April 20, 2005

Batman Begins preview with Smallville final episode

BatmanInternationalPoster.jpgLooks like once again you lucky people over the western side are going to get some nice juicy movie previews before the rest of us. Smallville is set to show an eight minute preview of Batman Begins during its final episode of the season. From Rope of Silicon:

"This is a great night for fans of the two most popular superheroes in the history of American Pop Culture," said David Janollari, President of Entertainment at The WB. "Fans of 'Smallville' will not want to miss this special extended version of what will be the series best-ever season finale...

..."Superman and Batman have always been inextricably linked to each other, so it seems fitting that a show chronicling the Man of Steel's youth give you the first look at the birth of the Dark Knight," said Al Gough, executive producer of "Smallville."...

...May 18 promises to reveal exciting new chapters in the history of these legends, and kick off a summer that fans will never forget."

Looks set to be a good episode indeed. Perhaps the rest of the world will be allowed to view it on the Internet rather than wait for the episode to be bought by our countries networks!

It's interesting that Gough mentions Batman as the Dark Knight, a nice comic reference instead of the poor movie franchise, and talks so strongly about the link. If only the Studios would think like this for the Batman vs Superman story.

Posted by at April 20, 2005 05:28 AM


THAT is going to be crazy. When USA aired the first 10 minutes of the remake Dawn of the Dead it got me to the theater opening day! I think this sets a precident that has positive/negative implications. My first reaction is 'cool - tons of new footage'.

But I realized I love surprises, so I'm glad the reception for WB doesn't come in. I can't be tempted now LOL.

I do sense that this movie is gonna make some crazy-bucks at the B.O. but hopefully Revenge of the Sith will clip that bat's wings.

Sorry, I love the Batman but nothing beats a good Sith vs. Jedi battle - summer can't get here soon enough!

Wow I'm tired. Goodnight.

Posted by: trysop at April 20, 2005 11:53 PM

Isn't there enough to go round? I really want Batman to work and the franchise to keep going but on the dark vein, not on the showbiz and glitter one that it did.

Plus I'd like the new Star Wars to be great and if it is for it to do well.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 21, 2005 07:39 AM

Yes, yes I too hope the Batman relaunch is successful - perhaps we'll again see the day where kids everywhere get the Bat-Symbol shaved into the backs of their heads LOL.

Well of course I hope it does well. It was the end of a bad day yesterday when I wrote that - I hope it does excellent business! : )

Posted by: trysop at April 21, 2005 01:39 PM

i think it's a great marketing move to show the trailers during smallville. you know what's the most exciting for me? the build up, the anticipation, the speculation of movies... even if i don't see the movie opening night (which is very seldom, because of kids) and wait for the dvd. i'm always more excited before the movie and not during... kinda like my birthdays.

Posted by: Movie Props at April 21, 2005 02:12 PM