April 14, 2005

Bruce Willis receives French award

BruceWillisHostage.jpgFor a while Bruce Willis was in movie hell, he'd almost disappeared and when you did see him it was as a shadow of his former self. Then he came back and slapped me in the face with Hostage and my recent home viewing of the stupendous Tears of the Sun. He's back, he has projects in the pipeline, and there is fresh desire to see him again.

The French think so too, for as the BBC report, they've just been made an officer in the Order of Arts and Letters, one of France's highest cultural honours. Obviously this has nothing to do with Florent Emilio Siri directing Hostage, but all to do with, in the words of French Culture Minister Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres:

...he symbolised "the power of US cinema" and the "mythical proportions" of its characters.

"Your roles cannot be reduced down to the fight against good and bad which is so popular in the US film industry, even if you have killed lots of villains,"

I loved that last comment. Still, it's a great award from France, and something to be really proud of. Now get on with Die Hard 4.0 will you?

Posted by at April 14, 2005 08:35 AM


I'm am a HUGE fan of Willis congrats

Posted by: Xun_Shin at April 14, 2005 03:16 PM

He was quite quite good in Sin City.

Posted by: Arethusa at April 14, 2005 03:24 PM

John McLane for life.

Posted by: Simone at April 14, 2005 04:30 PM

Hmm I CANNOOTTT wait until 4.0 =)

Posted by: Xun_Shin at April 14, 2005 08:22 PM

I don't understand how you lot forget about the diversity of his skills. Come on people, this guy is/should not be famous only for his action flick Die Hard or Hostage (haven't seen it yet). Looking back into his movies or TV appearances you can see he has participated in different projects (Action, Drama, Comedy, Series..) with good acting (at least better than the average we see lately). He manages to make his character very entertaining even if the actual film sucks. He was enjoyable even in the lovely TV series 'Moonlighting' for god shake.

Anyway, that's my opinion after all.

Posted by: Stamoz at April 15, 2005 12:10 PM