April 19, 2005

Basic Instinct 2 gains actors!

BasicInstinct.jpgInterestingly, despite less than lukewarm reception from you all about the new Basic Instinct (Basic Instinct: Risk Addiction, and let's face it we think it will stink. Hold on though, there's new in today from Reuters through Yahoo of two new signings, and they aren't small.

Charlotte Rampling and David Thewlis are joining Sharon Stone in "Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction," a sequel of the film that put Stone on the map in 1992.

Eh? Two big names, I mean David Thewlis is straight out of Kingdom of Heaven and is known for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, not someone to throw themselves at a B movie for...oh...no, that's not true judging by his history. The Island of Dr. Moreau anyone?

Posted by at April 19, 2005 06:27 AM



But you know I saw this movie this year called last year called er, 'Basic Instinct'. Okay now. Bill's quick capsule review: Piece-of-Shit. Okay now. Yeah, yeah, end of story by the way. Don't get caught up in that fevered hype phoney fucking debate about that Piece-of-Shit movie. "Is it too sexist, and what about the movies, are they becoming too dddddddd." You're, you're just confused, you don't get, you've forgotten how to judge correctly. Take a deep breath huuh, look at it again. "Oh it's a Piece-of-Shit!" Exactly, that's all it is. Satan squatted, let out a loaf, they put a fucking title on it, put it on a marquee, Satan's shit, piece of shit, walk away. "But is it too, what about the lesbian connot.. ddddd." You're, you're getting really baffled here. Piece-of-Shit! Now walk away. That's all it is, it's nothing more! Free yourself folks, if you see it, Piece-of-Shit, say it and walk away. You're right! You're right! Not those fuckers who want to tell you how to think! You're fucking right! Sorry wrong meeting again. I keep getting my days mixed up. tomorrow, it's the meeting at the docks. Tonight it's comedy entertainment with young Bill. Horrible film. And then I come to find out after that film. that all the lesbian sex scenes, let me repeat that, all the lesbian sex scenes were cut out of that film, because the test audience was turned off by them. Ha. Boy, is my thumb not on the pulse of America.

Posted by: Herby at April 19, 2005 06:51 AM

This is a movie that is only getting made because of the Title: People will do some name recognition and maybe pay to go again but Stone dosent have the star power and never showed that she could pick great scripts....what is the collective gross of her films.....$250,000,000? Over a 15 year career and 20 some films....I could do better. Sorry...this is gonna sink her career totally.

Posted by: jason at April 19, 2005 08:16 AM