April 05, 2005

Brosnan still to be Bond?

BrosnanBond.jpgOh for lords sake, I'm really trying to hold it together with all this Bond news. The extremely small sceptic within me (that's sarcasm by the way) is thinking this is just a continuing ploy to keep the Bond name in the papers while production is dead.

However, after a pointer from Simone it looks like the above is not far from the truth. They're using the publicity for playing hardball negotiations with Pierece Brosnan. From Ireland Online:

According to internet reports, Sony bosses want Brosnan to return as 007 in the next Bond film Casino Royal, and they're keen for him to star in one more movie after that.

A source tells website Darkhorizons.com: "All the stuff we heard about Brosnan being out is just a ploy from both camps. The negotiations between Brosnan and Eon (Bond production company) came to an end because, in the last year, things were up in the air, thanks to all the organisational changes taking place.

"Brosnan/Eon camps are still going through the motions of bluffing each other: an echo of the old poker game that Cubby Broccoli (former Bond boss) went through with Roger Moore - Moore frequently announced that he wouldn't be back.

Actually this would make a lot of sense, and it's happened before with Moore. Perhaps it is the case that we're going to see Brosnan back and this is just some serious negotiating. Mind you, it could backfire. Looking at opinion on this site I'd say that we are all starting to look at seriously at Clive Owen doing a more than competent job as Bond.

So now, is the question back to Brosnan or Owen? Or is it just a matter of waiting for the announcement of Brosnan being back?

Posted by at April 5, 2005 01:22 PM


There it is! *winks*

I really dont mind Brosnan as Bond, so yes, if the choices left were between Brosnan and Owen, I would have to say BROSNAN!!!

Posted by: Simone at April 5, 2005 01:36 PM

Yeah, Brosnan is one of the better Bonds, my worry would be that we miss out on the possible new Bond of Owen and his take on it. After all, if we wait another two movies and some drawn out man bag comparisons Owen will be too old.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 5, 2005 02:02 PM

Gah. I say they end the Bond franchise. There's only so much more you can do with it.

Posted by: Pudie at April 5, 2005 02:35 PM

Clive Owen is so wooden in everything he does (OK, I haven't seen Closer yet) I can't understand the fascination with him. Jeremy Northam would make a far better Bond - check out his performance in Cypher to see how well he can act as he goes from nerdy American accountant to James Bond -type figure

Posted by: Ian Smith at April 5, 2005 03:37 PM

I don't even know why I continue care and read the Bond posts. I'm done with all this gossip!! =P
Bronson is not my favorite Bond, but he's fine in the role.
Owen would be all right as Bond, but even with all the rumors he doesn't seem remotely interested in playing Bond. This could be a ruse and in time we'll see.
I just friggin want them to make a decision!

Posted by: Meli at April 5, 2005 04:05 PM

Meli, it's Brosnan girl! LOL

Posted by: Simone at April 5, 2005 04:13 PM

I like Pierce...but he let Bond go the way it did....he saw the script for Die Another Day......and he didnt do anything? F him for letting it happen.....start over with a REAL Director that wont be a puppet to EON. But that would never happen......why not just let the producers direct it....they do it anyway.

Posted by: jason at April 5, 2005 04:30 PM

I don't care anymore. The Bond movies only ever hold up for one viewing anyways. Connery will always be Bond to me. They've been running this franchise into the ground for decades.

Posted by: adam at April 5, 2005 08:21 PM

I really don't care who gets it.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna at April 5, 2005 11:01 PM

heh, this whole Bond-show is pretty much a fiasco. When the speculation about next Bond for untitled movie begun, names like Orlando Bloom and Clive Owen made me think "can they be serious". These guys are either good / great actors, or they make very good money without Bond-movies. But now both of those names are in top-list of speculation (although Bloom for younger Bond).

What I can't understand is that why someone like Owen would wanna be next 007? He just got his first Oscar nomination, and there could be lot more coming. His last film Sin City is both financial and critical success. Where does that man needs Bond? Ok, good money but when you once are Bond, it's very hard to get rid of that status. For me, Sean Connery is always gonna be the Bond, and well, couple of years has gone since those days.

Still I think that Owen would be great for that role. Great acting skills (well, not necessary needed in Bond role), big man and most importantly, he has charisma.

Sorry about my english.

Posted by: Jorse at April 6, 2005 02:34 PM