in Canada, but down here in Atlanta, it's so bad I either just go during a Monday matinee or wait until it comes to the .99 theatre.

Great post.

Posted by: karsh at April 24, 2005 04:30 PM

This is one of the best posts I´ve read in a while. Absolutely agreed. There should be penals for not following these common sense rules. The experience of cinema has to be something special.

And so few times u get the chance to see these thing accomplished...

Oh, and snacks... no one really cares about your silly comments u pathetic troll!

Nuff said!

Posted by: Peter at April 24, 2005 05:05 PM

it sounds to me that this dude should just watch movies at home. peter too.

Posted by: cliff at April 24, 2005 07:06 PM

I am new to this forum, and wish to add my commets.

As far as phones go, if someone’s loved one has an emergency of some sort, it would be important to leave the theatre, perhaps even having to step in front of you to rush to the side of a loved one in distress. It is important to have one’s cell phone on. It is not important to answer each and every call one gets. Vibrate is an acceptable setting for a cell phone. Answering it is optional (thank the gods of technology for voicemail!)

About talking, personal comments to one’s associate seated next to him I think is acceptable (during the trailers), but don’t express the comment to the whole crowd.

Your comments about food were good, but sometimes, eating is a noisy process. It is unfortunate, and usually avoidable. This, much like the cell phone issue, comes down to a person’s own sense of community.

When nature calls, you have to answer. If I see you urinating in a drink cup, I will be much more offended than having you step in front of me.

I would add to your words about the feet to remember that you are not at home, keep your feet on the floor. There is no need for you to prop your feet up on the seat in front of you just because there is no one sitting there. It is rude and self-centered.

And finally, I personally can’t stand walking into a darkened theatre and trying to find a seat. Be there at the scheduled start of the movie, including the trailers, or catch the next one.

Posted by: Al at April 24, 2005 07:32 PM

You for got one of the worst offenses of all time... CRYING BABIES!! Please do not bring your damn kids to the movies that are intended for adults!!!!

Also, I agree with no waiters, but what about a guy selling stuf before the previews start...kinda like at the ball game. Just a guy with some candy or bottles of pop and water walking up and down the aisle saying, "twizzlers...get your twizzlers here!"

Posted by: drewbacca at April 24, 2005 07:55 PM

Richard, are you English? Is this actually a problem with moviegoers in England (and in Canada, John)?

I thought this was only a problem with us Sepps. I've essentially given up going to the movie theater, unless it's to the arthouse.

Posted by: Franklin at April 24, 2005 07:58 PM

meh, for the most part i just wish people would shut up and sit down. and if you've got a big head sit in the back row.

Posted by: bigwig at April 24, 2005 09:23 PM

"I think you need a life. No one really cares."

Yup, one of the offenders of a number of items on the list has spoken.


Unfortunately, that will be the reaction from those to whom the rules should apply most directly.


Posted by: Screen Rant at April 24, 2005 10:49 PM

Screen rant,

This doesn't apply to me, I dont violate this rules in a movie theatre. All I'm saying is why is this dude crying over a movie theatre. He should just go to the matinee, where no one is in the theatre. So I think you are the dip****
You can tell this dude is a herb. Is he serious about serving tea in a movie theatre?? Oh man I bet he never gets laid. Then he goes on to talk about the food like a little wouss. Does he want the theatre to serve ramen noodles and vegetables or something?

I think you guys need a life. Just watch the movie.

Posted by: snacks at April 25, 2005 12:20 AM

A few points with regard to snacks.

“This doesn't apply to me, I dont violate this rules in a movie theatre”– If you follow these rules, then you clearly agree with them to some extent, do you not? If not, why do you follow them?

“He should just go to the matinee, where no one is in the theatre” – So you’re admitting that there is some sort of problem here, but the best way to resolve it is to avoid it?

“You can tell this dude is a herb. Is he serious about serving tea in a movie theatre?? Oh man I bet he never gets laid.” – I have yet to see any significant relation between the amount of tea one drinks and their sexual activity.

“Then he goes on to talk about the food like a little wouss. Does he want the theatre to serve ramen noodles and vegetables or something?” – I quite enjoy ramen noodles myself. They’re convenient and filling, as well as a bargain. Seeing as we can already purchase some fine Taco Bell products at the theatres in my area, I fail to see how something like ramen noodles can be seen as an exaggeration.

“I think you guys need a life. Just watch the movie.” – That’s the whole point of this exercise. The more courtesy people show to each other, the easier this will be.

I apologize in advance for feeding the troll.


Posted by: Jason at April 25, 2005 05:15 AM

Well I'm glad there is still intelligent life out there on the Internet. You know, to sidetrack a little, this is exactly what I do hate about the Internet. As soon as the personal connection in conversation is gone you get people who feel that they can verbally abuse and insult people for no good reason and without recourse. Something they would never do in public. Something they would never do in front of me. If you have something intelligent to add to the discussion please do, even if it argues and contradicts my points, but don't just come on here and complain when I take the time out of my life to make some posts for people to read and discuss. If you disagree with the post that much either reply intelligently or don't reply at all, I mean if you consider me to have no life why are you taking the time to reply to my post? Oh, and I'm sure you know all about my personal life.

Anyway, let's get back on topic and talk about the more intelligent responses from intelligent, engaging people.

Phones - I understand there might be an emergency, but does that mean you leave your phone on constantly, all the time, at night, on a plane, take it to the toilet, theater, comedy show? I don't really see that as a reason to have the lights flashing, for someone to open it up and glare in the darkness, check their missed call alerts and maybe even call and listen to their voicemail - I mean, after all it could be an emergency. If there was the possibility of that I wouldn't be going to the cinema, I would be with my family. Anyway, there's always someone who knows where I am, and people managed to deal with life before mobile phones!

Home Cinema - I do watch movies from home, all the time. I'm a member of a DVD rental scheme and watch between four and six a month. I love it, and my Home Cinema is set up so that the picture and sound are better than most of the cinemas near me. However, there's no arguing that the experience of the cinema theater cannot be replicated, yet for me that experience is distracted and indeed ruined by the things I've listed above. That's not just me, that's people I know too - I'll get them to come on and comment!

Babies - Yeah, I did think about that one but then removed it. For the most part people do keep their kids in the correct age group of movie in Scotland (XXX that's Scotland, not England - That's as bad as telling John he's from America!) and you can't really complain if you've gone to a young age group of movie and the kids are behaving like kids. Sometimes they don't know any better and get excited at the movies. I can deal with that.

Glad to see there's some people that agree though (and thanks for the anti-idiot comments)! Keep the comments coming. What about parents? What do they think about these? Maybe kid friendly screens?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 25, 2005 07:38 AM

I general I agree with must of the rules. Maybe a little strict on some of them. A little glow from a watch, does it really take that much from the movie.

I will add one though, Shower before you go to a movie. Went and saw the first showing of Lotr Fellowship and had to sit next to someone with very bad BO. Not fun.

Posted by: Glasseyerod at April 25, 2005 07:58 AM

This is a great list; the only pity is that I doubt many who come to a site like this need to be told these things. Still, here's another couple points:

GROUPS: No, I don't mean that people shouldn't go to the cinema in groups, merely that when you're with a few of your friends you should all bear in mind that watching a film is NOT A SOCIAL ACTIVITY. Like the man says, talking during a movie is rude, even if you whisper. I rarely see individual moviegoers behaving obnoxiously in a theater, it usually seems to be the groups of half a dozen people who feel their numerical advantage gives them license to be as loud and callous as they want. I rarely go to films with more than one or two people anymore, because I get disgusted with the way everyone acts when there's more of us.

SEX: No sex in theaters, please. Foreplay included.

Seems there's dissent on the matter of talking during the previews. I support the hard line: shush, please. I know not everyone cares, but some enjoy watching them, and frankly if you have anything important to be talking about, what the hell are you doing in a theater? Get into the spirit of the thing a little.

Posted by: Pete at April 25, 2005 08:15 AM

Sorry about the name-calling, but as someone else posted above, it really annoys me that people are so friggin' rude on the internet. It's the same "invincibility effect" that makes people act like jerks when they're driving. Your opening comment was rude and dismissive and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have said that to someone's face.

Now then...

"All I'm saying is why is this dude crying over a movie theatre. He should just go to the matinee, where no one is in the theatre."

I'll tell you why: Because movies aren't FREE. I pay cold, hard cash for the pleasure of seeing a movie, not to have to put up with all the crap mentioned in the post above. If I go to a summer "movies at the park" thing that's free, I don't have near as much room to complain. But if some idiot is ruining my movie experience he ought to fork over the money I paid to see the film.

I shouldn't have to go to a matinee to have an enjoyable movie experience. That's just ridiculous.


Posted by: Screen Rant at April 25, 2005 11:56 AM

Agree with most of your points Richard, the glowing watch thing is slightly dubious though.

I'm from the UK, and most of the time we have none of those problems. When someone does and persistently annoys everyone else, a quick whack with a metal coat hanger across the leg does the job very well.

I'm guessing those people who are objecting are from the US (correct me if i'm wrong!) I was in New York last November, went and saw The Incredibles... BIG mistake. I cannot believe how unruly the people were! Mobile phones going off, people talking, no shouting over the dialogue, I paid money to watch a film, not to listen to a running commentary on "someones date which went wrong...".
Is this the case with most US cinemas? I hope not, as in the UK it's basic, common courtesy to obey these rules!

Posted by: Dolphin EEK at April 25, 2005 12:58 PM

screen rant,

So what do you want to do to the people who talk in the movie theatre? Arrest them? The bottom Line is if you dont want any noise go to a matinee. You are never going to stop people from talking in a movie theatre, especially at night. That's just the way it is. Get over it. I mean you could keep going to those movies at that time but you are also going to keep complaining.

As far as the guy who lives in the UK. Yep thats pretty much how it is most American theatres. People talk, answer phones, and smack on food. Even old people talk during movies, and tell their grandchildren to hush up. This is a given when going to a movie theatre, so there really is no need to complain.

Just like when you go to a football and baseball game, you have people who are drunk and stand up in front of you all the time. Somethings you just can't help.

Posted by: snacks at April 25, 2005 03:10 PM

No I don't want to arrest them, I just wish that they had some common manners and respect for other people.

I *do* realize that's asking too much these days.

I find it sad that we've come to expect that sort of behavior and if someone is not resigned to it they get slammed for coming out and saying it's wrong.


Posted by: Screen Rant at April 25, 2005 03:20 PM

Is it asking too much? I don't think so.

Vic, I too think it's sad that some people expect you to keep quiet and accept what is rather than stand up and speak out against it. I couldn't live like that.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 25, 2005 03:26 PM

I never said you had to be quiet, all I am saying is all that unnerccesery complaining wont do you any good. That's like asking people to clean up behind themselves in a public bathroom. It's just not going to happen. Now matter how you rant and rave these are just the facts of life.

So speaking up about these rules are no doubt good. But who is actually going to listen to you and follow them?

Posted by: snacks at April 25, 2005 08:08 PM

and how is your ranting and raving about his complaining doing you any good? sit down and shut up. and if you got a big head, sit in the back row.

Posted by: bigwig at April 25, 2005 09:39 PM

"Now matter how you rant and rave these are just the facts of life."

Yeah, I'm sure black people heard that a LOT in the first half of the 20th century. :-*


Posted by: Screen Rant at April 25, 2005 11:42 PM

Big wig- your name says it all. It seems like you got the big wig on so I guess you should sit in the back of everywhere you go. Especially back of the bus.

Screen-why would you compare this to black people back in the day. This has got absolutely nothing to do with 20th century history. Dont compare these two, cause you will get yourself in a lot of trouble.

Posted by: snacks at April 26, 2005 12:45 AM

If you must make noise opening up a snack, do it when the sound track of the film is noisy!

Posted by: eanmdphd at April 26, 2005 12:55 AM

Glasseyerod, "Went and saw the first showing of Lotr Fellowship and had to sit next to someone with very bad BO. Not fun."

i went to lord of the rings: two towers and had a girl with smelly perfume sit on my left and 2 girls putting on odorous hand cream on my right. :>

Posted by: B A T M A N at April 26, 2005 02:46 AM

I raise my hand up, I'm GUILTY. I used to be one of those chatty audiences when watching a movie until somebody with good sense shushed me into lowering my voice down, and I never had to do it again, EVER. I am based in London now and I have got to say though that where I go to watch my films, which is UGC's West India Quay or sometimes at VUE in Islington, I never had to experience any of the things Richard has mentioned, particularly the chatty audience, or mobile phones going off. Sometimes you can even hear a pin drop.

Youre complaining about cinema viewing in the US, Canada or in the UK but wait till you go to the cinemas in the Philippines, hah! We have multiplexes yes but the experience of going there is not good at all, you'd prolly go out with a black eye after a brawl. It's the worst place to enjoy good films. When I went home in 2003 I watched "The Two Towers" with some family and friends, of course I've already seen it in the UK but back there again, I was reminded how rude most Filipino audiences can be- mobile phones are never switched off and will be ringing all throughout the film, not to mention texting messages back and forth, somebody behind, in front and beside you is telling the whole plot and will even quote the lines to their companions, and canoodling couples abound. For what its worth, a cinema ticket is very cheap in the Philippines, good screen & sound quality for roughly £1.50 but watch the films at your own risk I have got to say.

Posted by: Simone at April 26, 2005 05:17 AM

"As far as phones go, if someone’s loved one has an emergency of some sort, it would be important to leave the theatre, perhaps even having to step in front of you to rush to the side of a loved one in distress. It is important to have one’s cell phone on. It is not important to answer each and every call one gets. Vibrate is an acceptable setting for a cell phone. Answering it is optional (thank the gods of technology for voicemail!)"
No, that's not a good reason. There was a time before cellphones, and people went to the movies then, as well. If you really expect an emergency call - don't go to a movie. If you cannot turn your phone off for two and a half hours, then don't go to a movie. It's as simple as that.

What if you had a family emergency on a plane flight? Do you expect them to turn back?

It's simple: movie theatre = no cellphones.

Posted by: Berandor at April 26, 2005 06:23 AM

Screen Rant, you need to calm down.

"Yeah, I'm sure black people heard that a LOT in the first half of the 20th century."

WTF? You're comparing a discussion about cinema etiquette with race issues? Mate, you need to think about how degrading that is for people who've suffered racism. It is clearly NOT the same.

While I'm at it: "There's no need to tell your girlfriend why something has happened, she can sit and wait for it to be revealed as well."

Oh, yeah. Because women could never understand anything as complex as a film, right? Can't believe that no-one else has noted the chauvinism in that statement.

Posted by: John at April 26, 2005 09:34 AM

I noticed it but ignored it because it is not the issue here. I am a woman, but I dont think that Richard who made that comment is a chauvinist, let's just say that some women tend to do this when watching a movie, I never did though, so sometimes I'll walk out of the cinema without a clue what I just watched. There, I said it, I am not always bright. LOL

Posted by: Simone at April 26, 2005 09:44 AM

I don't really know Richard, but I agree that he seems like a jolly decent chap. However, there exists an undercurrent of chauvinism/misogyny within movie "fandom" and, when spotted, deserves slapping down.

Posted by: John at April 26, 2005 11:03 AM

What was not calm about my post? I see it didn't come across the way I intended...

What I meant by it was that just because something seems futile, if it's wrong we shouldn't just throw our hands up and say "well, there's no point trying to change it".

Snacks' attitude reflects why people are so bloody rude these days. It's the "it doesn't matter" attitude. So we can all go ahead and be obnoxious pricks out in the world 'cuz hey, that's just how it is, so deal with it, shut up, and stop complaining about it.

Rude and obnoxious: 1
Polite and civilized: 0.


Posted by: Screen Rant at April 26, 2005 11:18 AM

I agree with pretty much all your points Richard. I actually know Richard and we have been to the cinema together numerous times, and observed some of the points he has listed. The most annoying two for me is the kicking of the back seat throughout the film, and people talking in the middle of it, whatever the reason may be.

I would also like to point out that Richard is not sexist in the slightest. I think he was just using the girlfriend thing as an example. And yes I am female.

Posted by: Weezy at April 26, 2005 11:48 AM

Actually I take umbridge at these comments. I have written these through my,and friends, experience at the cinema. The experience has been that this situation occurs with men updating women, we haven't seen the other way round.

Likewise if our experience had been with Buddhists always updating Christians in cinemas, I would have said that, if it was Dogs updating Cats....etc...etc

It's our experiences, and written as mine:

"Okay, those are mine. I've obviously gone to the extremes of my experience, but I thought I would cover everything in one go!"

So I'm not any of these labels you would like to so neatly put on me be them virgin, herb, dead, chauvinist, etc.

So let's get away from the sideshows of labelling, accusations and blatant aggressive behaviour and talk about the etiquette of the cinema.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 26, 2005 12:00 PM

screen rant,

I dont know what you do or how you live, it is still not in any shape or form comparable to blacks in the 20th century. So you should never ever eveveveveve, try to compare behavior in movies to that.

Sure my attitude may be a little ingenious. I have problems with people in movies too, but what can you do? Basically you just have to get used to it. Even when you go to a movie in the suburbs people are still chatting and talking loud. I would advise anyone not to go to a movie in the ghetto, cause folks there is acting crazy. Young blacks just dont know how to act in a movie theatre. But some of the commentary is funny.

Posted by: snacks at April 26, 2005 12:51 PM

Snacks, I have to admit that these days you could be taking your life in your hands by doing something as innocuous as shushing someone in a theater.

I still do it though. :-)


Posted by: Screen Rant at April 26, 2005 02:10 PM

I pretty much stopped going to the cinema due to reasons Richard has outlined (so I'd agree with him on most points). I'd rather rent/buy it on DVD and watch it in peace.

On the issue of mothers taking babies to the cinema - I'm sure I read about selected UK cinemas having a mother/baby matinee every week. Mums can catch up on recent releases and not worry if their baby's crying is going to upset anyone else.

Posted by: DaveM at April 26, 2005 03:00 PM

Want a conversation, go to a bar. Want to watch a film, then do just that. Bottom line is, the minority can spoil it for the majority. If people "get used to it" it becomes socially acceptable and then there's no end. Are we going to go down the same road with something really extreme like drink driving? Make being a nuisance socially unacceptable, and then *everyone* can enjoy the film.

Posted by: sunnydunny at April 26, 2005 03:01 PM

Snacks, you're not big on analogies, are you? ;-)


Posted by: Screen Rant at April 26, 2005 11:44 PM

your a veritable insult machine snacks. sit in the back of the bus? is that a reference to pre-civil rights era black people being forced to sit at the back of the bus? so what are you saying? black people should be discriminated against? and by the way, take two seconds to look up bigwig (its one word) and you'll find that the contemporary meaning doens't have much to do with wigs, but you already knew that didn't you poindexter.

Posted by: bigwig at April 27, 2005 02:52 AM

Oh dear, has anybody actually read Richard's initial post and understood what is was about?

How did it progress into such petti-ness?

As far as I can tell(richard please point out my mistakes, if any), it was to build a FAQ "guideline" in an attempt to improve the movie experience for "all" persons. He also clearly states that these are his experiences, doesn't really expect things to change in cinemas and openly asks for other peoples opinions related to his post.

And i'd imagine it was an attempt to understand what is important to movie goers world wide. I have re-read the initial post a few times to understand why some posters have decided that it was an opportunity to insult individuals and fail to see the connection?

Whats my opinion on the initial post about FAQs for a cinema, whether matinee or otherwise(yes somebody does care, hence the initial post)

1. Policing any of the points will be difficult and its more of a general, but not impossible, cultural issue. As Simone and others have pointed out, different countries have different cultures and experiences will be different. FAQs for each country maybe?

2. Movie producers spend a lot of time and money on sound, adding to it with whatever means is spoiling the experience. Phones, chatting, eating or otherwise...

3. Screen sizes are to large nowdays, more people = more money. But the bigger cinema does encourage football/baseball atmospheres. I prefer smaller screens which give a family/at home style experience. Biggest cinema(which was great for cinema participation(i.e. Evil Kenieval), but not so good for any serious or tense film, Newlands,Cape Town, south africa.

4. Seats are generally awful. Have only ever felt comfortable in one cinema. Pacific Fair, Gold Coast, australia. Worst seat, kingston shopping centre, kingston, london.

5. Cost of a film should be related(no idea how) to the quality of the film. There seems to be a never ending series of rubbish re-hashes and hastily put together films that are truely aweful.

Posted by: Pablo at April 27, 2005 06:07 AM

LOL @ Vic & bigwig

Can I just lighten the tone of this discussion? In one of Seinfeld's stand-up acts, he made a reference to those people who goes to the cinema who are very loud that you cant actually succeed in shushing them, he says, "you know what you call this kind of people? They're the 'unshushables' (obviously referring to the Brian de Palma film) LOL

After reading all your comments, I know who I would like to watch my movies with now as I often go on my own if I want peace and quiet. I'll behave, promise! *winks*

Posted by: Simone at April 27, 2005 06:10 AM

Hey Big Wig,

You want to teach english lessons? LOl, I'm talking to a true computer geek. You know the ones in the movies that tries to take down his opponents by saying he didnt say or spell a word right. You guys know, the roughneck reader. The dictionary thug. The grammar gangsta. Thats what big wig is.

First off I do not care how the words big and wig are supposed to formatted. I chose to use the words in my own way. Your definition of big wig does not match my definition of it. So if you want to have a spelling bee fight. Then Lets go for it pal.

The comment about the back of the bus was just lightly thrown in there for personal amusement purposes. I see that you have taken it way too far. Dont have a panic attack please.

screen rant,
Lol, I guess I am not big on those analogies, but its all good.

I dont know why, but my last post was taken down. Just because you eat vegetables doesnt mean you should discriminate against snacks.

Posted by: snacks at April 27, 2005 04:30 PM

oops sorry about that guys, didnt mean to post it three times

Posted by: snacks at April 27, 2005 04:33 PM

I am so looking forward to how fellow SW geeks will behave in the upcoming EPisode III release, its always a blast to watch out the movies with these ones!

Posted by: Simone at May 5, 2005 01:54 PM

Simone, I think it will be totally silent...you know how long people have been waiting.

It's going to be interesting seeing it with other members of the press on Friday. Empty complex, one screen on, just a handful of people...wooo....

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 11, 2005 03:14 AM

Well, will you stop rubbing it in Mr Brunton? You keep reminding us about our being lesser mortals here. But really, have fun in your press screening, does that mean youre not watching the midnight screening on the 19th?

Yeah, I am expecting the loud shouts of screaming and hooting at the beginning when they show "a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." which is always a thrill when I watch a Star Wars movie in the cinema.

Posted by: Simone at May 11, 2005 04:52 AM

If you feel the need to answer your phone or make a call during a movie i hope you get hit by a car on your way home....and yes i'm serious


Posted by: bryan at May 20, 2005 02:57 AM

LOL @ Bryan!

Posted by: Simone at May 20, 2005 05:12 AM

I just came back from 3 viewings of "Revenge of the Sith" yesterday and mind you, I was thinking of this topic whilst there. Perhaps due to the excitement of waiting the hooting when the adverts came out was forgiveable.

It's a blast watching Star Wars with fellow fans, eerily quiet after the opening crawl, you could easily hear a pin drop! The best crowd remains to be the one I viewed it with in Odeon-LS on opening day. With lightsabers everywhere!

Posted by: Simone at May 20, 2005 06:23 AM