April 15, 2005

Amityville Horror Reviews take a U-turn

Yeah... remember a couple of days ago I posted about how the the early reviews for the Amityville Horror were looking good? Well, scratch that. in 48 hours a whole slew of new reviews have been going up and the majority of them are quite negative.

One of the most scathing of these new reviews comes from The Globe and Mail which writes:

Of course, A Horrible Movie shouldn't necessarily be confused with A Horror Movie, although the two genres do frequently overlap.

Cut to a year later. George and Kathy Lutz (portrayed with appropriately forgettable zeal by some duo named Ryan Reynolds and Melissa George) are in the market for a fixer-upper to accommodate them and their three youngsters. Naturally, the house is going for a song, what with its now being haunted and all, not to mention in apparent need of a good hose-down. Although the honest realtor (oxymoron be damned) discloses the sordid history of the place, George is undeterred. His comment — "Houses don't kill people; people kill people" — tells us immediately that he is: (1) A member in good standing of the NRA, and (2) Not much of a moviegoer.

They gave it 0 stars out of 5. Yipes! There have been a few positive ones as well... but the majority are not looking good. Oh well... I'm still on my way to see it tonight, and I'll still tell you tomorrow what I thought of it. Wish me luck.

Posted by John Campea at April 15, 2005 07:14 AM


I wasn't surprised at all with the bad reviews. If Michael Bay is involved in a project, it's most likely going to suck.

See Bad Boys II and Pearl Harbor if you disagree.

Posted by: Jose at April 15, 2005 08:55 AM

I saw this trailer, along with quite a few others ones for horror movies, attached to "Sin City" and I have to say none of them impressed me. Not House of Wax, Amityville Horror, errr that thing with Kate...Kate...Goldie Hawn's daughter.

Kung Fu Hustle looked pretty darn good though, same goes for Domino (which isn't opening till August!!).

Posted by: Arethusa at April 15, 2005 02:18 PM

If you ask me the blurg of this review sounds right off that the guy doesn't like horror movies or the genre anyway. It always kills me when people who don't like a genre of movie watch it and then slam it. He might not be this type of critic, but I'm of the opinion many are.

I would also like to say this....the line "Houses don't kill people, people kill people." Cheesy yes, and it kind of makes me a little sad because that is a line from the original movie only the last half was added. Tell me - is it really neccessiary to update a line such as that? No. Lame. I'm still going to see the movie this weekend - either tonight or tomorrow...I have moderate expectations, so we'll see how it goes.

Posted by: Meli at April 16, 2005 11:32 AM

I'll wait till you guys have seen it before I dare watch it!

Posted by: Simone at April 16, 2005 06:13 PM

Saw it last night. The movie was totally scarey with images of things you would NEVER want to see. I thought the actors did a fine job as well. People just like to complain these days. I thought it was a cool scarey movies with images of ghost that rival the 6th sense.

Posted by: overlook hotel at April 17, 2005 12:01 PM

To the person that talked about the "house's don't kill people, people kill people." I just got out of the movie and they absolutely said the whole line. Sorry but your mistaken

Posted by: Amanda at April 17, 2005 07:50 PM

Hey Amanda, I think what Meli meant was that, the original line was just "Houses dont kill people" and that this remake added the "people kill people" to the whole statement.

Posted by: Simone at April 17, 2005 07:54 PM

Hey Simone who gives a F**K!!

Posted by: Dave at April 22, 2005 03:16 PM

LOL @ Dave.

Yeah I think youre right.

Posted by: Simone at April 22, 2005 03:25 PM

I haven't seen the original movie, but this one freaked me out. I love scary movies, and it usually takes a lot to get to me. I make fun of most horror flicks.
Amityville Horror is different. I covered my eyes at times, and I was relieved when the credits rolled.

Posted by: Kelly at April 22, 2005 03:39 PM

I have not seen the film yet but I have seen the original countless times. Along with the Exorcist, it is one of the only movies to ever really scare me. I am hoping that this remake sticks to the original story even more so than the first movie. The story doesn't need to be enhanced with fancy imagery, the murders and reported paranormal activity make it scary.

Posted by: Steve at April 23, 2005 05:34 PM

This was hands down the scariest movie I have ever seen in my life. I had my eyes covered a few times and I never heard my girlfriend scream that much during a movie. We were so freaked out that when we came home we slept with the lights on and we where shaken up till the next day. Good acting and good special effects. Dont be so critical people!! two thumbs up!!!

Posted by: Mario at April 24, 2005 07:08 PM