April 11, 2005

Bond decision this week?

007.jpgLook, I swear to you that this is the last post I'll do on Bond before something concrete comes out...and really concrete, not rumour from some UK tabloid.

MI6 have made a bold statement that Rope of Silicon carry to say that the speculation over Bond may be at an end this week. Thank the lord!

They go on to say that all of the movers and shakers in the franchise are in LA to iron out the final creases in the plan that will usher in 007 for Casino Royale. Big decisions are being finalized and news is sure to break soon.

Please, please, please. If there's anything left to say on the topic say it now. Otherwise, let's just finalise it for the record. What's the readers opinion, Owen, McMahon, Brosnan or Craig? I guess there are two questions, who do you wish for, and who do you think will?

Posted by at April 11, 2005 07:50 AM


No idea who's gonna get it but if it were up to me - McMahon all the way!

Posted by: Judge Jonathan at April 11, 2005 08:18 AM

The way they kept dragging this out. I will most like not want to see it. This stuff pisses me off. I tend to turn my back after awhile.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna at April 11, 2005 08:48 AM

I agree. The way the press has exaggerated and dragged this whole thing out is pathetic. I really can't stand any Bond right now, after the last crapfest that was Die Another Day. Btw, I really can't stand the main producers of the movies either, Barbara Brocoli and Michael G. Wilson, I think they're doing a horrible job.

Posted by: Person Mcdude at April 11, 2005 08:58 AM

Owen would be great choise for the role, but I hope we won't be elected. Good actor, and after seeing Sin City and especially Closer, I think he's pretty much too good actor for just being James Bond next 3-7 years. I mean, there's no need for such a good actor, he can be mr. anyone who has enough charisma. Owen can make great career without status of Bond, what ain't good think after you retire / get fired from the role of 007.

Posted by: Jorse at April 11, 2005 09:02 AM

I like Clive Owen too and feel he's too good for this now. Back when he did those BMW "driver" film shorts -- that's around the time when he should have been cast as the next Bond.

Owen is on a roll now and doesn't need this to advance his career. It would probably be a setback ultimately. All this tabloid casting BS has degraded the prestige of the Bond role, and the entire franchise.

Give it to Paul WS Anderson to finally put it out of its misery.

Posted by: Franklin at April 11, 2005 03:24 PM

LOL Rich, I cant atop laughing reading your introduction to this post.

Daniel Craig all the way. *winks*

Posted by: Simone at April 11, 2005 03:26 PM

Personally, I think I favour:


Owen would be mad to blight his career and take this role, especially when it's going so well.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 12, 2005 02:09 AM

Personally, the best Bond is Brosnan. He's the only one I'll watch. I was under the impression, though, that he had one more film in his contract. I heard the title of it a while back, though I'm not sure if it was official.

Posted by: Jason at April 13, 2005 03:11 PM

Brosnan, followed by the one actor who really should be in the running but isn't (Adrian Paul)

Posted by: DarrenJ Seeley at April 13, 2005 06:10 PM

I agree with richard.. Brosnan Owen after that I lose interest, the bond films as of late are getting repetitive and predictable..BUT they still are entertaining.. hopefully they can get the series back to the Goldeneye level.

Posted by: Ray` at April 13, 2005 09:27 PM

Fantastic Ray, someone who still finds them entertaining. I genuinely think they are great entertainment. Not a big thinking movie, but a wash over have fun movie. They do need some serious work to get back to being that level though.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 14, 2005 03:36 AM

Who the hell is Daniel Craig??

Posted by: bullfrog at April 15, 2005 07:19 AM

Julian should be the next Bond- if not, then Jude Law (even though he's not very masculine). None of the others are attractive or sexy enough.

Posted by: lili at April 16, 2005 09:48 PM

julian definately, he has the looks and the moves. He thinks he won't get it because he's too old...please roger moore looked ancient next to julian. A younger guy would sem experienced enough to pull off the bond stunts.

Posted by: lulu at July 5, 2005 05:54 PM

julian definately, he has the looks and the moves. He thinks he won't get it because he's too old...please roger moore looked ancient next to julian. A younger guy wouldn't seem experienced enough to pull off the bond stunts.

Posted by: lulu at July 5, 2005 05:54 PM